So tonight I'm kinda sleepy...VERY sleepy actually, and my mind is a bit too tired to think of anything to write about. Sooo, I have reverted to my trusty little book, "642 Things To Write About". Thank God for this book and my best friend Judy who gave it to me on my birthday last year.
The topic for today: Write a list of things to do before you die.
So here they are, in no particular order. I will only list seven because, well...if you know anything about me you know that I do most things in multiple of sevens. And now I shall begin.
1. Get married
2. Buy a house
3. Go to Africa
4. Write a book
5. Create a literacy program for inner city youth
6. Sing in a theatrical production
7. Become independently wealthy/financially independent so that I can volunteer and serve others in need EVERYDAY.
There you have 'em...MY seven.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What seven things do YOU want to do before you die?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Happy Birth-da-Versary to ME!!! is a VERY special day for me!
Five years ago, on January 29, 2009 I got some news that shook me to my core.
A few days prior I had go to my optometrist for my annual visit. She dilated my eyes, said a few, "hmmms" and then said, "I'm going to have you see a RETINA specialist because you have some "interesting" things going on with your eyes.
Okay. Fine. So I made an appointment and I went.
It was THE WORST DOCTOR'S VISIT I'VE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!!!I would rather go to the Dentist AND the Gynecologist IN THE SAME DAY, than go to the RETINA specialist!
I get there and as I'm waiting to seep the specialist I notice that EVERYBODY in the room is over 60...EVERYBODY! And then there was me. PROBLEM.
Then, I get called in to have my eyes dilated and am instructed to go sit in this very dark room...again, with a bunch of folks WELL OVER 60! PROBLEM.
As I'm waiting, I notice that many of them have been accompanied by someone else. Why? BECAUSE THEY CAN'T (or can barely) SEE! PROBLEM.
Finally, after who knows how long, I get called into a room where over 50 pictures are taken of my eyes/retinas. I hated it! BRIGHT Lights were shined RIGHT INTO MY EYES and then click, after click after click...
This went on for what seemed like FOREVER and I'm pretty sure that at some point I begged the guy to STOP. Finally...he did. I wanted to cry.
I waited some more and it was finally time for me to see the specialist. He had already reviewed the images of my eyes so when he walked in the room, I don't even think he greeted me...his first words were, "Is there a history of BLINDNESS in your family?"
I told him no.
He then proceeded to show and tell me ALL of the things that are wrong with my eyes and then it's a wonder that I can still see. As if the images weren't bad enough, he whipped out a drawing of an eye and then started marking AGAIN all of the problem areas with mine, followed by, "1 in 10,000 people are at risk for losing their vision...YOU are a 1 in 100 risk".
Well alrighty then!
I asked him what could be done. His reply, "nothing".
He was the worst! No encouraging words. No hope. No help. He basically told me that I SHOULD be BLIND already, and since I wasn't yet...eventually I WOULD be. Then sent me on my merry way.
I left that office more depressed than I had ever been in my entire life. I came home and CRIED. And CRIED. And CRIED. My kids wanted to know what was wrong and I told them. We prayed together and then...we CRIED together.
I fell into a major depression and didn't go to work for a week. I couldn't function. I had to figure out how I was supposed to live my life without EYESIGHT.
But God...
After a week of depression, I pulled myself together and went heavy into prayer mode. First I prayed for God to not let it happen. I asked Him to let me keep my eyesight. I prayed this prayer for a while. Then, my faith shifted to that of Shadrach, >Meshach and Abednego (if you don't know who they are, just open your Bible...they're in there). And my prayer became, "LORD, I know that You are able, yet I accept Your will for me, whatever that may be." And with that prayer, came PEACE.
So here I am, FIVE YEARS LATER and praise be to God, I CAN STILL SEE!!!
Yes, I've had a few scares within the past 5 years. Yes, I've received more bad news about my eyes. Yes, I wear sunglasses (OVER my regular glasses because I can no longer wear contacts) that you typically only find octogenarians wearing...but I CAN SEE! And right now, that's all that matters.
So for those who wonder why I take so many pictures...why I see the beauty in something as menial as a snail slithering by after the rain, and every other little thing that most folks could care less about...well, now you know why. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to see those things, so I soak it ALL in....ALL of it.
No you know my story. So next time January 29th rolls around, feel free to wish me Happy Birth-da-Versary to ME!I call it my Birth-da-Versary because it's the day that life started over for me. The day that I decided to start living life to its fullest while appreciating all that is around me.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What would YOU do if you were faced with life-changing medical news?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Five years ago, on January 29, 2009 I got some news that shook me to my core.
A few days prior I had go to my optometrist for my annual visit. She dilated my eyes, said a few, "hmmms" and then said, "I'm going to have you see a RETINA specialist because you have some "interesting" things going on with your eyes.
Okay. Fine. So I made an appointment and I went.
It was THE WORST DOCTOR'S VISIT I'VE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!!!I would rather go to the Dentist AND the Gynecologist IN THE SAME DAY, than go to the RETINA specialist!
I get there and as I'm waiting to seep the specialist I notice that EVERYBODY in the room is over 60...EVERYBODY! And then there was me. PROBLEM.
Then, I get called in to have my eyes dilated and am instructed to go sit in this very dark room...again, with a bunch of folks WELL OVER 60! PROBLEM.
As I'm waiting, I notice that many of them have been accompanied by someone else. Why? BECAUSE THEY CAN'T (or can barely) SEE! PROBLEM.
Finally, after who knows how long, I get called into a room where over 50 pictures are taken of my eyes/retinas. I hated it! BRIGHT Lights were shined RIGHT INTO MY EYES and then click, after click after click...
This went on for what seemed like FOREVER and I'm pretty sure that at some point I begged the guy to STOP. Finally...he did. I wanted to cry.
I waited some more and it was finally time for me to see the specialist. He had already reviewed the images of my eyes so when he walked in the room, I don't even think he greeted me...his first words were, "Is there a history of BLINDNESS in your family?"
I told him no.
He then proceeded to show and tell me ALL of the things that are wrong with my eyes and then it's a wonder that I can still see. As if the images weren't bad enough, he whipped out a drawing of an eye and then started marking AGAIN all of the problem areas with mine, followed by, "1 in 10,000 people are at risk for losing their vision...YOU are a 1 in 100 risk".
Well alrighty then!
I asked him what could be done. His reply, "nothing".
He was the worst! No encouraging words. No hope. No help. He basically told me that I SHOULD be BLIND already, and since I wasn't yet...eventually I WOULD be. Then sent me on my merry way.
I left that office more depressed than I had ever been in my entire life. I came home and CRIED. And CRIED. And CRIED. My kids wanted to know what was wrong and I told them. We prayed together and then...we CRIED together.
I fell into a major depression and didn't go to work for a week. I couldn't function. I had to figure out how I was supposed to live my life without EYESIGHT.
But God...
After a week of depression, I pulled myself together and went heavy into prayer mode. First I prayed for God to not let it happen. I asked Him to let me keep my eyesight. I prayed this prayer for a while. Then, my faith shifted to that of Shadrach, >Meshach and Abednego (if you don't know who they are, just open your Bible...they're in there). And my prayer became, "LORD, I know that You are able, yet I accept Your will for me, whatever that may be." And with that prayer, came PEACE.
So here I am, FIVE YEARS LATER and praise be to God, I CAN STILL SEE!!!
Yes, I've had a few scares within the past 5 years. Yes, I've received more bad news about my eyes. Yes, I wear sunglasses (OVER my regular glasses because I can no longer wear contacts) that you typically only find octogenarians wearing...but I CAN SEE! And right now, that's all that matters.
So for those who wonder why I take so many pictures...why I see the beauty in something as menial as a snail slithering by after the rain, and every other little thing that most folks could care less about...well, now you know why. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to see those things, so I soak it ALL in....ALL of it.
No you know my story. So next time January 29th rolls around, feel free to wish me Happy Birth-da-Versary to ME!I call it my Birth-da-Versary because it's the day that life started over for me. The day that I decided to start living life to its fullest while appreciating all that is around me.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What would YOU do if you were faced with life-changing medical news?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Registration is now OPEN!
So today was pretty exciting for me.
Those who know me know that I joined a running group (Black Girls RUN!) almost 2 years ago. This group changed my life by getting me OFF of the couch and ONTO the pavement. Before BGR! I never ran, jogged, walked...NOTHIN'. Well, all that changed VERY quickly.
In addition to the weekly runs that we do in our local neighborhoods, we also do group races together. At this moment I couldn't tell you how many I've done because I'm tired and don't feel like checking. What I CAN tell you is that there've been more than ten.
Anwyay...My goal THIS year was to do 14 races in 2014. I just did my first one last Saturday. Only 13 more to go...or so I thought.
Now anyone who participates in running races, 5K, 10K, Half (13.1 miles), Marathon (26.2 miles) knows that the fees to enter these races can get pretty hefty. So, I was trying to limit mine to races that were only $35.00 or less to enter. That was until...DISNEY!
This morning registration opened up for the Disney races. My plan this year was to participate in different races than I've done before. I hadn't done Disney yet and usually by the time I decide, registration is CLOSED. Not this time. This time I got it and I registered for the 10K. Paid a pretty penny for it too.
Occasionally we can find a discount code for a race...not with Disney. With these races, you pay FULL price. So yeah...there you have it. This one race registration has now taken the place of 3 or 4 other races that I would've done this year. Oh well. What's done is done, and now I begin training so that I can get my pace to a level that will NOT have "the bus" scooping me up. I would be sooo embarrassed if "the bus" had to pick me up because my pace is too slow to finish in the allotted time.
In all of the excitement I also learned an interesting lesson.
Disney is able to charge FULL price for a race BECAUSE THEY CAN, and because they know that the demand is high...people WANT to do a Disney race. We wait by our computers for registration to open as if we were waiting for the hottest concert tickets to go on sale. With demand like that there's no need to offer a discount. Disney is WANTED.
I realized that this is how single women anticipating "Mr. Right" should view ourselves. We are WANTED, so there's no need to EVER have to "offer a discount", as in...lower our standards or our values.
When the man who is WORTHY of being with us comes along, he will see our VALUE and do whatever it takes to be with us. It's as simple as that. But as long as we "offer discounts", lower our standards and will offer a discounted version of themselves.
I can't speak for all of my single female friends but I can and WILL speak for myself and say that I don't want a discounted version of ANY man.
And I'm not speaking in terms of financial status. I am speaking in terms of a man who comes to me with his BEST, which in turn will result in my offering the best of ME. NO DISCOUNTS! As the saying goes, "You get what you pay for", and that's all I'll say about that.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: For those of you who participate in races, what's the MOST you've ever paid to enter, and which race was it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Those who know me know that I joined a running group (Black Girls RUN!) almost 2 years ago. This group changed my life by getting me OFF of the couch and ONTO the pavement. Before BGR! I never ran, jogged, walked...NOTHIN'. Well, all that changed VERY quickly.
In addition to the weekly runs that we do in our local neighborhoods, we also do group races together. At this moment I couldn't tell you how many I've done because I'm tired and don't feel like checking. What I CAN tell you is that there've been more than ten.
Anwyay...My goal THIS year was to do 14 races in 2014. I just did my first one last Saturday. Only 13 more to go...or so I thought.
Now anyone who participates in running races, 5K, 10K, Half (13.1 miles), Marathon (26.2 miles) knows that the fees to enter these races can get pretty hefty. So, I was trying to limit mine to races that were only $35.00 or less to enter. That was until...DISNEY!
This morning registration opened up for the Disney races. My plan this year was to participate in different races than I've done before. I hadn't done Disney yet and usually by the time I decide, registration is CLOSED. Not this time. This time I got it and I registered for the 10K. Paid a pretty penny for it too.
Occasionally we can find a discount code for a race...not with Disney. With these races, you pay FULL price. So yeah...there you have it. This one race registration has now taken the place of 3 or 4 other races that I would've done this year. Oh well. What's done is done, and now I begin training so that I can get my pace to a level that will NOT have "the bus" scooping me up. I would be sooo embarrassed if "the bus" had to pick me up because my pace is too slow to finish in the allotted time.
