Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Was It Something I Said?
So I woke up this morning, read my Bible then checked Facebook.
Lo and behold, I saw that my "friend" count had dropped again. *GASP!*
I mean, it's no biggie...but it kinda is...a lil bit.
As I have said numerous times before..."I am NOT everyone's cup of tea. Some prefer coffee."
I know that sometimes the count will drop if a person deactivates their account. Somehow, I don't think that's the case in this instance (nor in the past 5 or 10 instances).
I'm sure that if FB ever came up with a way for us to KNOW who's "unfriended" us, that would only result in a WHOLE LOTTA negative confrontation. But every now and then, I get curious.
I think it would be interesting to know what it was about me (if anything) that made a person decide to "click the button." And that again is assuming that the issue was in fact me.
For the most part, my page is pretty positive.
Lately I've posted a "more than normal" share of butterfly pics as a result of my recent visit to the Natural History Museum in Santa Barbara last week.
I also post notes of encouragement, often to myself as I greatly need them at this particular point in my life.
There's an occasional song, random thought, check-in, and the latest book(s) that I've just read.
For the most part, that's about it.
Oh...and I post "Jesus stuff" because, well...that's just what I do.
So who knows. Maybe one (or all) of the above was enough for someone to say, "Her page is a major 'yawn-fest' so there's no need for me to keep her as a friend." And that is A-ok!
Another factor to consider is that little "ticker" that shows folks what other folks are commenting on and liking. Honestly, I find the "ticker" to be distracting and so I have never had it on. As a result, I have NO IDEA what folks are commenting on or liking unless they are doing so on a mutual friend's page that I happen to be able to see. Otherwise, nope.
But I know that a lot of other folks keep their "ticker" on because the like having visibility into EVERYTHING. So who knows...even though I may not have posted anything "controversial" on my own page, I have some "friends" who have recently and I have liked or loved what they've had to say. Perhaps someone seeing that in their "ticker" disagrees with what I am agreeing with and for that, they've said, "Adios!" I know...I'm overthinking, but again....that's what I do.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm no "Facebook Angel." Yes, I have "unfriended" some folks in my day and very recently did so with about 5. For me it came down to this...if we have been "friends" for "x" number of years, yet you have NEVER liked or commented on ANYTHING I've ever posted...then what's the point? I dunno. Maybe I "Facebook" differently than other folks, but I believe in engaging with others and not just being a "looky-loo" or just having "friends" for the sake of having "friends." So yeah.
Interestingly enough, if FB did come up with a feature where you could tell when you've been "unfriended," I would gladly tell folks why as I just explained above.
Rarely do I "unfriend" someone who's views differ from mine. Quite honestly, I don't think I've ever "unfriended" anyone for that reason. I mean really, who expects EVERYONE to think the same way that they do. That in my opinion would be terribly BORING.
Now I have BLOCKED a couple of folks. One, I won't talk about, and the other was because she was simply least toward me. To this day she is still friends with many of my friends and either she's not TOXIC with them, or they've just come to accept that that is how she is. I couldn't take it. EVERYTHING she commented on made my stomach knot up. So yeah...she had to GO!
I'm sure that most folks don't give a rat's arse about who "unfriends" them and why. As for me...I'm just curious like that.
One thing that I have found quite interesting in knowing who has "unfriended" me is when I see who has "liked" some of my past profile pics and at the bottom of the list, there they are with the words "add friend" next to their names. AHA! Those are folks once were my "friends" and somewhere down the line decided to bail. They may think that they made a clean getaway, but FB tells all *insert sinister laugh here*.
Alright...enough about that.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: For my fellow Facebook users out there...have you ever been "unfriended" by someone and confronted them about it? If so, how did that go?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Have you ever been in the middle of writing a paper, or just doing work in general on your computer and then the power goes out and you lose EVERYTHING?
Yeah, I've had that happen to me too. Not today though.
I'm not sure yet if what happened was better or worse than losing all of my work due to an unexpected power outage because I failed to "save" along the way.
No folks, today I lost YEARS worth of emails. I'm talking emails that went back to 2009. UGH!!!
