Three years ago today, I walked into a barber shop, hopped in the chair, showed the barber a picture of Solange Knowles with a VERY short hair cut, and said, "That's what I want."
The barber looked at the picture, then at me...with hair past my shoulders, and said, "Are you sure?"
I said, "Yep."
"Alright then. Let's do this."
I still remember the faces of the other men in the shop. They sat in wonderment waiting to see what was about to happen to my flowing head of hair. After the first buzz...they knew EXACTLY what was about to go down.
If there had been any second thoughts, they all went out the window after that first buzz. There was NO turning back. I wasn't sure what to make of the barber's excitement. It almost felt a bit uncomfortable...kinda awkward.
Once he was finished he handed me the mirror and I sat in awe at the fact that my hair was now about a quarter of an inch long...if even that. I LOVED IT!
It was as though I were starting all over again.
I had to learn how to care for my new short cut. As time progressed, I had to learn how to care for it during the "transitional" phases. And ohhh...there were MANY transitional phases.
By the time March 1, 2014 rolled around, I was HATING my hair. It was four different textures, and the patch in the middle of my head was noticeably shorter than the rest of my hair. I couldn't understand what was happening.
My hair was pretty decent BEFORE I'd cut it all off. But the way it grew back was TERRIBLE. My fellow "naturalistas" suggested product after product to try. NOTHING WORKED.
Finally, July 1st rolled around and I couldn't take it anymore. I went to a local salon and asked the stylist to cut my hair down to its healthiest length. She did, and I walked out with my hair about an inch long.
After that I continued to try various hair products in the search for what would work with MY hair.
A couple years later, I have now discovered that my hair LOVES the Cantu line of products, and just this morning (Yes, I'm still trying stuff out), I learned that my hair also loves COCONUT OIL. Who knew?!?
After months of hating my hair, I am now at a point where I absolutely LOVE it. I love the versatility most of all. I can "wash and go" and love it, or get it pressed at the salon, and love it. Either way I wear it works for me.
So for all the women out there who are considering the "big chop," I would say, "DO IT!" Just know that there will be many phases and transitions during the "growing back" process...some you'll love, and others...not so much.
In case you were wondering...that's the back of my head in the pic, taken on 3/1/13.
Now, let the DIALOGUE begin: What is YOUR favorite hair care product?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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