In all of the excitement I also learned an interesting lesson.
Disney is able to charge FULL price for a race BECAUSE THEY CAN, and because they know that the demand is high...people WANT to do a Disney race. We wait by our computers for registration to open as if we were waiting for the hottest concert tickets to go on sale. With demand like that there's no need to offer a discount. Disney is WANTED.
I realized that this is how single women anticipating "Mr. Right" should view ourselves. We are WANTED, so there's no need to EVER have to "offer a discount", as in...lower our standards or our values.
When the man who is WORTHY of being with us comes along, he will see our VALUE and do whatever it takes to be with us. It's as simple as that. But as long as we "offer discounts", lower our standards and will offer a discounted version of themselves.
I can't speak for all of my single female friends but I can and WILL speak for myself and say that I don't want a discounted version of ANY man.
And I'm not speaking in terms of financial status. I am speaking in terms of a man who comes to me with his BEST, which in turn will result in my offering the best of ME. NO DISCOUNTS! As the saying goes, "You get what you pay for", and that's all I'll say about that.

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: For those of you who participate in races, what's the MOST you've ever paid to enter, and which race was it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, January 27, 2014
Keep Calm and Listen to MUSIC
In just a couple of hours we will put the lid on yet another Monday.
Monday's are sooo difficult for me.
Even though I try to "get my mind right" on Sunday night, all that goes out the window on Monday morning, for reasons that I won't go into but if you've followed this blog for any length of time then you know exactly what I'm referring to.
I went into work today and really needed to find a "happy place" that would allow me to function and get my job done.
MUSIC took me to that place.
I worked with one earbud plugged in and just let "MyPod" play on shuffle. It was just what I needed.
I'm sure that I would've made it through the day WITHOUT music, but I'm so glad that I didn't have to.
Aside from actual PHYSICAL human beings in my, my Bible, and MUSIC are my BEST FRIENDS. Without them, I'd be lost. was YOUR day?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What gets YOU through a tough day?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday's are sooo difficult for me.
Even though I try to "get my mind right" on Sunday night, all that goes out the window on Monday morning, for reasons that I won't go into but if you've followed this blog for any length of time then you know exactly what I'm referring to.
I went into work today and really needed to find a "happy place" that would allow me to function and get my job done.
MUSIC took me to that place.
I worked with one earbud plugged in and just let "MyPod" play on shuffle. It was just what I needed.
I'm sure that I would've made it through the day WITHOUT music, but I'm so glad that I didn't have to.
Aside from actual PHYSICAL human beings in my, my Bible, and MUSIC are my BEST FRIENDS. Without them, I'd be lost. was YOUR day?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What gets YOU through a tough day?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Who Needs TV When You Have Facebook?
So my night tonight consisted of listening to It's Working by William Murphy. I had it on repeat and can not begin to tell you how many times I heard it.
Once that was done I watched Blue Jasmine (which I would NOT recommend...boring).
Periodically I would check Facebook and pretty quickly figured out that The Grammys were on. My News Feed was filled with commentary. This is pretty much typical any time an awards show or sports event is on.
I watch about an hour (if even that) of TV daily, yet I never feel like I'm missing anything because my friends keep me well informed.
I always find it interesting when multiple friends, who aren't friends with each other, have the SAME comment about a performance. For example, somebody performed this evening and apparently whoever followed that artist just didn't even compare. So a handful of my friends said, "They should've gone to a commercial break". I had no idea who they were talking about, but I was still tickled by the comments.
Anyhoo...that's it for tonight. I have no idea how much longer the show will be on, all I know is that I'm not watching so I'm heading off to bed.
For those of you who ARE watching...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Did your favorite musical artist win anything tonight?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Once that was done I watched Blue Jasmine (which I would NOT recommend...boring).
Periodically I would check Facebook and pretty quickly figured out that The Grammys were on. My News Feed was filled with commentary. This is pretty much typical any time an awards show or sports event is on.
I watch about an hour (if even that) of TV daily, yet I never feel like I'm missing anything because my friends keep me well informed.
I always find it interesting when multiple friends, who aren't friends with each other, have the SAME comment about a performance. For example, somebody performed this evening and apparently whoever followed that artist just didn't even compare. So a handful of my friends said, "They should've gone to a commercial break". I had no idea who they were talking about, but I was still tickled by the comments.
Anyhoo...that's it for tonight. I have no idea how much longer the show will be on, all I know is that I'm not watching so I'm heading off to bed.
For those of you who ARE watching...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Did your favorite musical artist win anything tonight?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, January 25, 2014
BLESSED with a Dress!
So...a few weeks ago I posted about how much I dislike shopping for clothes. Partly because I'm a "plus sized" gal, so cute/sexy clothes are hard to find, and partly because everything just costs so dag-gone much.
Well...apparently, my friends felt that this was a call for "intervention" and a few were determined to help me develop a love (or at least less of a LOATHING) for shopping. One such friend took me shopping today. She picked me up and said, "We're going to a store that I think you'll like and they have plenty of things in your size." we went.
She was right. We went to a small boutique shop with a nice selection to choose from.
I looked around and BAM...spotted a dress. It was a red, white & black wrap dress. Really cute, so I decided to try it on.
Then...on the way to the dressing room, BAM...I spotted another one. It was a mixture of blues and greens. Reminded me of water...and y'all know how much I LOVE water(as in, lakes, rivers, beaches). So...I grabbed that one too.
Tried them both on and of course...decided on the "water dress", as I so affectionately named it. Then...I looked at the price tag.
Uh oh.
That's when I decided that it wasn't in my budget. Then I sat and tried to come up with ways that it COULD fit into my budget. I started justifying my purchase before I even made it.
1. I need more dresses in my wardrobe.
2. It's not like I buy dresses EVERYDAY.
3. That would be a GREAT "first date" dress. I just need for a man to ask me out.
So there you have it. THREE great reasons to get this dress. But I still needed some time to think about it...or think myself OUT of it.
I walked away from the dress and went to find my friend. I found her and told her how much I really liked that "water dress", I just wasn't sure about getting it.
I talked to the store clerks for a while and then I noticed that the dress I tried on and had them put aside was being bagged up. I thought, "Why are they bagging MY dress". I didn't see anyone else at the register buying it, but I still wondered why they were bagging it. friend (whose name I'd LOVE to share, but won't) told me that the dress was MINE. SHE BOUGHT IT FOR ME!!! Can you believe it?!? As a gift...she bought the dress for me! In my entire life only ONE other person has ever bought me a dress...and I have 3 kids with him.
This was sooo special! What a BLESSING!!!
So, as we speak, I've gotten the dress all laid out and ready to wear tomorrow to church. I already had shoes to match so that was a plus. Already had SPANX to tuck in the lumps & bumps. Already had a little camisole top to wear underneath so that it's appropriate for church (the V-neck is a bit low know). And I'm all set.
It's so funny though. Now that I have ONE dress, I already want another.
So who knows, I might just come out of my pants & jeans afterall. Hmmm...that doesn't sound right but you know what I mean. ;-)
If you haven't figured it out already...the dress pictured here is THE dress. Ain't it purrrdy?!?
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the best CLOTHING gift you've ever received?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Well...apparently, my friends felt that this was a call for "intervention" and a few were determined to help me develop a love (or at least less of a LOATHING) for shopping. One such friend took me shopping today. She picked me up and said, "We're going to a store that I think you'll like and they have plenty of things in your size." we went.
She was right. We went to a small boutique shop with a nice selection to choose from.
I looked around and BAM...spotted a dress. It was a red, white & black wrap dress. Really cute, so I decided to try it on.
Then...on the way to the dressing room, BAM...I spotted another one. It was a mixture of blues and greens. Reminded me of water...and y'all know how much I LOVE water(as in, lakes, rivers, beaches). So...I grabbed that one too.
Tried them both on and of course...decided on the "water dress", as I so affectionately named it. Then...I looked at the price tag.
Uh oh.
That's when I decided that it wasn't in my budget. Then I sat and tried to come up with ways that it COULD fit into my budget. I started justifying my purchase before I even made it.
1. I need more dresses in my wardrobe.
2. It's not like I buy dresses EVERYDAY.
3. That would be a GREAT "first date" dress. I just need for a man to ask me out.
So there you have it. THREE great reasons to get this dress. But I still needed some time to think about it...or think myself OUT of it.
I walked away from the dress and went to find my friend. I found her and told her how much I really liked that "water dress", I just wasn't sure about getting it.
I talked to the store clerks for a while and then I noticed that the dress I tried on and had them put aside was being bagged up. I thought, "Why are they bagging MY dress". I didn't see anyone else at the register buying it, but I still wondered why they were bagging it. friend (whose name I'd LOVE to share, but won't) told me that the dress was MINE. SHE BOUGHT IT FOR ME!!! Can you believe it?!? As a gift...she bought the dress for me! In my entire life only ONE other person has ever bought me a dress...and I have 3 kids with him.
This was sooo special! What a BLESSING!!!
So, as we speak, I've gotten the dress all laid out and ready to wear tomorrow to church. I already had shoes to match so that was a plus. Already had SPANX to tuck in the lumps & bumps. Already had a little camisole top to wear underneath so that it's appropriate for church (the V-neck is a bit low know). And I'm all set.
It's so funny though. Now that I have ONE dress, I already want another.
So who knows, I might just come out of my pants & jeans afterall. Hmmm...that doesn't sound right but you know what I mean. ;-)
If you haven't figured it out already...the dress pictured here is THE dress. Ain't it purrrdy?!?
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the best CLOTHING gift you've ever received?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Saying Yes to a DRESS
So...I just watched Fruitvale Station and I have a WHOLE LOT that I really wanna say. But right now, at this moment, I think I'm just a wee bit too emotional (as in...saddened and utterly PISSED OFF) so I'm gonna save that post for later.
Instead, I shall write about dresses.
I've never been much of a dress wearer. My attire of choice consists of jeans, t-shirt, sandals or tennis shoes. That's me. Plain, simple, comfortable.
But here recently I've pondered what it may be like to actually add a dress or two to my wardrobe. One thing's for sure...when I walk in to wherever I'm gonna go with a dress...heads WILL turn. That's how infrequently I wear dresses. The last time I wore one was in September at a dinner that I attended. I haven't worn THAT dress or ANY dress since. I'll admit, it wasn't much to write home about. It was just enough of a dress to say that I had one on.
This time though, I wanna go big. Go girly. Go sexy.
So...the pic that you see here is what I'm considering adding to my wardrobe. I like it and it's VERY me.
How 'bout you ladies out there? Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are YOU a dress wearer or are pants more your thing?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Instead, I shall write about dresses.
I've never been much of a dress wearer. My attire of choice consists of jeans, t-shirt, sandals or tennis shoes. That's me. Plain, simple, comfortable.
But here recently I've pondered what it may be like to actually add a dress or two to my wardrobe. One thing's for sure...when I walk in to wherever I'm gonna go with a dress...heads WILL turn. That's how infrequently I wear dresses. The last time I wore one was in September at a dinner that I attended. I haven't worn THAT dress or ANY dress since. I'll admit, it wasn't much to write home about. It was just enough of a dress to say that I had one on.
This time though, I wanna go big. Go girly. Go sexy.
So...the pic that you see here is what I'm considering adding to my wardrobe. I like it and it's VERY me.
How 'bout you ladies out there? Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are YOU a dress wearer or are pants more your thing?
Talk to me!

Til next time...
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Penny for Your Thoughts
Today I had my monthly visit with my therapist. Yes folks, yours truly sees a therapist. Not a physical therapist...a psychotherapist (NOT to be confused with a psychiatrist).
For years I've been ashamed to let anybody know, and quite honestly, up until this very moment my best friend Judy was the only one who knew.
But I've decided that if I'm going to write this blog and share my random thoughts, I may as well share them as they come. So today, I randomly thought about my visit.