I was going through my email folder, sorting through some things, looking for some other things, and before I knew it, I accidentally pressed the button that deleted ALL emails. Everything...GONE.
I immediately went to the "recover deleted email" option, but it didn't work.
So I had to go to the "trash" folder and try to fish through the emails to handpick the ones I wanted back. As you can imagine, that go frustrating and I came to the realization that I've simply gotta start from a "clean slate."
Who knows? Maybe it was a good thing. I mean really...who needs emails from 2009? I DO!!!
*sigh* Lesson learned.
Okay. Enough about me. How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever lost important docs or pics on your computer? If so, were you able to retrieve them or are they "gone for good?"
Talk to me (especially if you have suggestions for an easy way to get my emails back)!
Til next time...
Yeah, I've had that happen to me too. Not today though.
I'm not sure yet if what happened was better or worse than losing all of my work due to an unexpected power outage because I failed to "save" along the way.
No folks, today I lost YEARS worth of emails. I'm talking emails that went back to 2009. UGH!!!
I was going through my email folder, sorting through some things, looking for some other things, and before I knew it, I accidentally pressed the button that deleted ALL emails. Everything...GONE.
I immediately went to the "recover deleted email" option, but it didn't work.
So I had to go to the "trash" folder and try to fish through the emails to handpick the ones I wanted back. As you can imagine, that go frustrating and I came to the realization that I've simply gotta start from a "clean slate."
Who knows? Maybe it was a good thing. I mean really...who needs emails from 2009? I DO!!!
*sigh* Lesson learned.
Okay. Enough about me. How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever lost important docs or pics on your computer? If so, were you able to retrieve them or are they "gone for good?"
Talk to me (especially if you have suggestions for an easy way to get my emails back)!
Til next time...
Monday, August 29, 2016
Chowmein and Forks
Saturday night I was hungry and had a hankerin' for some Chinese food. I didn't want to leave the house so I decided to try one of the local restaurants that offer delivery.
Aside from pizza, I've never ordered any other food to be delivered.
I hopped on Yelp to find options and read reviews.
Found one that looked good and proceeded to order.
The food arrived and I immediately took it into the kitchen to serve up. I must admit...I was a bit disappointed to find the food packaged in a Styrofoam container (pictured). I guess after all these years, I've grown accustomed to the cardboard containers with the little wire handle.
And to add to my disappointment, there were NO fortune cookies. What's up with that?!?
As far as the food went, it was fresh, tasty, and plentiful. So I guess in the grand scheme of things, that's all that really matters...right?
How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a Chinese restaurant in your neighborhood that you use for delivery? If so, does the food arrive in the "traditional" containers, or in the stuff that mine arrived in?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, August 28, 2016
There's No Place Like HOME
Today was another Sunday for me to visit a different church.
I gotta tell ya...this experience was the most "interesting" of them all thus far.
As I have mentioned before, I have certain criteria that I look for in a church before I visit.
It MUST be a Bible believing, preaching, teaching church.
The church's beliefs about Christ must be the same as mine -- that He is God, He is the Son of God, He lived, was crucified, buried, rose again on the third day, and is coming back.
The church must believe that Jesus is Lord and that He is the ONLY way to salvation.
Those are all pretty standard as far as Christianity goes so in every church I've visited thus far, and even the one I visited today, the criteria has been met.
So...what made today's visit "interesting?" even though those things were "interesting," they didn't negate any of the criteria that I look for when I was good with the service.
After service though, things became "more interesting."
One of the ministers spoke with me and asked what I though about the service. I pointed out that things were done a bit "different" that what I am accustomed to, but overall, I enjoyed service.
He then proceeded to ask me what was "different."
So I mentioned the fact that there were no instruments or choir. He didn't really address that, and then proceeded to ask me about anything else.
I told him that I wasn't used to having Communion on 4th Sunday. He then asked how often we have it at my church. I told him once a month, on 1st Sunday.
He asked me why.
I told him that that is just how often we do it, and told him that it didn't matter how often we did it as long as we did it in remembrance of Christ.
