Yesterday I decided to tune in to the FINAL season of American Idol.
I used to LOVE the show back in the earlier seasons, and I especially loved the auditions because some of the contestants were absolutely HILARIOUS.
Then they stopped being funny, and folks seemed to just be "getting through." Not because they were talented or funny, but "just because." For that reason, I tuned out.
But after last night and this evening I'm hearing a whole lotta folks who are quite talented. I think that's great considering that this show is about TALENT.
What I don't like though are the sad stories that practially EVERY contestant seems to have.
Now, depending on how well you know me, you may say that my next statement is "heartless." I'm gonna say it anyway and just pray that those who really know me, know that heartless is the LAST adjective that anyone can EVER use to describe ME.
So, with that said...when it comes to reality talent shows/challenges, I really wish the contestants would just come out and show us what they got. Period. There's no need for the sad "back story." Yet it seems that they ALL have a sad "back story." Let them share their story AFTER they've "made it, but not BEFORE.
Of course, the sadder the story, the more folks are gonna want that person to get through, whether they are talented or not. I don't think that's right. Just because a person hasn't gone through hard times doesn't mean that their chance for success should be lessened. If the sad stories were omitted then everyone would be auditioning on an even playing field.
That's all I've got for tonight.
Time to Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is your FAVORITE reality show?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Right now, my fav reality show,is Married at First sight. This season is already a hotmess!