My goodness! I've got some catching up to do. So, let's get started.
How've I been? Where've I been? What've I been up to? Well...I'm glad you asked.
Fasten your seat belts 'cause we're about to go for a lil ride.
For as long as I can remember, I've always felt drawn to the enchanting city of New Orleans. It was one of those things that I couldn't quite put my finger on...I just knew that I had to get there.
Many people have suggested that I go during Mardi Gras because it's "so much fun." From what I know about Mardi Gras, it's also VERY CROWDED. One thing I don't do well in is a CROWD. So I knew that as fun as Mardi Gras may be for most folks, for me...that just wouldn't have been the best time.
Then there's the Essence Festival in July. That too had been suggested as a great time to go because of all the great R&B artists who perform. As usual though, being the oddball that I am...I knew that would also not be a good time, and not just for one reason, but two. (A) That's a very crowded time to go also, and (B) it's
HOT in July. I'm not talking "California hot," which I'm used to; but "Southern
humid hot" that I absolutely DO NOT do well in.
So...I chose January.
Left for New Orleans early last Thursday morning, and got back home late Sunday night.
All I can say is,
"Oh what a time!"
I went by myself (have gotten a few side-eyes about that) and planned my days as I would have them.
As I posted on Facebook, I went to New Orleans with THREE things on my "To Do List":
**Listen to LOTS of music
***Get to know the enchanting city up close and personal
I can truly say that I did all three.
Now I'll cover those three one-by-one.
We'll start with
EAT, and as I type I will TRY not to drool on the keyboard as I remember all of the tasty meals I enjoyed during my stay.
My first meal was at DEANIE'S SEAFOOD. I arrived HUNGRY and READY for some "knock-your-socks-off" cuisine. I was NOT disappointed.
Unlike most restaurants that serve bread before the meal, Deanie's serves crab-boiled potatoes, which are pretty much potatoes that are cooked in the same seasoned water that the crabs are boiled in. The result is a nice flavorful, slightly spicy potato. I inhaled that.
Then came my order. Stuffed crab. *Oops, I think I just drooled a little.*
This was crabmeat that had been seasoned, mixed with breadcrumbs, and then place back into the crab shell and baked. The result was DEE-LICIOUS!
After dinner I headed over for some dessert. If you're familiar with New Orleans then you can probably guess where I went. If you're not, I'll gladly tell you.
I walked to
Cafe du Monde for some nice, fresh
beignets. For those who have never had a beignet, I would describe them as a fritter-like pastry,, powdered sugar. VERY tasty.
I made a mistake though that I don't want anyone else to make. The hour was getting late, I had no idea how to get back to my hotel, and it was dark. So...I sat down, ate TWO bites of my three beignets (you have to order them in threes), and took the rest "to-go." Bad move.
Although the two bites I took at the cafe were great, once I got to my hotel (after walking aimlessly for an hour because I was lost) they just weren't the same. Maybe if I could have heated them up they would have been better, but bueno. Ya gotta eat them AT the cafe.
After being lost and walking for what seemed like an eternity, I arrived at my hotel and called it a night.
Now I could, and I mean REALLY could just write about ALL of my dining experiences in New Orleans and that would be plenty...but I won't. I will write about ONE more though, and then I'll move on the the rest of what had me enamored with this great city.
On day two I woke up hungry and ready for more deliciousness. I knew exactly what I wanted and had spotted a restaurant menu the night before, so I knew exactly where I was headed as well.
I left my hotel and walked over to
Bourbon House where I had the most AMAZING
Shrimp and Grits I'd ever tasted. Even better than the ones at The Midnight Diner in Charlotte, NC...and theirs are GOOD!
The service at Bourbon House was EXCELLENT and the Shrimp and Grits were even better than that.
Mmm Mmm Good! If you like Shrimp and Grits, then you MUST try theirs, you simply MUST!
Ok...that's enough about food, although I ate plenty more while I was there.