He then sat me down, opened his Bible and showed me that I was wrong.
We took a look at 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 which he explained to me just tells us WHAT Communion is and WHY we take it. He said that it does not state there WHEN or HOW OFTEN we are to take it.
In order to determine that, we went to Acts 20:7.
Based on that passage of Scripture, he told me that we are to take Communion EVERY "first day of the week," which is Sunday. So instead of just ONE Sunday a month, we are to be taking it EVERY Sunday.
He told me that there are five parts to WORSHIP:
Then he said, "If we only do 4 of the 5 each Sunday then WORSHIP is not complete."
Then he moved on to the subject of baptism.
This got even "more interesting-er."
I noticed during service that the baptismal pool was ready, and that the ministers were ready to baptize anyone who came to receive Christ in before they left to go home, they could (and should be) baptized right then and there.
He proceeded to tell me that this is what they also believed (based on a Scripture that he pointed out, but I didn't get a chance to jot down.)
In a nutshell, he told me that believing, confessing Jesus as Lord, and repentance does not provide salvation. He said that unless one is baptized (after doing the above mentioned of course), only THEN are they saved.
So I asked, "So you're telling me that if someone believes, confesses Jesus as Lord, and repents of their sins, but does not get baptized...and dies...then they won't go to Heaven?"
He said that's correct.
Well that floored me.
As far as I understood (and still believe), baptism is simply an outward confession of an inward faith. If someone does everything I listed above (yet doesn't get baptized), they are still saved.
The minister told me that that was wrong because unless one "dies" (as in goes under the water), and is "resurrected" (as in comes back up out of the water) as Jesus did, then that person is not "like Him" and is not a new creature...therefore, NOT saved.
I don't really know what to say about all of that except that it has made me really want to dig deeper into God's find out which is correct.
I am tempted to ask my pastor about it, but he doesn't think I should be "visiting" other churches for this very reason, because it may cause confusion.
Interestingly, I really thought that this church I visited today was one of the same belief as mine. Once I got there though and followed along with the service I realized that "denominationally speaking" it's a bit different. The PRIMARY principle (or doctrine) is the same, but other things are not. Had I known that, I may not have gone.
So...we'll have to see what my study and research uncovers...and most importantly, what God says about the issues of baptism, salvation, and Communion.
Normally I list the name of the church that I attended but today I'm gonna leave that out.
I will say this that I could adhere to my "two visits per church" rule, I did go to their evening service today as well, so I won't be going back.
The message came from Deuteronomy 30:6-11 and was about making up one's mind to obey God.
I enjoyed the message, just as I enjoyed the one this morning. Both were "Scripturally sound."
It's just those parts about needing to be baptized (and I'm not talking about being "sprinkled"...I'm talking about "full immersion") as a REQUIREMENT, and Communion EVERY SUNDAY that I need to look further into.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's on YOUR mind today? Doesn't have to be church related. It can be ANYTHING.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I gotta tell ya...this experience was the most "interesting" of them all thus far.
As I have mentioned before, I have certain criteria that I look for in a church before I visit.
It MUST be a Bible believing, preaching, teaching church.
The church's beliefs about Christ must be the same as mine -- that He is God, He is the Son of God, He lived, was crucified, buried, rose again on the third day, and is coming back.
The church must believe that Jesus is Lord and that He is the ONLY way to salvation.
Those are all pretty standard as far as Christianity goes so in every church I've visited thus far, and even the one I visited today, the criteria has been met.
So...what made today's visit "interesting?"
- There were no instruments. No piano. No organ. No drums. Nada.
- There was no choir. There was a "song leader" who directed us to which songs in the hymnal, (yes HYMNAL) we would be singing.
- Communion was served (today...4th Sunday). even though those things were "interesting," they didn't negate any of the criteria that I look for when I was good with the service.
After service though, things became "more interesting."
One of the ministers spoke with me and asked what I though about the service. I pointed out that things were done a bit "different" that what I am accustomed to, but overall, I enjoyed service.
He then proceeded to ask me what was "different."