I started seeing her about 6 months ago, maybe longer. Initially I began seeing her to help me get through the struggles that I have by not yet being in the career that I believe I was created for. No matter how you slice it or put a fancy name on it, I am currently employed as a telemarketer...and that's just not me. As a result, I have been depressed. Not so depressed that I want to give up on life, but depressed in the sense that I know that I was meant to do something else...something meaningful, and this just isn't that. Even through my "functionally depressed" state, as I call it, I am thankful everyday for having a job to go to because I know full well that there are many who would love to have my seat. I get that. I've always gotten that. Yet it doesn't negate the fact that I still struggle daily.
As a Christian, it's been very difficult to share that I've been seeing a therapist because "the Church" would have us to believe that "Jesus is all we need", therefore making therapy taboo. Unfortunately, this has resulted in many churchgoing folks living lives in a downward spiral...needing help but too ashamed to get it. Yes, we need Jesus AND we need the medical professionals that are available to us.
I see therapists as being on the same level of medical physicians, dentists, optometrists, etc. I recently saw my medical doctor for a issue that I've been having with my feet. If I shared that with anyone no one would give it a second thought. Of course you go see a doctor when there's a medical condition going on. Society accepts that. The Church accepts that. So they should accept therapy too. And I have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of.
I am a Christian who believes the Word of God, I study daily, I find hope and encouragement in God's Word, AND...I see a therapist.
In addition to helping me find ways to cope at work while working toward my true purpose, my therapist simply offers the listening ear that I so greatly need. Not just for work related issues, but for ANY issue that I'm facing, and they vary from visit to visit.
I don't have a husband or significant other to share the daily events of my life with so I greatly lack having someone to simply "talk to".
Yes, I have a best friend who I share much with, but she has a life of her own...issues of her own...heck, EVERYBODY has issues of their own, so it's simply not fair for me to pile mine onto hers. I wouldn't think of it.
Yes, I have a Pastor who is available to talk to, but he's got a church full of parishioners, some with issues far greater than mine, so I wouldn't think of troubling him either.
And Yes...there is ALWAYS God. I am fully aware that I can speak to Him anywhere at anytime. Yet, just as I often need a physical hug that I can actually FEEL, the same holds true with needing a physical EAR of someone else to hear what I'm going through and help me develop strategies to move out of the situation and into something better. That's what my therapist does for me.
In my case I feel exceptionally blessed because my therapist shares my Christian faith. So she often reminds me of Scriptures that were meant just for my situation, and at times she has even prayed with me. That was reassurance for me that YES, it is okay to seek help when life gets to be overwhelming.
So...will people think I'm a "nut case" now that I've revealed my "secret"? Maybe.
Do I care? I don't.
For most of my life I've been misunderstood. I don't expect this to be any different.
People just don't "get me", which I find so interesting because I am one of the easiest people to "get". Easy going, mellow, anti-drama...pretty simple if you ask me. Maybe that's what makes me complex. Who knows?
Anyhoo...if tonight's post can help someone else out there who's been hiding under the shame and taboo of seeing a therapist, I am here to let you know that you have NOTHING to be ashamed of. If you need help...get it. And don't worry about what others may say or think. YOU are your #1 priority so you have to do all that you can to make sure that you are healthy and well...physically AND psychologically. And if you have children or other folks who depend on you to keep things running, then I am specifically talking to YOU. If YOU are not well then how can you possibly take care of others? I'll answer that for you...YOU CAN'T!
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What are YOUR thoughts on church going folks who get counseling from a therapist?
This'll be interesting.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
For years I've been ashamed to let anybody know, and quite honestly, up until this very moment my best friend Judy was the only one who knew.
But I've decided that if I'm going to write this blog and share my random thoughts, I may as well share them as they come. So today, I randomly thought about my visit.
I started seeing her about 6 months ago, maybe longer. Initially I began seeing her to help me get through the struggles that I have by not yet being in the career that I believe I was created for. No matter how you slice it or put a fancy name on it, I am currently employed as a telemarketer...and that's just not me. As a result, I have been depressed. Not so depressed that I want to give up on life, but depressed in the sense that I know that I was meant to do something else...something meaningful, and this just isn't that. Even through my "functionally depressed" state, as I call it, I am thankful everyday for having a job to go to because I know full well that there are many who would love to have my seat. I get that. I've always gotten that. Yet it doesn't negate the fact that I still struggle daily.
As a Christian, it's been very difficult to share that I've been seeing a therapist because "the Church" would have us to believe that "Jesus is all we need", therefore making therapy taboo. Unfortunately, this has resulted in many churchgoing folks living lives in a downward spiral...needing help but too ashamed to get it. Yes, we need Jesus AND we need the medical professionals that are available to us.
I see therapists as being on the same level of medical physicians, dentists, optometrists, etc. I recently saw my medical doctor for a issue that I've been having with my feet. If I shared that with anyone no one would give it a second thought. Of course you go see a doctor when there's a medical condition going on. Society accepts that. The Church accepts that. So they should accept therapy too. And I have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of.
I am a Christian who believes the Word of God, I study daily, I find hope and encouragement in God's Word, AND...I see a therapist.
In addition to helping me find ways to cope at work while working toward my true purpose, my therapist simply offers the listening ear that I so greatly need. Not just for work related issues, but for ANY issue that I'm facing, and they vary from visit to visit.
I don't have a husband or significant other to share the daily events of my life with so I greatly lack having someone to simply "talk to".
Yes, I have a best friend who I share much with, but she has a life of her own...issues of her own...heck, EVERYBODY has issues of their own, so it's simply not fair for me to pile mine onto hers. I wouldn't think of it.

Yes, I have a Pastor who is available to talk to, but he's got a church full of parishioners, some with issues far greater than mine, so I wouldn't think of troubling him either.
And Yes...there is ALWAYS God. I am fully aware that I can speak to Him anywhere at anytime. Yet, just as I often need a physical hug that I can actually FEEL, the same holds true with needing a physical EAR of someone else to hear what I'm going through and help me develop strategies to move out of the situation and into something better. That's what my therapist does for me.
In my case I feel exceptionally blessed because my therapist shares my Christian faith. So she often reminds me of Scriptures that were meant just for my situation, and at times she has even prayed with me. That was reassurance for me that YES, it is okay to seek help when life gets to be overwhelming.
So...will people think I'm a "nut case" now that I've revealed my "secret"? Maybe.
Do I care? I don't.
For most of my life I've been misunderstood. I don't expect this to be any different.
People just don't "get me", which I find so interesting because I am one of the easiest people to "get". Easy going, mellow, anti-drama...pretty simple if you ask me. Maybe that's what makes me complex. Who knows?
Anyhoo...if tonight's post can help someone else out there who's been hiding under the shame and taboo of seeing a therapist, I am here to let you know that you have NOTHING to be ashamed of. If you need help...get it. And don't worry about what others may say or think. YOU are your #1 priority so you have to do all that you can to make sure that you are healthy and well...physically AND psychologically. And if you have children or other folks who depend on you to keep things running, then I am specifically talking to YOU. If YOU are not well then how can you possibly take care of others? I'll answer that for you...YOU CAN'T!
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What are YOUR thoughts on church going folks who get counseling from a therapist?
This'll be interesting.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
MY baby, YOUR baby...they're all OUR babies.
So yesterday as I reflected on Dr. King's Dream, I made several points about what it will take for that dream to become reality. As I read through the news headlines earlier today two of those points smacked me right in the face:
When mothers and fathers stop burying their young sons who were shot and KILLED by someone who looked liked their son...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When mothers and fathers stop burying their young sons who were shot and KILLED period...that's when the dream becomes reality.
I'm sure that those who read yesterday's post probably thought I was going off on some kind of rant. Well, maybe I was. And justifiably so. As long as headlines like this one are in the news, my rants will be 100% justified:
"Oakland mother grieves after two sons gunned down 19 days apart"
19 DAYS APART!!! Yes. This mother lost her 13 year old son on New Year's Eve, and her 19 year old son this past Sunday. Both of her babies are gone...dead...MURDERED. And for what???
It just breaks my heart. Every time I hear of someone who loses a child to gun violence (and I hear it far too often), I have the exact same thought each time. I didn't have MY baby so that YOUR baby could KILL my baby. This is my thought EVERY SINGLE TIME.
No. None of the slain have been my child. THANK GOD! Yet, somehow, I feel connected to each one who's lost. They may not be MY baby, but they were SOMEBODY'S baby. And that's enough for me to be concerned.
So what's it gonna take for the killing to stop?
Community involvement - Yes
Getting the ILLEGAL guns off the streets - Yes
Getting the churches involved - Yes
Parental involvement (as in...knowing what ones children are doing...when and where) - Yes
Getting law enforcement involved at a proactive level instead of reactive - Yes
Programs at the elementary school level that raise awareness about gun violence and how to avoid being caught up in it - Yes
Those are just a few of my bright ideas.
What we DON'T need is for folks to point fingers and place blame on the parents who have lost their children. After every news story I read, I always read the comments. And the comments 99% of the time are filled with hate and negativity. In this particular case, everyone's blaming the mother because her sons had different last names which apparently lessened her value as a mother. Well EXCUSE ME, but my last name differs from that of MY brothers and my mother is no less of a mother because of it. So those folks and their assumptions can SHOVE IT!
How 'bout a little compassion for this woman! She just lost her only two children...within 19 days of each other. I say that a bit of compassion is the least we can offer.
Am I angry! You bet I am. I've had enough of mothers and fathers burying their children due to senseless violence. I've been to too many funerals of young people who never made it to 21. Enough is enough! The killing has GOT to stop. It has to.
So, with tear-filled eyes, let the DIALOGUE begin: What do YOU think it'll take in order for these senseless killings of our youth to stop?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
When mothers and fathers stop burying their young sons who were shot and KILLED by someone who looked liked their son...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When mothers and fathers stop burying their young sons who were shot and KILLED period...that's when the dream becomes reality.
I'm sure that those who read yesterday's post probably thought I was going off on some kind of rant. Well, maybe I was. And justifiably so. As long as headlines like this one are in the news, my rants will be 100% justified:
"Oakland mother grieves after two sons gunned down 19 days apart"
19 DAYS APART!!! Yes. This mother lost her 13 year old son on New Year's Eve, and her 19 year old son this past Sunday. Both of her babies are gone...dead...MURDERED. And for what???
It just breaks my heart. Every time I hear of someone who loses a child to gun violence (and I hear it far too often), I have the exact same thought each time. I didn't have MY baby so that YOUR baby could KILL my baby. This is my thought EVERY SINGLE TIME.
No. None of the slain have been my child. THANK GOD! Yet, somehow, I feel connected to each one who's lost. They may not be MY baby, but they were SOMEBODY'S baby. And that's enough for me to be concerned.
So what's it gonna take for the killing to stop?
Community involvement - Yes
Getting the ILLEGAL guns off the streets - Yes
Getting the churches involved - Yes
Parental involvement (as in...knowing what ones children are doing...when and where) - Yes
Getting law enforcement involved at a proactive level instead of reactive - Yes
Programs at the elementary school level that raise awareness about gun violence and how to avoid being caught up in it - Yes
Those are just a few of my bright ideas.
What we DON'T need is for folks to point fingers and place blame on the parents who have lost their children. After every news story I read, I always read the comments. And the comments 99% of the time are filled with hate and negativity. In this particular case, everyone's blaming the mother because her sons had different last names which apparently lessened her value as a mother. Well EXCUSE ME, but my last name differs from that of MY brothers and my mother is no less of a mother because of it. So those folks and their assumptions can SHOVE IT!
How 'bout a little compassion for this woman! She just lost her only two children...within 19 days of each other. I say that a bit of compassion is the least we can offer.
Am I angry! You bet I am. I've had enough of mothers and fathers burying their children due to senseless violence. I've been to too many funerals of young people who never made it to 21. Enough is enough! The killing has GOT to stop. It has to.
So, with tear-filled eyes, let the DIALOGUE begin: What do YOU think it'll take in order for these senseless killings of our youth to stop?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, January 20, 2014
OUR Dream
Today, on this 3rd Monday in January, our country celebrates and recognizes the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
During his life, Dr. King made many thought-provoking speeches. Yet the four words that resonate the loudest for me on this day are these ever so familiar, "I have a dream..."