Let's talk about the
Oh Em Gee!!!
Music was EVERYWHERE, and I loved it!
No matter WHAT style of music was being played on the various street corners, it ALL sounded AMAZING! Whether it was Jazz, or Blues, or Folk...none of that mattered. The voices were impeccable, as well the playing of instruments. I wanted to buy EVERYTHING I heard. I didn't though. I limited myself to two CDs.
When I wasn't standing on a sidewalk listening to music, I was in one of the bars on Frenchmen listening. Unlike most folks who bar-hop, I was solely there for music and never ordered anything more than a Sprite. It was awesome! I was in "music-lover's heaven" during my entire trip.
On Friday I went on a "Taste of Nawlins" food tour, which was great; and on Saturday I went on a tour of the city. That was cool!
One of the stops on the trip was the St. Louis Cemetery #3. I would've never guessed that a cemetery would be part of any city's tour, yet I found this stop to be the most fascinating. To see the monumental above ground mausoleums, tombs & gravestones was absolutely FASCINATING.
We rode by Lake Pontchartrain, which was the first lake I'd ever seen. It was HUGE, and I really wished that we could've stopped and gotten out so that I could get a pic, but we had to keep it rollin.' No worries...I'll just take a pic the next time I go (YES, there WILL be a "next time).
Gosh, what else was there?
Well there was the Hurricane that I got from Mango Mango Daquiris. It was sooo good, I really wanted another. But because I was walking, I didn't wanna get disoriented and not be able to find my way back to the hotel. So one was plenty.
Ah yes...the
streetcars...which in my neck of the woods, are called trolleys. But oh it a trolley out there and you are sure to get the side-eye. So I was very careful to call them what they were as I rode the St. Charles line and the Canal Street line. Canal street was pretty much "ground zero" for me. No matter where I went, I always started on Canal street. That also served me well during the
many times that I'd gotten lost. As long as I could make my way back to Canal street, I knew how to get "home."
The hospitality was refreshing. I was "Ma'am" or "Behbeh" EVERYWHERE I went. And I don't think that's because I was a visitor. I think it's just good ol' "
southern hospitality" at work. I wonder why "the west" lost it? I mean, I don't expect to hear "Behbeh" here, but "Ma'am" would be nice coming from the youngsters. My children are all older now -- two are adults and one is almost an adult. Although they've been brought up to say "please" and "thank you", I'm not sure that "Ma'am" and "Sir" were ever part of their etiquette because it was never part of mine. It's not too late though. Not for them, or for me. We can all do better, from this point forward.
I've had mixed reactions from folks who find out that I traveled alone. Some think I'm brave. Other's think I'm a wee bit nuts -- going to a place I've never been, with no friends or family there, ALONE. I dunno. I guess that's just one of the things that I've grown comfortable with since so much of my life has been lived alone, and for all I know, the rest may continue to be lived that way as well. Yes, a companion would be nice to travel with -- especially one in the form of a HUSBAND, but I don't know when or if that day will ever come. What I do know is that I have to live THIS life to the fullest,
WHILE I CAN. And if that means traveling alone so that I can explore this great planet that we live on, then off I, myself and I.
I don't wanna to get old and have a life full of "coulda, woulda, shouldas." No. I wanna be able to say that I lived, and enjoyed life...period.
For anyone who's never been to New Orleans, I would encourage you to
Laissez les bon temps roulez!
There's a magic there that can't adequately be described in words. It's truly a place that you have to experience for yourself. Watch the flow of the Mississippi River. Heck, stick your finger in it if you want to. From the place were I stood, that was completely possible. That surprised me greatly. No barrier. No gate. No fence. Just a few steps that lead right into the river. CRAZY, but pretty cool at the same time.
There's a bit more that I wanna write about, but those will make for separate posts all on their own.
For now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Is there a place on your travel "bucket list?" If so, where?
Talk to me!
Til next time...