So I mentioned the fact that there were no instruments or choir. He didn't really address that, and then proceeded to ask me about anything else.
I told him that I wasn't used to having Communion on 4th Sunday. He then asked how often we have it at my church. I told him once a month, on 1st Sunday.
He asked me why.
I told him that that is just how often we do it, and told him that it didn't matter how often we did it as long as we did it in remembrance of Christ.
He then sat me down, opened his Bible and showed me that I was wrong.
We took a look at 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 which he explained to me just tells us WHAT Communion is and WHY we take it. He said that it does not state there WHEN or HOW OFTEN we are to take it.
In order to determine that, we went to Acts 20:7.
Based on that passage of Scripture, he told me that we are to take Communion EVERY "first day of the week," which is Sunday. So instead of just ONE Sunday a month, we are to be taking it EVERY Sunday.
He told me that there are five parts to WORSHIP:
- Praying
- Preaching
- Giving
- Singing
- Communion
Then he said, "If we only do 4 of the 5 each Sunday then WORSHIP is not complete."
Then he moved on to the subject of baptism.
This got even "more interesting-er."
I noticed during service that the baptismal pool was ready, and that the ministers were ready to baptize anyone who came to receive Christ in before they left to go home, they could (and should be) baptized right then and there.
He proceeded to tell me that this is what they also believed (based on a Scripture that he pointed out, but I didn't get a chance to jot down.)
In a nutshell, he told me that believing, confessing Jesus as Lord, and repentance does not provide salvation. He said that unless one is baptized (after doing the above mentioned of course), only THEN are they saved.
So I asked, "So you're telling me that if someone believes, confesses Jesus as Lord, and repents of their sins, but does not get baptized...and dies...then they won't go to Heaven?"
He said that's correct.
Well that floored me.
As far as I understood (and still believe), baptism is simply an outward confession of an inward faith. If someone does everything I listed above (yet doesn't get baptized), they are still saved.
The minister told me that that was wrong because unless one "dies" (as in goes under the water), and is "resurrected" (as in comes back up out of the water) as Jesus did, then that person is not "like Him" and is not a new creature...therefore, NOT saved.
I don't really know what to say about all of that except that it has made me really want to dig deeper into God's find out which is correct.
I am tempted to ask my pastor about it, but he doesn't think I should be "visiting" other churches for this very reason, because it may cause confusion.
Interestingly, I really thought that this church I visited today was one of the same belief as mine. Once I got there though and followed along with the service I realized that "denominationally speaking" it's a bit different. The PRIMARY principle (or doctrine) is the same, but other things are not. Had I known that, I may not have gone.
So...we'll have to see what my study and research uncovers...and most importantly, what God says about the issues of baptism, salvation, and Communion.
Normally I list the name of the church that I attended but today I'm gonna leave that out.
I will say this that I could adhere to my "two visits per church" rule, I did go to their evening service today as well, so I won't be going back.
The message came from Deuteronomy 30:6-11 and was about making up one's mind to obey God.
I enjoyed the message, just as I enjoyed the one this morning. Both were "Scripturally sound."
It's just those parts about needing to be baptized (and I'm not talking about being "sprinkled"...I'm talking about "full immersion") as a REQUIREMENT, and Communion EVERY SUNDAY that I need to look further into.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's on YOUR mind today? Doesn't have to be church related. It can be ANYTHING.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Thankful for Leftovers
Last Sunday morning I had intended to go to service at my regular church as that wasn't one of my "visiting" Sundays.
My plans got changed at the last minute and I didn't make it.
My church doesn't have an evening service but thankfully (based on my recent visits), I knew of one that does, so I went there.
The minister spoke from John know, the one about the five loaves and two fishes (yes, it says "fishes" in The Bible).
The title of his message was "My Life Is Not A Waste"
Well...that got my attention because mine has been feeling like one lately.
After reading the verses I understood that there were "leftovers" and that the fragments were to be collected so as not to go to waste. What I didn't understand was how those fragments were to tie into my life.
As I listened I wrote down a few points that jumped out at me.