Each year we are challenged to ask ourselves how close we've come to making Dr. King's dream a reality. How close have we come to having EQUALITY for ALL? The answer to that question will vary based on those who are asked.
Some will say, "Equality? Why sure, there's equality for all. The dream has been achieved."
Ask most folks I know and the answer will be far different. "Equality has NOT been reached and we are still a long way from it."
I happen to agree with the latter.
As a Black woman I see what many don't. You may not agree with what I see, but that doesn't negate the fact that I see it.
I see the struggles that Black men face when trying to climb the corporate ladder. Sure, the ladder may be there for him to climb, but there are often rungs missing, making the climb that much more difficult. And before he can even begin to climb the ladder, he must make his way into the building(as in...get the job)where the ladder is located. Getting in...that alone is a major feat. Major. I speak not from supposition. I speak from fact, based on what I see and have seen in every corporate position I've worked in. There may be a handful of women in the office who look like me, but far fewer than a handful who look like my son, or dad, or brothers. They just aren't there. And not for lack of intelligence or willingness to work hard, but simply because of the color of their skin. That breaks my heart. And it's frustrating. Extremely frustrating for the Black man who WANTS to provide and do better for his family, yet is denied the opportunity. When these men are afforded career opportunities based on their knowledge and skill...that's when the dream becomes reality.
As the friend of many articulate, intelligent, ready-willing-and-able Black saddens me because corporate America has made it exponentially more difficult for them to make it than it has their counterparts of other races. Heck, even Black women have an easier time getting in the door than Black men. Again...not supposition...fact. I've seen it for 20+ years and it hasn't changed yet. When I begin to see as many Black men in corporate America as I do Black women...that when the dream becomes reality.
As the mother of a young Black male who will one day be an adult Black saddens me every time I have to warn him to be careful when he and his friends go to the movies at a particular mall in a certain neighborhood. He and his friends are intelligent, well mannered young men...future scientists, doctors, lawyers, preachers, etc. Yet in certain neighborhoods, none of that matters because all that's seen is the color of their skin. Our boys are not thugs. They are our children and have the right to become great men in our society...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When our young Black men are no longer shot and KILLED for simply walking through a neighborhood, or knocking on a door for help after a car accident, or having the music playing too loudly in a car...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When certain people are no longer denied the right to vote (yes...this is STILL happening)...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When mothers and fathers stop burying their young sons who were shot and KILLED by someone who looked liked their son...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When mothers and fathers stop burying their young sons who were shot and KILLED period...that's when the dream becomes reality.
So you see...we STILL have a long way to go. A very long way.
What will it take in order to make Dr. King's dream a reality? I think the first step is to make HIS dream OUR dream. Once WE own it, then it becomes personal and we'll work that much harder to make it happen.
Community Service - Yes
Community Activism - Yes
Lifting one another UP instead of tearing each other DOWN - Yes
These are just a few areas where we can begin to make a difference.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: What suggestions do YOU have toward making OUR dream a REALITY?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
During his life, Dr. King made many thought-provoking speeches. Yet the four words that resonate the loudest for me on this day are these ever so familiar, "I have a dream..."
Each year we are challenged to ask ourselves how close we've come to making Dr. King's dream a reality. How close have we come to having EQUALITY for ALL? The answer to that question will vary based on those who are asked.
Some will say, "Equality? Why sure, there's equality for all. The dream has been achieved."
Ask most folks I know and the answer will be far different. "Equality has NOT been reached and we are still a long way from it."
I happen to agree with the latter.
As a Black woman I see what many don't. You may not agree with what I see, but that doesn't negate the fact that I see it.
I see the struggles that Black men face when trying to climb the corporate ladder. Sure, the ladder may be there for him to climb, but there are often rungs missing, making the climb that much more difficult. And before he can even begin to climb the ladder, he must make his way into the building(as in...get the job)where the ladder is located. Getting in...that alone is a major feat. Major. I speak not from supposition. I speak from fact, based on what I see and have seen in every corporate position I've worked in. There may be a handful of women in the office who look like me, but far fewer than a handful who look like my son, or dad, or brothers. They just aren't there. And not for lack of intelligence or willingness to work hard, but simply because of the color of their skin. That breaks my heart. And it's frustrating. Extremely frustrating for the Black man who WANTS to provide and do better for his family, yet is denied the opportunity. When these men are afforded career opportunities based on their knowledge and skill...that's when the dream becomes reality.
As the friend of many articulate, intelligent, ready-willing-and-able Black saddens me because corporate America has made it exponentially more difficult for them to make it than it has their counterparts of other races. Heck, even Black women have an easier time getting in the door than Black men. Again...not supposition...fact. I've seen it for 20+ years and it hasn't changed yet. When I begin to see as many Black men in corporate America as I do Black women...that when the dream becomes reality.
As the mother of a young Black male who will one day be an adult Black saddens me every time I have to warn him to be careful when he and his friends go to the movies at a particular mall in a certain neighborhood. He and his friends are intelligent, well mannered young men...future scientists, doctors, lawyers, preachers, etc. Yet in certain neighborhoods, none of that matters because all that's seen is the color of their skin. Our boys are not thugs. They are our children and have the right to become great men in our society...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When our young Black men are no longer shot and KILLED for simply walking through a neighborhood, or knocking on a door for help after a car accident, or having the music playing too loudly in a car...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When certain people are no longer denied the right to vote (yes...this is STILL happening)...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When mothers and fathers stop burying their young sons who were shot and KILLED by someone who looked liked their son...that's when the dream becomes reality.
When mothers and fathers stop burying their young sons who were shot and KILLED period...that's when the dream becomes reality.
So you see...we STILL have a long way to go. A very long way.
What will it take in order to make Dr. King's dream a reality? I think the first step is to make HIS dream OUR dream. Once WE own it, then it becomes personal and we'll work that much harder to make it happen.
Community Service - Yes
Community Activism - Yes
Lifting one another UP instead of tearing each other DOWN - Yes
These are just a few areas where we can begin to make a difference.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: What suggestions do YOU have toward making OUR dream a REALITY?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Here's the scenario:
You're in a situation that doesn't make you completely happy.
You want to step away from that situation, not permanently, but just for a little while.
In stepping away for a while you'll risk making someone else unhappy, which in turn, will make YOU unhappy.
Did you follow that?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What Would YOU Do?
Note: No one is being physically abused in this situation. Just wanted to make that clear.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
You're in a situation that doesn't make you completely happy.
You want to step away from that situation, not permanently, but just for a little while.
In stepping away for a while you'll risk making someone else unhappy, which in turn, will make YOU unhappy.
Did you follow that?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What Would YOU Do?
Note: No one is being physically abused in this situation. Just wanted to make that clear.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, January 18, 2014
101 and Growing!
Yesterday I experienced what it feels like to set a goal and actually REACH it. I gotta tell feels INCREDIBLE!!!
Although The Dialogue Den has been in existence sine June 2010, I just recently introduced it to the world (as in, my friends and family) this month via Facebook.
Sometime shortly after the beginning of the year, I set a goal for The Dialogue Den's Facebook page to reach 100 "likes". At that time I believe I had 34.
The outpouring of support was amazing. Once I let folks know about the page, it went from 34 to 78 "likes" in just 24 hours. Wow!
Once I saw that the "likes" could reach 78, I was certain that 100 "likes" were attainable, BEFORE THE END OF THIS MONTH.
So, I kept writing, posting, and putting the appeal "out there".
Well, persistence paid off and yesterday, shortly after noon, WE did it! The Dialogue Den reached 100 "likes". YEAH BABY!!!
I was overjoyed!
Now I say that WE did it, because this blog has never been about ME. It's always been about ME sharing my random thoughts with YOU and then hearing what YOU have to say...hence the word DIALOGUE.
And, in case you've never noticed, the tagline for the blog itself says this: MY random thoughts + YOUR comments = The Dialogue Den
So you see folks, I need you in order for this blog to be successful. I am committed to doing MY part by sharing those random thoughts, and I'm counting on YOU to do your part and chime in. Fair enough, right?
In the process of reaching 100 "likes", I was reminded of something. SOME goals, you can only reach by yourself (like climbing a mountain, learning a language or how to play an instrument, etc.) OTHERS you can only achieve with the help of others.
So to the 101 of you (yes, one hundred AND one) who have "liked" the page, I greatly THANK YOU and appreciate your support. Knowing that you all are out there inspires me to keep writing and to give you something fresh and new EVERYDAY (except for "Flashback Fridays" when I post from the archives).
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do YOU have a page on Facebook that you'd like the world to know about? If so, tell us about it.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Although The Dialogue Den has been in existence sine June 2010, I just recently introduced it to the world (as in, my friends and family) this month via Facebook.
Sometime shortly after the beginning of the year, I set a goal for The Dialogue Den's Facebook page to reach 100 "likes". At that time I believe I had 34.
The outpouring of support was amazing. Once I let folks know about the page, it went from 34 to 78 "likes" in just 24 hours. Wow!
Once I saw that the "likes" could reach 78, I was certain that 100 "likes" were attainable, BEFORE THE END OF THIS MONTH.
So, I kept writing, posting, and putting the appeal "out there".
Well, persistence paid off and yesterday, shortly after noon, WE did it! The Dialogue Den reached 100 "likes". YEAH BABY!!!
I was overjoyed!
Now I say that WE did it, because this blog has never been about ME. It's always been about ME sharing my random thoughts with YOU and then hearing what YOU have to say...hence the word DIALOGUE.
And, in case you've never noticed, the tagline for the blog itself says this: MY random thoughts + YOUR comments = The Dialogue Den
So you see folks, I need you in order for this blog to be successful. I am committed to doing MY part by sharing those random thoughts, and I'm counting on YOU to do your part and chime in. Fair enough, right?
In the process of reaching 100 "likes", I was reminded of something. SOME goals, you can only reach by yourself (like climbing a mountain, learning a language or how to play an instrument, etc.) OTHERS you can only achieve with the help of others.
So to the 101 of you (yes, one hundred AND one) who have "liked" the page, I greatly THANK YOU and appreciate your support. Knowing that you all are out there inspires me to keep writing and to give you something fresh and new EVERYDAY (except for "Flashback Fridays" when I post from the archives).
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do YOU have a page on Facebook that you'd like the world to know about? If so, tell us about it.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, January 16, 2014
What's It Gonna Cost?
Tonight I drove 20 miles for a FREE item. Now that I think about it, it wasn't really FREE because it was part of a BOGO deal. So I had to BUY one in order to get one FREE. Technically, that means I got 2 for "half off". Hmmm...20 miles to get an item "half off". Maybe I should've thought that one through a little bit.
On top of getting the item "half off", I probably spent more in gas than what the item was actually worth. Hmmm again. Now I'm starting to think that I probably ended up paying FULL price for BOTH items, and maybe a little bit more.
It wasn't anything that I needed, it was simply something that I WANTED. I received an offer via looked good at the expires tomorrow, I went. Looking back, it probably wasn't one of my better moves.
Lesson learned. I'll think twice before I jump at another BOGO offer. That much is for sure.
How 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the farthest you've ever driven for a "FREE" item?
Talk to me!
Til nexttime...
On top of getting the item "half off", I probably spent more in gas than what the item was actually worth. Hmmm again. Now I'm starting to think that I probably ended up paying FULL price for BOTH items, and maybe a little bit more.
It wasn't anything that I needed, it was simply something that I WANTED. I received an offer via looked good at the expires tomorrow, I went. Looking back, it probably wasn't one of my better moves.
Lesson learned. I'll think twice before I jump at another BOGO offer. That much is for sure.
How 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the farthest you've ever driven for a "FREE" item?
Talk to me!
Til nexttime...
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The Un-Girly-Girl
So I have an event that I'll be attending later this week and the establishment where I'm going has a strict dress code. For women, the acceptable attire is either a cocktail dress or pant suit with matching jacket. I had neither which guessed it...I had to go shopping. YUCK!

