For years I've been ashamed to let anybody know, and quite honestly, up until this very moment my best friend Judy was the only one who knew.
But I've decided that if I'm going to write this blog and share my random thoughts, I may as well share them as they come. So today, I randomly thought about my visit.
I started seeing her about 6 months ago, maybe longer. Initially I began seeing her to help me get through the struggles that I have by not yet being in the career that I believe I was created for. No matter how you slice it or put a fancy name on it, I am currently employed as a telemarketer...and that's just not me. As a result, I have been depressed. Not so depressed that I want to give up on life, but depressed in the sense that I know that I was meant to do something else...something meaningful, and this just isn't that. Even through my "functionally depressed" state, as I call it, I am thankful everyday for having a job to go to because I know full well that there are many who would love to have my seat. I get that. I've always gotten that. Yet it doesn't negate the fact that I still struggle daily.
As a Christian, it's been very difficult to share that I've been seeing a therapist because "the Church" would have us to believe that "Jesus is all we need", therefore making therapy taboo. Unfortunately, this has resulted in many churchgoing folks living lives in a downward spiral...needing help but too ashamed to get it. Yes, we need Jesus AND we need the medical professionals that are available to us.
I see therapists as being on the same level of medical physicians, dentists, optometrists, etc. I recently saw my medical doctor for a issue that I've been having with my feet. If I shared that with anyone no one would give it a second thought. Of course you go see a doctor when there's a medical condition going on. Society accepts that. The Church accepts that. So they should accept therapy too. And I have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of.
I am a Christian who believes the Word of God, I study daily, I find hope and encouragement in God's Word, AND...I see a therapist.
In addition to helping me find ways to cope at work while working toward my true purpose, my therapist simply offers the listening ear that I so greatly need. Not just for work related issues, but for ANY issue that I'm facing, and they vary from visit to visit.
I don't have a husband or significant other to share the daily events of my life with so I greatly lack having someone to simply "talk to".
Yes, I have a best friend who I share much with, but she has a life of her own...issues of her own...heck, EVERYBODY has issues of their own, so it's simply not fair for me to pile mine onto hers. I wouldn't think of it.

Yes, I have a Pastor who is available to talk to, but he's got a church full of parishioners, some with issues far greater than mine, so I wouldn't think of troubling him either.
And Yes...there is ALWAYS God. I am fully aware that I can speak to Him anywhere at anytime. Yet, just as I often need a physical hug that I can actually FEEL, the same holds true with needing a physical EAR of someone else to hear what I'm going through and help me develop strategies to move out of the situation and into something better. That's what my therapist does for me.
In my case I feel exceptionally blessed because my therapist shares my Christian faith. So she often reminds me of Scriptures that were meant just for my situation, and at times she has even prayed with me. That was reassurance for me that YES, it is okay to seek help when life gets to be overwhelming.
So...will people think I'm a "nut case" now that I've revealed my "secret"? Maybe.
Do I care? I don't.
For most of my life I've been misunderstood. I don't expect this to be any different.
People just don't "get me", which I find so interesting because I am one of the easiest people to "get". Easy going, mellow, anti-drama...pretty simple if you ask me. Maybe that's what makes me complex. Who knows?
Anyhoo...if tonight's post can help someone else out there who's been hiding under the shame and taboo of seeing a therapist, I am here to let you know that you have NOTHING to be ashamed of. If you need help...get it. And don't worry about what others may say or think. YOU are your #1 priority so you have to do all that you can to make sure that you are healthy and well...physically AND psychologically. And if you have children or other folks who depend on you to keep things running, then I am specifically talking to YOU. If YOU are not well then how can you possibly take care of others? I'll answer that for you...YOU CAN'T!
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What are YOUR thoughts on church going folks who get counseling from a therapist?
This'll be interesting.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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