I could talk with her for hours. Play in her curly hair for hours. Read to her for hours. And time always managed to simply FLY by.
Although we didn't live very far from my grandparents, spending time in their home was always like a vacation for me.
We lived in Carson. They lived in Inglewood. Yet the two cities seemed worlds away.
Each year, as soon as the last day of school would finish, I would pack my bags and head over to "Grammy and Paw Paws."
My grandparents always had a dog, and although I am allergic, I would spend entire days in the backyard playing and teaching the dog tricks. As a result, my nights were filled with lots of sneezing, along with itchy eyes and throat. In spite of all that, I'd be right back out in that yard the next day.
To this day I am the same way. I absolutely LOVE dogs but if you've got one and I come over to visit, you can be guaranteed that I'm gonna pet it and make a new friend. I just can't resist.
When I wasn't teaching my grandparent's dog tricks, I was in the backyard picking apples for my Grammy to bake a pie. My goodness, her pies were DELICIOUS! Thankfully, I can say that I have the recipe. It was in the recipe book that she received on her wedding day back in 1940-something. Maybe '44 or '46. I'd have to dig it out to be sure.
Anyway...the pie was AMAZING.

I still remember how she and I would sit and enjoy a slice together. I would eat the crust and juice from MY piece; she would eat the baked apples from HER piece. Then we'd SWITCH PLATES. I'd eat HER crust and juice; she'd eat MY apples. We were the PERFECT pie-eating team!
I was reminded of my Grammy today when I tried an Opal Apple for the first time. I know a few folks who rave about them, so I thought I'd give one a try.
Between Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala and Macintosh apples, Galas are my favorite.
The opal was good too though. Something about it reminded me of a pear. Maybe it was the feel and taste of the skin. Not 100% sure. But I liked the fact that it was crisp, not mushy -- and sweet, not bitter.
Would I try one again? Sure. Not sure that I'd buy anymore but if someone offered one to me, I would accept.
For now though, I think I'll stick with my Galas.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: You probably guessed this one -- What's YOUR favorite type of apple? And have you ever tried Opal?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I'm a Granny Smith Apple girl. I like the tartness!
ReplyDeleteI've heard that those are good in pies. By themselves though...too tart for me.