Instead, I shall write about dresses.
I've never been much of a dress wearer. My attire of choice consists of jeans, t-shirt, sandals or tennis shoes. That's me. Plain, simple, comfortable.
But here recently I've pondered what it may be like to actually add a dress or two to my wardrobe. One thing's for sure...when I walk in to wherever I'm gonna go with a dress...heads WILL turn. That's how infrequently I wear dresses. The last time I wore one was in September at a dinner that I attended. I haven't worn THAT dress or ANY dress since. I'll admit, it wasn't much to write home about. It was just enough of a dress to say that I had one on.
This time though, I wanna go big. Go girly. Go sexy.
So...the pic that you see here is what I'm considering adding to my wardrobe. I like it and it's VERY me.
How 'bout you ladies out there? Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are YOU a dress wearer or are pants more your thing?
Talk to me!

Til next time...
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