I have a number of Gospel artists selected as "stations" and for the past two days I have been listening to the Kim Burrell station. That station plays a lot of what I'm used to and has introduced me to some amazing NEW songs. Not that they've JUST come out, but that I've just never heard before.
One that I have absolutely fallen in love with is "I've Got A Reason" by Dorinda Clark Cole. That song will pull you out of a "pity party" quick, fast, and in a hurry. Love, love, love that song!
Then I heard one by someone named Anaysha. Her song was called "Holy One". As I listened I became so uncomfortable. She kept promising to never let God down, and kept asking Him to give her

I mean REALLY!
I know that as Christians we are to strive to be the best that we can be for God, and to honor God. Yet at that same time, I (I'll just speak for myself) fall DAILY.
I wake up with good intentions, and ask Him every morning to lead me, guide me, and direct me in the way that I should go. EVERY DAY this is my prayer. And EVERY DAY I seem to veer off course.
Sometimes I end up in situations that I just didn't see coming. Other times, I willingly walk right into them. As a result, I have learned to not make promises to God that I know I can't or won't keep. I just don't do it.
Now I'm sure that there are some "perfect" Christians who "hit the mark" OCCASIONALLY, but this here Christian MISSES it, far more often than I HIT it. To that, I simply thank God for His forgiveness that comes by way of the shed blood of Christ on the cross...and I start all over again each day. Some days He's more pleased with me than others...this I am sure of.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you made a promise to God...and did you keep it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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