The first was this, "FAITH has nothing to do with FACTS."
Boy, did I need to hear that. I mean...I already knew, but hearing it again just gave me reassurance. You see, if folks were to fully understand my "current situation," they'd tell me that I should be worrying and running around like a chicken with its head cut-off.
Yes, I agree that my "current situation" is not "ideal," and very few (if any) folks would want to be in my shoes right now. Yet my FAITH in Christ tells me not to worry. He already knows what I need before I even ask, and His track record is FLAWLESS. God has NEVER failed me before and I am 100% certain that He's not about to start.
He may not come through for me until I am down to my VERY LAST PENNY, but I know without a doubt that He WILL come through.
And for those who may be wondering...NO...I'm not just kickin' back eating bon-bons waiting for something to "magically" happen in the meantime. I am diligently taking steps to improve my situation. I have simply made a conscious decision to not worry about it.
The second thing that the minister said which caught my attention was that, "the pain in my life is not because God wants to BREAK me; it's because He wants to DISTRIBUTE me so that I can bless others I encounter."
That made my ears perk up because I have been in a number of situations that I felt I didn't belong in. What I later realized is that even though I didn't want to be there, others were blessed by the fact that I was.
So in my "current situation" I pray that I was a blessing to those in my past, and that I can be an even greater blessing (by being "distributed") to wherever God will send me next.
Then the minister tied the fragments into the message. He said that God wants to "get the fragments of my life and bring them all together. He is going to use EVERYTHING I'm going through to be a blessing to someone else."
Like I said before...I needed to hear that. It put things into perspective and left me with a more clear mind-set with regard to what I'm going through at this juncture in time.
As the benediction was given and we proceeded to head to our respective destinations, I knew that missing service at my church was no accident. It was divinely orchestrated and God meant for me to attend evening service where I did. He is an intentional God and makes NO mistakes.
I look forward to gathering up my fragments and sharing them with as many as I can.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: What do you do with leftovers? Do you eat them until there are no more left, or do you toss 'em right out?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
My plans got changed at the last minute and I didn't make it.
My church doesn't have an evening service but thankfully (based on my recent visits), I knew of one that does, so I went there.
The minister spoke from John know, the one about the five loaves and two fishes (yes, it says "fishes" in The Bible).
The title of his message was "My Life Is Not A Waste"
Well...that got my attention because mine has been feeling like one lately.
After reading the verses I understood that there were "leftovers" and that the fragments were to be collected so as not to go to waste. What I didn't understand was how those fragments were to tie into my life.
As I listened I wrote down a few points that jumped out at me.
The first was this, "FAITH has nothing to do with FACTS."
Boy, did I need to hear that. I mean...I already knew, but hearing it again just gave me reassurance. You see, if folks were to fully understand my "current situation," they'd tell me that I should be worrying and running around like a chicken with its head cut-off.
Yes, I agree that my "current situation" is not "ideal," and very few (if any) folks would want to be in my shoes right now. Yet my FAITH in Christ tells me not to worry. He already knows what I need before I even ask, and His track record is FLAWLESS. God has NEVER failed me before and I am 100% certain that He's not about to start.
He may not come through for me until I am down to my VERY LAST PENNY, but I know without a doubt that He WILL come through.
And for those who may be wondering...NO...I'm not just kickin' back eating bon-bons waiting for something to "magically" happen in the meantime. I am diligently taking steps to improve my situation. I have simply made a conscious decision to not worry about it.
The second thing that the minister said which caught my attention was that, "the pain in my life is not because God wants to BREAK me; it's because He wants to DISTRIBUTE me so that I can bless others I encounter."
That made my ears perk up because I have been in a number of situations that I felt I didn't belong in. What I later realized is that even though I didn't want to be there, others were blessed by the fact that I was.
So in my "current situation" I pray that I was a blessing to those in my past, and that I can be an even greater blessing (by being "distributed") to wherever God will send me next.
Then the minister tied the fragments into the message. He said that God wants to "get the fragments of my life and bring them all together. He is going to use EVERYTHING I'm going through to be a blessing to someone else."
