Now I don't know how many of you are like me, but when I look at someone's photo I automatically zoom in on what's in the background. As a result, I have seen some CRAZY stuff.
Tonight I giggled as a friend posted a pic of herself at a concert and in the row behind her is a man scowling, as if to say, "I don't wanna be in no pitcha". Now...if he had only looked the other way, he wouldn't have been in the "pitcha" and I probably would've never noticed him.
Interestingly, last Friday night when I was out, I was sitting behind a group of women who took a LOT of pics. Well...sitting right behind them...whad'a'ya'think *I* did? {humming Jeopardy theme song}...I SMILED, and placed my head between theirs. Yep! More than likely they deleted all the ones I was so "obviously" in, but I sure had a lot of fun squeezing myself into their pics. (I know...I was wrong, but it was fun...really, it was).

Let the DIALOGUE begin: How many pics do you think you've just "randomly" appeared. How many times have you looked at a pic that you'd taken only to find that some random "Shmo" ended up in it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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