For as long as I can remember, I have NEVER liked shopping. Not as a child. Not as a teenager. And most certainly not as an adult. I don't have time to shop. I don't like trying things on. And MY style is never found on any rack.
So, as usual, I have waited until just about the last minute to get something to wear to this event. I'm still too big for a cocktail dress, so that option was instantly ruled out. Therefore, "plan pant suit" is what I had to go with.
Now I'm concerned that what I bought may be too casual. The dress code didn't really state WHAT the pant suit should look like, only that it had to have a matching jacket, which mine does.
The pants and jacket are beige and the top is coral. Looked great on the display, so I went with it. I already have shoes and just need to get some accessories tomorrow to finish the look.
Anyway...I posted on FB about how I detest shopping for clothes and much to my surprise, I was actually in the majority. Who knew?
Will I ever get over my ill feelings toward shopping for clothes? Maybe.
Do I dislike shopping because the selection for plus sized women is pretty slim? Partly.
Would I enjoy shopping more if I were a smaller size? Possibly.
But for right is what it is and I simply don't like it.
Now the ONE thing that I will be OVERJOYED to shop for is a WEDDING DRESS! I wait in grand anticipation for the day when I will get to go shop for the "dress of all dresses". And I can tell you this won't hear ONE complaint out of this chick when that day comes. That's a PROMISE!
How 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you dislike shopping for clothes as much as I do? If so, why?
Talk to me!
Til next time...

For as long as I can remember, I have NEVER liked shopping. Not as a child. Not as a teenager. And most certainly not as an adult. I don't have time to shop. I don't like trying things on. And MY style is never found on any rack.
So, as usual, I have waited until just about the last minute to get something to wear to this event. I'm still too big for a cocktail dress, so that option was instantly ruled out. Therefore, "plan pant suit" is what I had to go with.
Now I'm concerned that what I bought may be too casual. The dress code didn't really state WHAT the pant suit should look like, only that it had to have a matching jacket, which mine does.
The pants and jacket are beige and the top is coral. Looked great on the display, so I went with it. I already have shoes and just need to get some accessories tomorrow to finish the look.
Anyway...I posted on FB about how I detest shopping for clothes and much to my surprise, I was actually in the majority. Who knew?
Will I ever get over my ill feelings toward shopping for clothes? Maybe.
Do I dislike shopping because the selection for plus sized women is pretty slim? Partly.
Would I enjoy shopping more if I were a smaller size? Possibly.
But for right is what it is and I simply don't like it.
Now the ONE thing that I will be OVERJOYED to shop for is a WEDDING DRESS! I wait in grand anticipation for the day when I will get to go shop for the "dress of all dresses". And I can tell you this won't hear ONE complaint out of this chick when that day comes. That's a PROMISE!
How 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you dislike shopping for clothes as much as I do? If so, why?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
If you know the name of the movie you wish to see...Press 1 now!
One of the big stories in the news today was about the man who was shot and killed at the movies because his texting during the PREVIEWS was annoying another man. THE PREVIEWS!!!
From what I've heard, words were exchanged and next thing you know, someone's DEAD.
Between this killing and the one that happened a while back in Colorado, it kinda makes one wonder if it's even safe to go to the movies anymore.
I'll admit that the last time I went a couple weeks ago I did look around to see where the nearest exit was...not in case of fire, but in case of CRAZY.
And that's sad. Just sad.
Gone are the days where you could just go to the movies, shut everything out, and expect to be entertained by the big screen. Now we have to be wary of what's going on around us before and during the least I am. Before these theater killings I never even paid attention to people coming in during the movie. Now, when I see someone walk in halfway through the show, I find myself watching what they're doing and where they're going. Things I would've never done 5 years ago. No, I'm not paranoid, I'm just cautious and aware...because I have to be.
In addition to the fact that these killings have been absolutely senseless, one has to wonder why fuses are so short these days. I mean shoot and kill someone because they're texting?!? My mind can't even make sense of that. There were so many other ways that the situation could have been handled, but because human life is regarded at such a low level, the shooter thought nothing of just pulling the trigger and then sitting back in his seat. Crazy...just crazy.
So anyway..."Ride Along" comes out this weekend and I wanna go see it. More than likely, I WILL go see it...AT THE THEATER. Why? Because I don't live my life in FEAR...I simply LIVE my life.
How 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Will these random killings stop YOU from going to the movie theater?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
From what I've heard, words were exchanged and next thing you know, someone's DEAD.
Between this killing and the one that happened a while back in Colorado, it kinda makes one wonder if it's even safe to go to the movies anymore.
I'll admit that the last time I went a couple weeks ago I did look around to see where the nearest exit was...not in case of fire, but in case of CRAZY.
And that's sad. Just sad.
Gone are the days where you could just go to the movies, shut everything out, and expect to be entertained by the big screen. Now we have to be wary of what's going on around us before and during the least I am. Before these theater killings I never even paid attention to people coming in during the movie. Now, when I see someone walk in halfway through the show, I find myself watching what they're doing and where they're going. Things I would've never done 5 years ago. No, I'm not paranoid, I'm just cautious and aware...because I have to be.
In addition to the fact that these killings have been absolutely senseless, one has to wonder why fuses are so short these days. I mean shoot and kill someone because they're texting?!? My mind can't even make sense of that. There were so many other ways that the situation could have been handled, but because human life is regarded at such a low level, the shooter thought nothing of just pulling the trigger and then sitting back in his seat. Crazy...just crazy.
So anyway..."Ride Along" comes out this weekend and I wanna go see it. More than likely, I WILL go see it...AT THE THEATER. Why? Because I don't live my life in FEAR...I simply LIVE my life.
How 'bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Will these random killings stop YOU from going to the movie theater?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, January 13, 2014
Monday Monday
So today is Monday, "Move Monday" from what I could tell based on my FB newsfeed. Unfortunately, I didn't move much. I moved a bit, but not enough to make up for all that I ate today.
Sometime SOON, I'm gonna have to find another way (besides food) to get over my "Monday Blues". I know, I know...most people have the "Monday Blues" and they don't eat their way through the day, so what makes me special. The answer...NOTHING.
Nothing makes me special. I just haven't found a way to overcome that which becomes worse and worse each week. I've said this a zillion times before, yet anytime I say anything that even remotely sounds like me complaining about my job, I make absolutely sure to say the following:
I appreciate my job.
I understand that THOUSANDS would love to have my job.
If I don't like my job, I should find another.
Yes, yes, and yes...I get all that. However, it doesn't negate what I feel. And (as I do most days), I ate through my feelings of being ungratified, unfulfilled, and simply outside of my purpose. For me, it's a struggle. And although I am making efforts daily to change my situation, nothing has changed yet. So here we are.
Bottom line...if it wasn't tied down, I ate it. Yes, I feel awful because I know better, but I don't think about what I know at those moments. I just think about quelling the feeling. Chocolate (and lots of it) does that for me, at least until I find another method to cope.
Yes, there's prayer, and I pray often throughout the day. Most days, my prayer is simply, "Lord, please let me have ONE good day." I feel that if I can have just ONE good day with regard to food, then it's possible to have two, and then three, etc. Today though, wasn't that day.
So...back to "Move Monday". I moved some. I did 20 minutes of Zumba Express.
Yes, I understand that 20 minutes of Zumba can not out-do 23 hours and 40 minutes of bad eating.
Yes, I understand that weight loss is 80% what I eat and 20% excersice.
Yes, I understand that I can not out run my fork.
Yes, yes, yes...I get it. And until I "get my mind right" on Mondays, I fully understand that the cycle will simply continue.
So what's it gonna take for me to "get my mind right?" A new job...yes, please. Non-profit, Education, Social Service, Writing...YES, PLEASE!!! Are you listening out there? I sure hope so.
But until then...what?
At this moment, I really don't know. Prayer? Sure. Changing my attitude? Sure. Continuing to be grateful? Sure.
All of that sounds great until I pick up that phone and start telemarketing all over again. Then I'm right back where I started. So I guess as with all things...nothing will really change until I get sick and tired of what is. As much as I think I'm there, clearly, I'm not.
So...enough about me.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What did you move today on "Move Monday"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sometime SOON, I'm gonna have to find another way (besides food) to get over my "Monday Blues". I know, I know...most people have the "Monday Blues" and they don't eat their way through the day, so what makes me special. The answer...NOTHING.
Nothing makes me special. I just haven't found a way to overcome that which becomes worse and worse each week. I've said this a zillion times before, yet anytime I say anything that even remotely sounds like me complaining about my job, I make absolutely sure to say the following:
I appreciate my job.
I understand that THOUSANDS would love to have my job.
If I don't like my job, I should find another.
Yes, yes, and yes...I get all that. However, it doesn't negate what I feel. And (as I do most days), I ate through my feelings of being ungratified, unfulfilled, and simply outside of my purpose. For me, it's a struggle. And although I am making efforts daily to change my situation, nothing has changed yet. So here we are.
Bottom line...if it wasn't tied down, I ate it. Yes, I feel awful because I know better, but I don't think about what I know at those moments. I just think about quelling the feeling. Chocolate (and lots of it) does that for me, at least until I find another method to cope.
Yes, there's prayer, and I pray often throughout the day. Most days, my prayer is simply, "Lord, please let me have ONE good day." I feel that if I can have just ONE good day with regard to food, then it's possible to have two, and then three, etc. Today though, wasn't that day.
So...back to "Move Monday". I moved some. I did 20 minutes of Zumba Express.
Yes, I understand that 20 minutes of Zumba can not out-do 23 hours and 40 minutes of bad eating.
Yes, I understand that weight loss is 80% what I eat and 20% excersice.
Yes, I understand that I can not out run my fork.
Yes, yes, yes...I get it. And until I "get my mind right" on Mondays, I fully understand that the cycle will simply continue.
So what's it gonna take for me to "get my mind right?" A new job...yes, please. Non-profit, Education, Social Service, Writing...YES, PLEASE!!! Are you listening out there? I sure hope so.
But until then...what?
At this moment, I really don't know. Prayer? Sure. Changing my attitude? Sure. Continuing to be grateful? Sure.
All of that sounds great until I pick up that phone and start telemarketing all over again. Then I'm right back where I started. So I guess as with all things...nothing will really change until I get sick and tired of what is. As much as I think I'm there, clearly, I'm not.
So...enough about me.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What did you move today on "Move Monday"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Beyond the Eyes
Today's post is gonna be short, sweet and to the point.
I saw this picture and said YES...Exactly!!! And all of a sudden I realized that I am BEAUTIFUL right now...just as I am.
If I lose weight. Fine. If I don't. Fine. Heck, even if I get bigger...I am STILL BEAUTIFUL.
I am so much more, and BETTER than the size of my clothes. And if people can't see that by getting to know me, then it truly is their loss, 'cause I think I'm a pretty okay kinda gal.
So anywhoo...this is for all of the women AND men who think that they are "less than" because their clothing size is a 2 digit number. I want to tell YOU today that YOU TOO ARE BEAUTIFUL...RIGHT NOW...JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.
If you don't feel that way and want to change how you look for YOU, then by all means, please do. If you need to do it for health reasons, I get that too and would encourage you to make that change. But if you're ever doing it so that others will approve of you (this is where the finger comes right through the screen and points DIRECTLY at ME), STOP! That's not the right reason and it'll be that much harder for you to be successful.
So love yourself for who you are, 'cause I bet you're pretty cool. And always remember that "BEAUTY ISN'T A SIZE".
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Think of THREE beautiful qualities about yourself that can NOT be SEEN, yet they make up the BEST part of who you are.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I saw this picture and said YES...Exactly!!! And all of a sudden I realized that I am BEAUTIFUL right now...just as I am.
If I lose weight. Fine. If I don't. Fine. Heck, even if I get bigger...I am STILL BEAUTIFUL.
I am so much more, and BETTER than the size of my clothes. And if people can't see that by getting to know me, then it truly is their loss, 'cause I think I'm a pretty okay kinda gal.
So anywhoo...this is for all of the women AND men who think that they are "less than" because their clothing size is a 2 digit number. I want to tell YOU today that YOU TOO ARE BEAUTIFUL...RIGHT NOW...JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.