Like I said before...I needed to hear that. It put things into perspective and left me with a more clear mind-set with regard to what I'm going through at this juncture in time.
As the benediction was given and we proceeded to head to our respective destinations, I knew that missing service at my church was no accident. It was divinely orchestrated and God meant for me to attend evening service where I did. He is an intentional God and makes NO mistakes.
I look forward to gathering up my fragments and sharing them with as many as I can.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: What do you do with leftovers? Do you eat them until there are no more left, or do you toss 'em right out?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, August 20, 2016
At this moment there are about 100 other things I need to be doing. But after the morning (and afternoon) I've had, the most IMPORTANT thing to do at this time is WRITE about how INSPIRED I have become.
This morning I attended a brunch featuring women who were willing to share their stories and knowledge with others (like myself) so that we too could get to the lives that God has purposed for us. The PowHERful Brunch was the exact name.
There were no gimmicks or "get rich quick" tips...there were simply testimonies of where these women have come from, how they got to where they are today, and WE can get to where WE are desiring to go.
There were authors, entrepreneurs, a woman in the entertainment industry, all in a room FULL of ENCOURAGEMENT. These women were of various backgrounds but the one thing that they shared in common was that they LISTENED TO GOD. What He said DO, they DID...sometimes reluctantly because His direction didn't always make sense, but ultimately they were OBEDIENT, and as a result, He has BLESSED them and their endeavors.
I gotta tell ya...I wasn't sure what to expect when I paid a couple weeks ago to attend today's event. Wasn't sure if I could financially afford to go. Wasn't really sure what I was going to get out of it...wasn't really sure what I wanted to get out of it. But...God knew.
I arrived this morning EMPTY.
I had eaten breakfast, so I'm not speaking of a physical emptiness. I'm speaking however, in terms of an emotional, mental emptiness.
With the recent changes in my life (that only a small few even know about), I have struggled...mostly with DEPRESSION, but with a host of other feelings as well. SHAME ranks pretty high up there on the list. I know that there is LOTS for me to be doing, yet I have not had the WILL to do ANY of it.
It's been said that "you can't pour from an empty cup." Well, my cup has not only been EMPTY, but even if anything went into the cup it would've leaked out. As a result, I've poured NOTHING in.
So yes...although I arrived with a smile on my face (the same fake smile I've been passing on to everyone for MONTHS), I wasn't smiling much on the inside.
The brunch began.
Now when I think of "brunch" I immediately think of FOOD. Yes, there was food (DELICIOUS food I might add), but along with the FOOD were the INCREDIBLY AMAZING panelists. And even before the panelists began to speak, a lovely young lady rendered Mariah Carey's "Through The Rain" to us in sign language. It was simply BEAUTIFUL.
The panelists began to speak, and as they did, not only did I hear God speak to me with regard to what I need to do...but He SHOWED me what I WILL do as I watched and listened to each of the women. What THEY were doing is what I will do.
He told me that I have a story, and that MY story is meant to INSPIRE others as the ones that I was hearing today were inspiring me. He assured me that there is ROOM for me and what I have to say, so I don't need to worry that so many others are already doing it. THEIR story is not MINE and MINE (just as theirs) NEEDS to be a setting just like the one we were in today. A setting with women (and even men) who can be HELPED by what I have to say.
And...I WILL.
I read online that "when the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something's suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful."
That, I believe, is what God is doing to me. He is "filling my cracks" with gold. Interestingly, the cracks will still be visible, and that's okay. Every crack has its own story so I wouldn't want them to be made invisible. The visible cracks will be a constant reminder of where I have come from, and gone through, lest I forget. That's a BLESSING. And now...I can hold what's needed, instead of having it all leak out. NOW, I can pour into others from a FULL cup.
No, my "situation" has not magically changed from this morning until now. I still need help (LOTS of it), but I can say that I now have hope that I didn't have this morning. I've experienced a shift in my thinking and that, I believe, will bring about change in other areas of my life that so greatly need it.
