Today is Good Friday and for ME, it's doubly good.
Today is my son's 18th birthday and it is an absolute blessing to be his mom. Yeah, he's made me sprout a few more grey hairs than I'd like to have, but...I imagine that comes with the territory of parenting a male teenager.
On a global scale, to day is "Good Friday" because it's the day that Christians remember Christ's ULTIMATE sacrifice for us. On that day some two thousand plus years ago, He was pierced in His side, had nails hammered into His hands and feet...had a crown of thorns jammed onto His head...and much much more. And he felt ALL OF THE PAIN...ALL OF IT! He endured pain that I simply can not imagine. And He did it for ME...as unworthy as I am...yet He loved me enough, and deemed me to be worthy enough, that He would die FOR ME.
Just thinking about that, brings me to tears. Especially at a time when I'm not feeling very "worthy" to certain folks. Christ's death on the cross, ASSURES ME that I am.
Something about today made me think back to when I first accepted Christ, and as a young girl of only ten years old, I asked Him to "come into my heart."
I began attending church at a very young age with my grandparents, as members of Trinity Baptist Church in Los Angeles.
I still remember how we would stop by the little store next door (not even sure if it's there anymore), and I would be allowed to either get a roll of Life Savers or a box of Luden's Wild Cherry Cough Drops (which were really just cherry flavored CANDY). I think I'd go through an entire box of those through service. Awful...I know.
As the years went by, the Lord began moving upon my heart in the way that He sees best suited for a child.
I remember going to a play, I think it was called "The Great White Throne Judgement," and something in that play made me want to know God. I wanted Him to LOVE me, and I wanted to be with Him in heaven one day. That's a whole lot to process for a ten year old child, but I knew that those things were what I wanted.
Then one day I heard a song on the radio. That song spoke to my heart like no other song ever had before. I listened to it, and my heart was ready. Ready to tell folks that I loved Jesus and wanted to be baptized.
And so it was.
On that first Sunday in January, 1979...I was BAPTIZED, as an outward showing of my inward faith in Christ.
So much has changed since that day.
I wish I could say that I have lived a life that reflects my decision so many decades ago, but the truth of the matter is...I haven't. I know that none of us are perfect, nor will we ever be...yet some of us have strayed further off the "Christian path" than others. I am one of the "some."
That's a huge part of what makes "Good Friday" so important.
On my own, and with the life I've led...there simply would not be a chance for me to see heaven. My life has been one that, without Christ, would have me heading straight to hell after this life is over.
Oh, but the blood. The precious blood of Jesus.
Because of Him, I have been redeemed...bought for a price that I could NEVER afford to pay.
Because of the blood that Christ shed for me...when I close my eyes for that last time in this life...I will open them in the presence of God in the next...for ALL ETERNITY. And THAT is worthy of a HALLELUJAH!!!
Now I would be remiss if I failed to say that Christ's death on the cross was not the end of the story. Yes, it is mind-blowing to think about the fact that He loved me (and YOU) enough to endure the agonizing pain that He did...even unto death. But what makes me lift my hands in worship and open my mouth with praise, is the fact that His death on that cross was not THE END. Nope. Not in the least.
Three days later...early one Sunday morning, He rose...with all power in His hands. He walked amongst the people and proved to them that He was who He told them he was before His crucifixion. You see...I don't serve and worship a DEAD Savior. I serve and worship a Savior who LIVES. That fact gives me more comfort than most folks can imagine.
I could go on and on about how THANKFUL I am, and how GRATEFUL I am...but we'd be here all day, and then some. The beauty though, is that God knows, and He is all who matters.
So...I'll leave you with the song that moved me to accept Christ, and still moves me every time I hear it. I wish I could say that it was a powerful sermon that grabbed me, but MUSIC has always spoken to my soul when words could not. So it's no surprise that God chose MUSIC to be the path which ultimately led me to Him. I'm not sure that this song has EVER been played or sung in a church, and I don't care. God, in His OMNIPOTENCE can make ANYTHING and EVERYTHING work for His good. So even though this was a song sung by a "secular" group, it still gives God His glory...and brought THIS soul to Christ.
Enjoy...and remember...Jesus is LOVE.
After the song, let the DIALOGUE begin: How were YOU led to Christ? Through song, a sermonic message, missionary work? Or something else?
Talk to me, and more importantly...talk to God!
Til next time...
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