If you don't feel that way and want to change how you look for YOU, then by all means, please do. If you need to do it for health reasons, I get that too and would encourage you to make that change. But if you're ever doing it so that others will approve of you (this is where the finger comes right through the screen and points DIRECTLY at ME), STOP! That's not the right reason and it'll be that much harder for you to be successful.
So love yourself for who you are, 'cause I bet you're pretty cool. And always remember that "BEAUTY ISN'T A SIZE".
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Think of THREE beautiful qualities about yourself that can NOT be SEEN, yet they make up the BEST part of who you are.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, January 11, 2014
2014 - A Focused Year of...
So I just got home from what was a WONDERFUL time with four AMAZING people! The interesting part about these folks is that for the most part I've only known them for 4 months.
I had no idea back in September when I signed up to read a book with them for 40 days, that they people would come to mean so much to me. We met on Facebook and we are now LIFELONG friends!
For me, the connection with the group came right on time, or as I prefer to say...was orchestrated by God.
I was on a friend's Facebook page one day and I happened to click on the profile of one of her friends and the very first thing I saw was that a group was going to begin reading "The Purpose Driven Life" the next day. Hmmm.
I sat there for a few minutes, knowing that I'd always wanted to read the book, knowing that in my numerous attempts before I'd never finished the book, knowing that I was ready to try again...with THIS group of strangers.
I sent a message to the person who was forming the group, expressed my interest and asked if I could join. Next thing you know...I was in!
I was heading to North Carolina the very next day and knew that I didn't wanna fall behind. We were gonna be at this for 40 days...I was determined to keep up because I knew that if I fell behind I probably wouldn't stick with it.
So I scrambled to find the book. First, at the "Dollar Store". They were all out. Tried Target. Nothing. Walmart. Nada. I was running out of time because I still hadn't packed for my trip or anything, and my flight was scheduled to leave early the next morning.
Finally, I found it at a Barnes and Noble. Yes, I paid FULL price (which I rarely do). No, I didn't care. I HAD to have that book before takeoff.
On September 4th, me & my copy of "The Purpose Driven Life" made our way to Charlotte, North Carolina.
Now it wasn't just enough to READ the book. The whole PURPOSE of the group was to share our thoughts DAILY. And that's what I did. Although I didn't pack my laptop, I did pack my tablet. It wasn't ideal, but it served its PURPOSE, and I was able to contribute from the other side of the map.
Again, I had no idea when we began, just how close we would all become by Day 40. One of the "rules" of the group was to be transparent and to openly share our thoughts, struggles, and whatever else we were comfortable with. We did just that. And at the end of Day 40 I had a heart full of THANKS and LOVE for these people. Yep, it happened just like that.
Those who know me well know that I don't believe in coincidence. EVERYTHING happens for a reason and a PURPOSE. I believe that these four (and two others who weren't able to attend our gathering today)were placed in MY life by God, for a reason and a PURPOSE.
I entered the group confused and frustrated because I wasn't really sure of my PURPOSE. All that I really knew was that I'm not yet operating in it. At least, that's what I thought.
What I now know is that my PURPOSE is to GLORIFY GOD in ALL that I do. Yes folks, it's that simple.
So even if my current job doesn't match what I think I should be doing, somewhere in the process, I can still glorify God. Afterall, I wasn't called to "let my light shine" only WHEN and WHERE I think it should shine. It's supposed to shine at ALL times and EVERYWHERE I go...that includes my "9 to 5" telemarketing job. And that's just ONE of the many things that I learned while journeying through the book with these very special.
I love the way that we started out as a fairly sizable group of about 30 folks, and in the end, there were "just us". God knew from the very beginning that WE needed each other and that WE would get to the end TOGETHER. There are no mistakes and nothing happens by accident.
I could say so much more about those 40 Days and our experiences together, but instead, I will simply leave it at this:
Nick - THANK YOU for answering God's call to put this group together. You are loved and appreciated more than you know.
Oliver - THANK YOU for opening your doors and making us feel right at home.
Tonia - THANK YOU for your energy, your smile, your passion for God, and for sharing that lovely little girl of yours with us.
Randy - THANK YOU for being such an inspiration physically and spiritually. You always have such kind words for me and I appreciate them ALL.
Toya - THANK YOU for sharing your life experiences with us. I admire your creativity and desire to reach your goals.
Andrea - THANK YOU for your abiility to bring calm and clarity to a situation. Your peaceful spirit can be felt across the miles.
This was us. Our group of SEVEN...the number that represents COMPLETION.
As I close today's post, I'll end with the the words of our group's eloquent leader: "Purpose Driven Life friends. This has been a great year so far and part of the reason for that is because of you guys. 2014 is a focused year of purpose."
My sentiments exactly. Well said Nick, well said.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have YOU read "The Purpose Driven Life"? If so, how has it changed YOUR life?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I had no idea back in September when I signed up to read a book with them for 40 days, that they people would come to mean so much to me. We met on Facebook and we are now LIFELONG friends!
For me, the connection with the group came right on time, or as I prefer to say...was orchestrated by God.
I was on a friend's Facebook page one day and I happened to click on the profile of one of her friends and the very first thing I saw was that a group was going to begin reading "The Purpose Driven Life" the next day. Hmmm.
I sat there for a few minutes, knowing that I'd always wanted to read the book, knowing that in my numerous attempts before I'd never finished the book, knowing that I was ready to try again...with THIS group of strangers.
I sent a message to the person who was forming the group, expressed my interest and asked if I could join. Next thing you know...I was in!
I was heading to North Carolina the very next day and knew that I didn't wanna fall behind. We were gonna be at this for 40 days...I was determined to keep up because I knew that if I fell behind I probably wouldn't stick with it.
So I scrambled to find the book. First, at the "Dollar Store". They were all out. Tried Target. Nothing. Walmart. Nada. I was running out of time because I still hadn't packed for my trip or anything, and my flight was scheduled to leave early the next morning.
Finally, I found it at a Barnes and Noble. Yes, I paid FULL price (which I rarely do). No, I didn't care. I HAD to have that book before takeoff.
On September 4th, me & my copy of "The Purpose Driven Life" made our way to Charlotte, North Carolina.
Now it wasn't just enough to READ the book. The whole PURPOSE of the group was to share our thoughts DAILY. And that's what I did. Although I didn't pack my laptop, I did pack my tablet. It wasn't ideal, but it served its PURPOSE, and I was able to contribute from the other side of the map.
Again, I had no idea when we began, just how close we would all become by Day 40. One of the "rules" of the group was to be transparent and to openly share our thoughts, struggles, and whatever else we were comfortable with. We did just that. And at the end of Day 40 I had a heart full of THANKS and LOVE for these people. Yep, it happened just like that.
Those who know me well know that I don't believe in coincidence. EVERYTHING happens for a reason and a PURPOSE. I believe that these four (and two others who weren't able to attend our gathering today)were placed in MY life by God, for a reason and a PURPOSE.
I entered the group confused and frustrated because I wasn't really sure of my PURPOSE. All that I really knew was that I'm not yet operating in it. At least, that's what I thought.
What I now know is that my PURPOSE is to GLORIFY GOD in ALL that I do. Yes folks, it's that simple.
So even if my current job doesn't match what I think I should be doing, somewhere in the process, I can still glorify God. Afterall, I wasn't called to "let my light shine" only WHEN and WHERE I think it should shine. It's supposed to shine at ALL times and EVERYWHERE I go...that includes my "9 to 5" telemarketing job. And that's just ONE of the many things that I learned while journeying through the book with these very special.
I love the way that we started out as a fairly sizable group of about 30 folks, and in the end, there were "just us". God knew from the very beginning that WE needed each other and that WE would get to the end TOGETHER. There are no mistakes and nothing happens by accident.
I could say so much more about those 40 Days and our experiences together, but instead, I will simply leave it at this:
Nick - THANK YOU for answering God's call to put this group together. You are loved and appreciated more than you know.
Oliver - THANK YOU for opening your doors and making us feel right at home.
Tonia - THANK YOU for your energy, your smile, your passion for God, and for sharing that lovely little girl of yours with us.
Randy - THANK YOU for being such an inspiration physically and spiritually. You always have such kind words for me and I appreciate them ALL.
Toya - THANK YOU for sharing your life experiences with us. I admire your creativity and desire to reach your goals.
Andrea - THANK YOU for your abiility to bring calm and clarity to a situation. Your peaceful spirit can be felt across the miles.
This was us. Our group of SEVEN...the number that represents COMPLETION.
As I close today's post, I'll end with the the words of our group's eloquent leader: "Purpose Driven Life friends. This has been a great year so far and part of the reason for that is because of you guys. 2014 is a focused year of purpose."
My sentiments exactly. Well said Nick, well said.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have YOU read "The Purpose Driven Life"? If so, how has it changed YOUR life?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Bacon & Eggs, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Milk & Cookies...
We met in the 4th grade at good ol' Ambler Avenue Elementary. Crazy Ms. Nicholson was our teacher. I call her crazy because she yelled and threw chairs across the room. Yes...all these years later, I still remember that.
I don't know who said hi to who first. Knowing me, it was me. And so began what has become a 36 year friendship.
We attended elementary, middle, and most of high school together until her family moved and she transferred to a different school. She still managed to get her mug in the BHS yearbook though.
Not sure exactly what happened after high school but somewhere along the way we lost touch. :-(
We reconnected at her baby shower a few years later and I'll always remember leaving at the end of the night, giving her a hug as she donned a cow costume. I'm gonna say that she was on her way to a party. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna say. ;-)
She had her baby (a beautiful baby girl), and I remember calling to wish her well. I spoke with her mom who told me that she was resting so I didn't get to speak with her. That was in 1991, and for whatever reason, it was the last connection that either of us had with each other for a very very long time. Not sure what the reason was for the lapse. I'm sure that she was busy with her baby and I was busy with mine, and mine, and mine. I guess that's kinda how life works sometimes.
Then, along came the internet and a website called I registered. And...she found me! That was in 2005!!!
We made arrangements to meet at Koji's in Orange (thankfully, our friendship has outlasted that restaurant because IT is now CLOSED), and well they say, "the rest is history". We will NEVER lose contact with each other again...EVER!
She's a bit of a spitfire. Cross her the wrong way, and she'll hurt you. Cross ME the wrong way, and she'll hurt you.
She speaks her mind and will tell you like it is IN A HEARTBEAT. A trait that I admire because I myself, don't have it.
And she ALWAYS has my back!
She's my #1 supporter in everything I do. My biggest cheerleader. My #1 Fan.
Oh, but when I mess up (and there's been plenty of that), she comes at me with her standard line, "Oh D!", gives me her take on the situation, and then keeps on lovin' me.
She's as BEAUTIFUL on the INSIDE as she is on the OUT. And no, I'm not saying that to be cliché. You see her pic here, so I said.
We've cried together, laughed together, cried together, and laughed some more.
Interestingly, she inspired today's post and doesn't even realize it. You see, today's post came out of the book that she bought me last year for my birthday, called "642 Things To Write About". I was flipping through the pages today and there was the prompt, "Describe Your Best Friend", so...I did.
Yes folks, I have just described for you all my very BEST friend Judy! An absolute BLESSING, and the truest definition of friend...BEST friend! If she were a dude, I think we'd be married. {insert an "Oh D!!!" here}
My prayer is that we have many many more years together, 'cause there's a whole lotta stuff we still need to do.
Now it's YOUR turn...Let the DIALOGUE begin: PLEASE, describe YOUR best friend.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I don't know who said hi to who first. Knowing me, it was me. And so began what has become a 36 year friendship.
We attended elementary, middle, and most of high school together until her family moved and she transferred to a different school. She still managed to get her mug in the BHS yearbook though.
Not sure exactly what happened after high school but somewhere along the way we lost touch. :-(
We reconnected at her baby shower a few years later and I'll always remember leaving at the end of the night, giving her a hug as she donned a cow costume. I'm gonna say that she was on her way to a party. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna say. ;-)
She had her baby (a beautiful baby girl), and I remember calling to wish her well. I spoke with her mom who told me that she was resting so I didn't get to speak with her. That was in 1991, and for whatever reason, it was the last connection that either of us had with each other for a very very long time. Not sure what the reason was for the lapse. I'm sure that she was busy with her baby and I was busy with mine, and mine, and mine. I guess that's kinda how life works sometimes.
