Those who know me know that I joined a running group (Black Girls RUN!) almost 2 years ago. This group changed my life by getting me OFF of the couch and ONTO the pavement. Before BGR! I never ran, jogged, walked...NOTHIN'. Well, all that changed VERY quickly.
In addition to the weekly runs that we do in our local neighborhoods, we also do group races together. At this moment I couldn't tell you how many I've done because I'm tired and don't feel like checking. What I CAN tell you is that there've been more than ten.
Anwyay...My goal THIS year was to do 14 races in 2014. I just did my first one last Saturday. Only 13 more to go...or so I thought.
Now anyone who participates in running races, 5K, 10K, Half (13.1 miles), Marathon (26.2 miles) knows that the fees to enter these races can get pretty hefty. So, I was trying to limit mine to races that were only $35.00 or less to enter. That was until...DISNEY!
This morning registration opened up for the Disney races. My plan this year was to participate in different races than I've done before. I hadn't done Disney yet and usually by the time I decide, registration is CLOSED. Not this time. This time I got it and I registered for the 10K. Paid a pretty penny for it too.
Occasionally we can find a discount code for a race...not with Disney. With these races, you pay FULL price. So yeah...there you have it. This one race registration has now taken the place of 3 or 4 other races that I would've done this year. Oh well. What's done is done, and now I begin training so that I can get my pace to a level that will NOT have "the bus" scooping me up. I would be sooo embarrassed if "the bus" had to pick me up because my pace is too slow to finish in the allotted time.
In all of the excitement I also learned an interesting lesson.
Disney is able to charge FULL price for a race BECAUSE THEY CAN, and because they know that the demand is high...people WANT to do a Disney race. We wait by our computers for registration to open as if we were waiting for the hottest concert tickets to go on sale. With demand like that there's no need to offer a discount. Disney is WANTED.
I realized that this is how single women anticipating "Mr. Right" should view ourselves. We are WANTED, so there's no need to EVER have to "offer a discount", as in...lower our standards or our values.
When the man who is WORTHY of being with us comes along, he will see our VALUE and do whatever it takes to be with us. It's as simple as that. But as long as we "offer discounts", lower our standards and will offer a discounted version of themselves.
I can't speak for all of my single female friends but I can and WILL speak for myself and say that I don't want a discounted version of ANY man.
And I'm not speaking in terms of financial status. I am speaking in terms of a man who comes to me with his BEST, which in turn will result in my offering the best of ME. NO DISCOUNTS! As the saying goes, "You get what you pay for", and that's all I'll say about that.

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: For those of you who participate in races, what's the MOST you've ever paid to enter, and which race was it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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