I've never experienced like that. How frickin' RUDE!
As usual, the cashier asks, "How's your day goin'?" I respond with, "It was great until I was treated like a 2 year old who can't manage my own divider." She looked at me, I motioned my eyes toward "Mr. Type A - CONTROL FREAK MAN" and she just smiled. Maybe she's seen him do that before, but I've never had HIM or ANYBODY control the movement of MY groceries. Heck, after all that I should've just stood there and waited for him to pay for them too. Can you IMAGINE how uptight he would have been if I had taken too long to pay. MAN...that's what I should've done!
How 'bout you...
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the oddest thing that's ever happened to YOU in a grocery store line?
Talk to me!
Til next time...

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