Then, along came the internet and a website called I registered. And...she found me! That was in 2005!!!
We made arrangements to meet at Koji's in Orange (thankfully, our friendship has outlasted that restaurant because IT is now CLOSED), and well they say, "the rest is history". We will NEVER lose contact with each other again...EVER!
She's a bit of a spitfire. Cross her the wrong way, and she'll hurt you. Cross ME the wrong way, and she'll hurt you.
She speaks her mind and will tell you like it is IN A HEARTBEAT. A trait that I admire because I myself, don't have it.
And she ALWAYS has my back!
She's my #1 supporter in everything I do. My biggest cheerleader. My #1 Fan.
Oh, but when I mess up (and there's been plenty of that), she comes at me with her standard line, "Oh D!", gives me her take on the situation, and then keeps on lovin' me.
She's as BEAUTIFUL on the INSIDE as she is on the OUT. And no, I'm not saying that to be cliché. You see her pic here, so I said.
We've cried together, laughed together, cried together, and laughed some more.
Interestingly, she inspired today's post and doesn't even realize it. You see, today's post came out of the book that she bought me last year for my birthday, called "642 Things To Write About". I was flipping through the pages today and there was the prompt, "Describe Your Best Friend", so...I did.
Yes folks, I have just described for you all my very BEST friend Judy! An absolute BLESSING, and the truest definition of friend...BEST friend! If she were a dude, I think we'd be married. {insert an "Oh D!!!" here}
My prayer is that we have many many more years together, 'cause there's a whole lotta stuff we still need to do.
Now it's YOUR turn...Let the DIALOGUE begin: PLEASE, describe YOUR best friend.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Makin' a Dollar out of Fifteen Cents
Some of you may recall from back in 1985 a song titled "Money's Too Tight (To Mention)" by Simply Red. That was one of my favorite songs by a really great band.
What I find interesting is that the song is as relevant today as it was in 1985. If the presidential references were omitted one really wouldn't know WHEN the song was originally sung. Yep folks, not much has changed since least not for THIS girl.
So, as often happens, I found myself singing the song today as I contemplated the work that needs to be done on my 7 year old car. I am so very thankful that she still works, yet that never really lessens the blow when something breaks.
For example, earlier today I was asking about estimates for a windshield replacement because mine is cracking...little by little each day. So I put that on my "to-do" list to get taken care of.
Before I came home this evening, I stopped to get my oil changed only to be told (and shown) that something else needed changing as well. Some belt that was on the verge of snapping. Mind you, the guy showed me the belt and was on its way to snapping. That's about all I could tell you though. So...the $29.99 that I had in mind for the oil change immediately increased to an amount that I won't trouble you with...but I assure you that it was WELL above $29.99
As I sat for over an hour waiting for the work to be done, I could sense myself beginning to be angry. Angry that I had to shell out more money than I had originally planned. Angry that I'll have to spend even more to get the windshield replaced. Angry that on top of those things, I still have day to day household stuff that needs to be taken care of. And I began to feel overwhelmed, sensing myself about to cry right there in the oil change place. Not crying because I'm a wimp, or sad, or can't handle life, but just wanting to cry because times like these are when I am most aware of the "singleness" of my situation, and really wish that there was someone else who could step in and handle the "car stuff"(and so much more)for me. Sometimes I just get tired of making ALL the decisions. Not trying to be a downer, it just is what it is.
Nevertheless, the work was done, I pulled up my "big girl pants", paid what was owed and came home. Not a tear was shed.
But once again my eyes were opened to just how much work there's still to be done in order for me to get to where I WANT to be. I'm thankful for what I have, thankful that I AM able to pay for unexpected expenses when they come up, but looking forward to being in a place financially where every expense doesn't have to be so thought out.
Mind you, I am a bit of a miser so even with $1,000,000.00+ in my bank account, I would STILL be frugal. I've always been that way and always will be, no doubt. this point, 1 of 3 things need to happen for yours truly:
1. I work hard/smart to get to where I want to be financially.
2. I marry rich.(Of course, I'd be marrying for more than money...those who know me would attest to that. Yet 4 or 5 zeros before the decimal point sure would be nice).
3. I win tonight's California Super Lotto Plus
Yes folks, I will be happy with ANY and ALL of the above. That's not too much to ask, is it?
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do YOU play the Lotto? If not, why not?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
What I find interesting is that the song is as relevant today as it was in 1985. If the presidential references were omitted one really wouldn't know WHEN the song was originally sung. Yep folks, not much has changed since least not for THIS girl.
So, as often happens, I found myself singing the song today as I contemplated the work that needs to be done on my 7 year old car. I am so very thankful that she still works, yet that never really lessens the blow when something breaks.
For example, earlier today I was asking about estimates for a windshield replacement because mine is cracking...little by little each day. So I put that on my "to-do" list to get taken care of.
Before I came home this evening, I stopped to get my oil changed only to be told (and shown) that something else needed changing as well. Some belt that was on the verge of snapping. Mind you, the guy showed me the belt and was on its way to snapping. That's about all I could tell you though. So...the $29.99 that I had in mind for the oil change immediately increased to an amount that I won't trouble you with...but I assure you that it was WELL above $29.99
As I sat for over an hour waiting for the work to be done, I could sense myself beginning to be angry. Angry that I had to shell out more money than I had originally planned. Angry that I'll have to spend even more to get the windshield replaced. Angry that on top of those things, I still have day to day household stuff that needs to be taken care of. And I began to feel overwhelmed, sensing myself about to cry right there in the oil change place. Not crying because I'm a wimp, or sad, or can't handle life, but just wanting to cry because times like these are when I am most aware of the "singleness" of my situation, and really wish that there was someone else who could step in and handle the "car stuff"(and so much more)for me. Sometimes I just get tired of making ALL the decisions. Not trying to be a downer, it just is what it is.
Nevertheless, the work was done, I pulled up my "big girl pants", paid what was owed and came home. Not a tear was shed.
But once again my eyes were opened to just how much work there's still to be done in order for me to get to where I WANT to be. I'm thankful for what I have, thankful that I AM able to pay for unexpected expenses when they come up, but looking forward to being in a place financially where every expense doesn't have to be so thought out.
Mind you, I am a bit of a miser so even with $1,000,000.00+ in my bank account, I would STILL be frugal. I've always been that way and always will be, no doubt. this point, 1 of 3 things need to happen for yours truly:
1. I work hard/smart to get to where I want to be financially.
2. I marry rich.(Of course, I'd be marrying for more than money...those who know me would attest to that. Yet 4 or 5 zeros before the decimal point sure would be nice).
3. I win tonight's California Super Lotto Plus
Yes folks, I will be happy with ANY and ALL of the above. That's not too much to ask, is it?
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do YOU play the Lotto? If not, why not?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Fearless '14
So I've never been much of a rap fan but every now and then a lyric or a beat will get stuck in my head. As a result of the wonderful things that have taken place for me today, THAT is exactly what has happened.
Today, I got to experience what it feels like to share a dream, and have folks support and encourage me in that dream. Had I known it would be like this, I would've stepped out a long time ago. Maybe.
For the handful of you who have followed The Dialogue Den since its start back in June of 2010, you know that I haven't done much promoting of the blog, nor was I very consistent.
But I gotta tell ya...when that clock struck 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 2014...SOMETHING happened. SOMETHING in my heart and mind said THIS year, be FEARLESS(and consistent).
So "Fearless '14" is what I've actually named the year.
For too long (most of my life to be exact), I've always been afraid.
Afraid to speak up.
Afraid to try new things.
Afraid that people might not like me if I disagreed with what they thought.
Finally, I've said NO MORE! Fear has had to leave because FAITH has moved in.
So now, I'm stepping out on FAITH (I know that sounds cliché), and I've begun to LIVE. Live a life that's MINE...not a life that I think others want for me. Sure, some of my choices may ruffle feathers but the fact of the matter is...I can't please everybody. You'd think after all these years I would've figured that out by now. But hey, as intelligent as I am, I'm also a "slow learner" and most lessons take me a bit longer to get than others. Better late than never though, so here I am.
Sharing my blog with the world was just the tip of my iceberg. There a so many grand things that I need to do in this lifetime and NOW, I am ready.
Do I regret that I've wasted so much time? Nope.
Regret would only come if at the end of this life I had chosen to do nothing.
Who knows, tomorrow could very well be the end for me (none of us really know for sure), and even if it were, I still wouldn't have any regrets about the time that has passed, because at least...I did THIS much TODAY.
Now for those of you who are new to The Dialogue Den, I'll give you a brief overview.
1. This is a DIALOGUE, NOT a monologue. So I throw stuff out there and would LOVE it if you would talk back to me.
2. I'm not a political blogger, spiritual blogger, relationship blogger...and then again...I could be ALL of those. The posts here are as random as my thoughts, and for those who know me...they will attest that my thoughts tend to be quite random. Simply put, I've got a lot swirlin' around in this pretty little head of mine and it would be selfish for me to keep all this to myself.
3. My writing style is a lot like me...goes with the flow...not too serious. If I place a punctuation mark in the wrong place, or don't have the quotation marks where they should be, or use waaay too many ellipses (I use ellipses a LOT), you can point those things out to me if you'd like, but I probably won't change. Once this stops being fun, I'd possibly stop writing, and since we don't want that to happen (do we), let's just keep it fun and understand that I am a "work in progress".
I think that's about it.
As for the pic that posted...that's my 2014 Vision Board and I LOVE IT! Especially the phrase right smack dab in the middle that says "MAKE IT HAPPEN". You see, I made a vision board for 2013, and it sat on the floor behind a couch all year long. Needless to say, not many (if any) of those visions came to be.
This year is different though. I have that "MAKE IT HAPPEN" staring me right in the face, and as a result, I am DETERMINED to make stuff happen (good stuff, long awaited stuff), THIS year.
"Fearless '14" is gonna be FABULOUS! I just know it!
Oh, and as for that lyric that's been in my head all day, it's from that great rap lyricist, Ice Cube, when he says "today was a good day." Indeed it was!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What are YOU ready to do that you've been holding back on for far too long? What can I (we) do to help "MAKE IT HAPPEN"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Today, I got to experience what it feels like to share a dream, and have folks support and encourage me in that dream. Had I known it would be like this, I would've stepped out a long time ago. Maybe.
For the handful of you who have followed The Dialogue Den since its start back in June of 2010, you know that I haven't done much promoting of the blog, nor was I very consistent.
But I gotta tell ya...when that clock struck 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 2014...SOMETHING happened. SOMETHING in my heart and mind said THIS year, be FEARLESS(and consistent).
So "Fearless '14" is what I've actually named the year.
For too long (most of my life to be exact), I've always been afraid.
Afraid to speak up.
Afraid to try new things.
Afraid that people might not like me if I disagreed with what they thought.
Finally, I've said NO MORE! Fear has had to leave because FAITH has moved in.
So now, I'm stepping out on FAITH (I know that sounds cliché), and I've begun to LIVE. Live a life that's MINE...not a life that I think others want for me. Sure, some of my choices may ruffle feathers but the fact of the matter is...I can't please everybody. You'd think after all these years I would've figured that out by now. But hey, as intelligent as I am, I'm also a "slow learner" and most lessons take me a bit longer to get than others. Better late than never though, so here I am.
Sharing my blog with the world was just the tip of my iceberg. There a so many grand things that I need to do in this lifetime and NOW, I am ready.
Do I regret that I've wasted so much time? Nope.
Regret would only come if at the end of this life I had chosen to do nothing.
Who knows, tomorrow could very well be the end for me (none of us really know for sure), and even if it were, I still wouldn't have any regrets about the time that has passed, because at least...I did THIS much TODAY.
Now for those of you who are new to The Dialogue Den, I'll give you a brief overview.
