The worst Thanksgiving dish you ever had
So here goes.
I don't remember the EXACT year, I just know that it was between 20-25 years ago.
My grandmother had passed away and my grandfather was seeing this new "woman" who he had decided to marry, so he decided to have the family over for Thanksgiving dinner...prepared by "her".
What I didn't know at the time was that everyone else in the family had already met her. I, somehow, was the only one who hadn't yet.
Well...I met her...and didn't like her. Twenty some odd years later, my dislike for her was completely warranted as she turned out to be a real witch...with a capital B.
Anyhoo...I digress...
It was time for dinner and we all gathered 'round the table and start dishing food onto our plates. I got some turkey and went to pour what I *thought* was gravy. Well...the only thing gravy-ish about it was the fact that it was in a gravy bowl, tureen...whatever that thing is called. But what was swimming around in the bowl was NOT was GREASE. Straight GREASE.
I decided to pass on that and instead, just ate my dry turkey DRY.
I'm sure that there was more to the meal that wasn't very palatable but at this moment all that sticks with me is that GREASE.
That was the LAST meal of hers that I've ever eaten, and I think that if I were starving and she offered me food today, I'd just have to go on home to glory. She's a SNAKE and I wouldn't want anything from her...EVER. But again...that's another story for a different day.
Let the DIALOUGUE begin: What's the worst Thanksgiving dish you ever had?
Talk to me!
Til next time...

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