1. This is a DIALOGUE, NOT a monologue. So I throw stuff out there and would LOVE it if you would talk back to me.
2. I'm not a political blogger, spiritual blogger, relationship blogger...and then again...I could be ALL of those. The posts here are as random as my thoughts, and for those who know me...they will attest that my thoughts tend to be quite random. Simply put, I've got a lot swirlin' around in this pretty little head of mine and it would be selfish for me to keep all this to myself.
3. My writing style is a lot like me...goes with the flow...not too serious. If I place a punctuation mark in the wrong place, or don't have the quotation marks where they should be, or use waaay too many ellipses (I use ellipses a LOT), you can point those things out to me if you'd like, but I probably won't change. Once this stops being fun, I'd possibly stop writing, and since we don't want that to happen (do we), let's just keep it fun and understand that I am a "work in progress".
I think that's about it.
As for the pic that posted...that's my 2014 Vision Board and I LOVE IT! Especially the phrase right smack dab in the middle that says "MAKE IT HAPPEN". You see, I made a vision board for 2013, and it sat on the floor behind a couch all year long. Needless to say, not many (if any) of those visions came to be.
This year is different though. I have that "MAKE IT HAPPEN" staring me right in the face, and as a result, I am DETERMINED to make stuff happen (good stuff, long awaited stuff), THIS year.
"Fearless '14" is gonna be FABULOUS! I just know it!
Oh, and as for that lyric that's been in my head all day, it's from that great rap lyricist, Ice Cube, when he says "today was a good day." Indeed it was!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What are YOU ready to do that you've been holding back on for far too long? What can I (we) do to help "MAKE IT HAPPEN"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, January 6, 2014
You've Got Mail!
I was sooo excited about today's post, I could hardly wait to get home and write it.
Four days ago I began reading a wonderful book titled, A Simple Act of Gratitude by John Kralik, and I am LOVING it!
I wasn't sure exactly what my approach to the book was gonna be. Wasn't sure if I would finish reading it FIRST, then act on it, or if I would act on it as I read. Well, I chose the latter. I had to.
In case you're interested in reading the book for yourself, I won't tell you all of what it's about, however, I will say that just based on what I have read thus far, I have already placed my first THANK YOU note in the mail. And there will be many more to follow...364 more to be exact. Oh, and they will ALL be HANDWRITTEN. So if you get one and can't read the writing...just ask...I'll decipher it for ya.
With so much to be thankful for, and so many to be thankful for, it just makes sense in my mind to send THANK YOU notes. And that, coupled with the fact that I love the old fashioned, "lost art" of actually mailing letters...THIS is right up my alley. As I read the book I often question myself and wonder, "Why didn't I think of this before?"
Oh well...better late than never, right?
So down, 364 more to go and as I said earlier...I AM EXCITED!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do YOU send THANK YOU notes? If so, do they usually follow an event, like a birthday, wedding, Christmas...or do you send them at random.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Four days ago I began reading a wonderful book titled, A Simple Act of Gratitude by John Kralik, and I am LOVING it!
I wasn't sure exactly what my approach to the book was gonna be. Wasn't sure if I would finish reading it FIRST, then act on it, or if I would act on it as I read. Well, I chose the latter. I had to.
In case you're interested in reading the book for yourself, I won't tell you all of what it's about, however, I will say that just based on what I have read thus far, I have already placed my first THANK YOU note in the mail. And there will be many more to follow...364 more to be exact. Oh, and they will ALL be HANDWRITTEN. So if you get one and can't read the writing...just ask...I'll decipher it for ya.
With so much to be thankful for, and so many to be thankful for, it just makes sense in my mind to send THANK YOU notes. And that, coupled with the fact that I love the old fashioned, "lost art" of actually mailing letters...THIS is right up my alley. As I read the book I often question myself and wonder, "Why didn't I think of this before?"
Oh well...better late than never, right?
So down, 364 more to go and as I said earlier...I AM EXCITED!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do YOU send THANK YOU notes? If so, do they usually follow an event, like a birthday, wedding, Christmas...or do you send them at random.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Did I even get a wink?
Last night's sleep was rough. I would almost say that I didn't go to sleep but I know that I did because I had two very unusual dreams.
Usually my dreams are like vapor and as soon as I wake up, they're gone. So I find it quite interesting that at 6:09 p.m., I STILL remember them.
In the first one I dreamt that a man knocked at the door and for some dumb reason, I answered...BY OPENING THE DOOR.
I NEVER do that!!!
In real life I either DON'T open the door (unless I'm expecting a visitor) or, I MAY look out the peep hole first. But never EVER to I just OPEN IT.
Anyhoo...I open the door and he asks me if I work. As I stood there trying to figure out what that meant, he forced the door open, stepped inside, shut it...and began BEATING ME! I knew I was in trouble.
He'd beat me for a while, then stop, then beat me some more, then stop. He never stole anything. His sole purpose was to beat me. I don't know how that one ended, I just know that it wasn't good.
In the second dream, I was on a business trip for work. There were about 50 of us on that trip. We were in Las Vegas and there weren't any hotels that could accommodate all of us. Then, somebody found us a place. It was some top secret hotel that very few knew about. So we get there and I totally understood why very few knew about the place. There was some really freaky stuff goin' on there. All out in the open. It was gross! And I'm not a prude, but some stuff just DOESN'T need to be seen. We proceeded to walk by it as though it were just another walk in the park. Not any park that I'd ever hope to find myself in.
Then I woke up.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What did YOU dream about last night?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Usually my dreams are like vapor and as soon as I wake up, they're gone. So I find it quite interesting that at 6:09 p.m., I STILL remember them.
In the first one I dreamt that a man knocked at the door and for some dumb reason, I answered...BY OPENING THE DOOR.
I NEVER do that!!!
In real life I either DON'T open the door (unless I'm expecting a visitor) or, I MAY look out the peep hole first. But never EVER to I just OPEN IT.
Anyhoo...I open the door and he asks me if I work. As I stood there trying to figure out what that meant, he forced the door open, stepped inside, shut it...and began BEATING ME! I knew I was in trouble.
He'd beat me for a while, then stop, then beat me some more, then stop. He never stole anything. His sole purpose was to beat me. I don't know how that one ended, I just know that it wasn't good.
In the second dream, I was on a business trip for work. There were about 50 of us on that trip. We were in Las Vegas and there weren't any hotels that could accommodate all of us. Then, somebody found us a place. It was some top secret hotel that very few knew about. So we get there and I totally understood why very few knew about the place. There was some really freaky stuff goin' on there. All out in the open. It was gross! And I'm not a prude, but some stuff just DOESN'T need to be seen. We proceeded to walk by it as though it were just another walk in the park. Not any park that I'd ever hope to find myself in.
Then I woke up.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What did YOU dream about last night?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, January 4, 2014
So I woke up this morning and sighed when I realized that I forgot to write yesterday. You see, I've told myself that THIS year will be "The Year of The Dialogue Den". THIS is the year that it will take off. THIS is the year when it will truly become a DIALOGUE instead of a monologue as it has been.
In order for it to become what I have envisioned, I understand that I must give it the time and love that it needs in order to blossom. Similar to a plant that will simply die when left in a corner without sunlight and water, much the same will happen to my sweet little blog. If I don't visit it often (like daily) and give it love (by writing), it too will wither away. I know that there is potential here, I just have to keep nourishing my dream until others begin to see that same potential.
So, here I am. Four days into the year and I've posted three times. Not bad, just need to do better, as in WRITE EVERYDAY better!
What's on my mind today? Well, I had a great time with 2 of my longtime friends from elementary school. One, I see all the time, and the other I haven't seen in a few years. We got together today and it was as though the years between elementary school and now have not passed at all. We jumped into our conversation as though we speak everyday. I don't know what you'd call that, but it sure was enjoyable.
As I get older I actually seem to have that experience more and more. You know...not seeing or speaking with a person for months sometimes, then they pop back into my life and we just pick up where we left off. None of that "getting reacquainted" business is necessary, it's just kinda like water. Fluid. When you move with it everything flows naturally.
So anyway, that was my day.
How bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you every reunited with someone you hadn't seen in months or even years, and if so, was it awkward or did you simply jump right in as though you'd seen each other yesterday?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
In order for it to become what I have envisioned, I understand that I must give it the time and love that it needs in order to blossom. Similar to a plant that will simply die when left in a corner without sunlight and water, much the same will happen to my sweet little blog. If I don't visit it often (like daily) and give it love (by writing), it too will wither away. I know that there is potential here, I just have to keep nourishing my dream until others begin to see that same potential.
So, here I am. Four days into the year and I've posted three times. Not bad, just need to do better, as in WRITE EVERYDAY better!
What's on my mind today? Well, I had a great time with 2 of my longtime friends from elementary school. One, I see all the time, and the other I haven't seen in a few years. We got together today and it was as though the years between elementary school and now have not passed at all. We jumped into our conversation as though we speak everyday. I don't know what you'd call that, but it sure was enjoyable.
As I get older I actually seem to have that experience more and more. You know...not seeing or speaking with a person for months sometimes, then they pop back into my life and we just pick up where we left off. None of that "getting reacquainted" business is necessary, it's just kinda like water. Fluid. When you move with it everything flows naturally.
So anyway, that was my day.
How bout you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you every reunited with someone you hadn't seen in months or even years, and if so, was it awkward or did you simply jump right in as though you'd seen each other yesterday?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Tonight, I got to visit one of my favorite pooches. Russ.
I have a few favorite pooches. Laz, Sammy, Russ and Cali. I just can't resist them.
Mind you, I should resist because anytime I'm with 'em they leave me with red eyes, a runny nose and itchy. Yeah...I'm a wee bit allergic. But the joy that I get when I'm with them is worth all of the sneezing that comes after.
I would love to have a dog of my own...really, I would. But I'm an "apartment dweller" and we can't have pets...not even small ones. So...I visit my furry friends until my housing situation changes.
Anywhoo...this one's gonna be short and sweet today.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you allergic to any animals? If so, do you still go around them anyway?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I have a few favorite pooches. Laz, Sammy, Russ and Cali. I just can't resist them.
Mind you, I should resist because anytime I'm with 'em they leave me with red eyes, a runny nose and itchy. Yeah...I'm a wee bit allergic. But the joy that I get when I'm with them is worth all of the sneezing that comes after.
I would love to have a dog of my own...really, I would. But I'm an "apartment dweller" and we can't have pets...not even small ones. So...I visit my furry friends until my housing situation changes.
Anywhoo...this one's gonna be short and sweet today.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you allergic to any animals? If so, do you still go around them anyway?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
The Word for 2014 is...
Welcome to the first day of 2014!
So we're only hours into January 1st and I guess I'm in a bit of an introspective mode. Just kinda wondering how I want this year to shape up.
I made a "Vision Board" for 2014 and there was one word that pretty much took over. That word was LOVE. I chose that word for many reasons.
I desire to BE loved.
I desire TO give/share love.
I want people to love ONE ANOTHER more.
God IS love.
LOVE just covers a gamut of circumstances and can be defined in so many ways. It's almost like clay. Depending on the hands that hold it, LOVE can take on a completely different form.
So yeah, for THIS girl...LOVE is the word.
In all that I do, may I do it with LOVE in mind.
Now how 'bout you?
Let the dialogue begin: Do you have a WORD or something that you've chosen to focus on for 2014?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Welcome to the first day of 2014!
So we're only hours into January 1st and I guess I'm in a bit of an introspective mode. Just kinda wondering how I want this year to shape up.
I made a "Vision Board" for 2014 and there was one word that pretty much took over. That word was LOVE. I chose that word for many reasons.
I desire to BE loved.
I desire TO give/share love.
I want people to love ONE ANOTHER more.
God IS love.
LOVE just covers a gamut of circumstances and can be defined in so many ways. It's almost like clay. Depending on the hands that hold it, LOVE can take on a completely different form.
So yeah, for THIS girl...LOVE is the word.
In all that I do, may I do it with LOVE in mind.
Now how 'bout you?
Let the dialogue begin: Do you have a WORD or something that you've chosen to focus on for 2014?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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