Ok...enough about me.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What goals are YOU pursuing? What's YOUR purpose? Are you functioning in that purpose yet, or still working your way there. If you haven't gotten there yet, keep pressing, stay encouraged, and allow me to cheer you on along the way.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
This morning I attended a brunch featuring women who were willing to share their stories and knowledge with others (like myself) so that we too could get to the lives that God has purposed for us. The PowHERful Brunch was the exact name.
There were no gimmicks or "get rich quick" tips...there were simply testimonies of where these women have come from, how they got to where they are today, and WE can get to where WE are desiring to go.
There were authors, entrepreneurs, a woman in the entertainment industry, all in a room FULL of ENCOURAGEMENT. These women were of various backgrounds but the one thing that they shared in common was that they LISTENED TO GOD. What He said DO, they DID...sometimes reluctantly because His direction didn't always make sense, but ultimately they were OBEDIENT, and as a result, He has BLESSED them and their endeavors.
I gotta tell ya...I wasn't sure what to expect when I paid a couple weeks ago to attend today's event. Wasn't sure if I could financially afford to go. Wasn't really sure what I was going to get out of it...wasn't really sure what I wanted to get out of it. But...God knew.
I arrived this morning EMPTY.
I had eaten breakfast, so I'm not speaking of a physical emptiness. I'm speaking however, in terms of an emotional, mental emptiness.
With the recent changes in my life (that only a small few even know about), I have struggled...mostly with DEPRESSION, but with a host of other feelings as well. SHAME ranks pretty high up there on the list. I know that there is LOTS for me to be doing, yet I have not had the WILL to do ANY of it.
It's been said that "you can't pour from an empty cup." Well, my cup has not only been EMPTY, but even if anything went into the cup it would've leaked out. As a result, I've poured NOTHING in.
So yes...although I arrived with a smile on my face (the same fake smile I've been passing on to everyone for MONTHS), I wasn't smiling much on the inside.
The brunch began.
Now when I think of "brunch" I immediately think of FOOD. Yes, there was food (DELICIOUS food I might add), but along with the FOOD were the INCREDIBLY AMAZING panelists. And even before the panelists began to speak, a lovely young lady rendered Mariah Carey's "Through The Rain" to us in sign language. It was simply BEAUTIFUL.
The panelists began to speak, and as they did, not only did I hear God speak to me with regard to what I need to do...but He SHOWED me what I WILL do as I watched and listened to each of the women. What THEY were doing is what I will do.
He told me that I have a story, and that MY story is meant to INSPIRE others as the ones that I was hearing today were inspiring me. He assured me that there is ROOM for me and what I have to say, so I don't need to worry that so many others are already doing it. THEIR story is not MINE and MINE (just as theirs) NEEDS to be a setting just like the one we were in today. A setting with women (and even men) who can be HELPED by what I have to say.
And...I WILL.
I read online that "when the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something's suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful."
That, I believe, is what God is doing to me. He is "filling my cracks" with gold. Interestingly, the cracks will still be visible, and that's okay. Every crack has its own story so I wouldn't want them to be made invisible. The visible cracks will be a constant reminder of where I have come from, and gone through, lest I forget. That's a BLESSING. And now...I can hold what's needed, instead of having it all leak out. NOW, I can pour into others from a FULL cup.
No, my "situation" has not magically changed from this morning until now. I still need help (LOTS of it), but I can say that I now have hope that I didn't have this morning. I've experienced a shift in my thinking and that, I believe, will bring about change in other areas of my life that so greatly need it.
Ok...enough about me.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What goals are YOU pursuing? What's YOUR purpose? Are you functioning in that purpose yet, or still working your way there. If you haven't gotten there yet, keep pressing, stay encouraged, and allow me to cheer you on along the way.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Thursday Night Service
So this was interesting.
Last Sunday I visited another new that I pulled from my bowl. I arrived a bit late so I missed Praise and Worship, but I was in time for the message so that was good. I told myself that this coming Sunday ('cause you know I always attend the "visiting" churches two Sundays in a row) I would be on time. That was definitely my intention.
While I attended service last Sunday I noticed that there was going to be a special musical guest tonight. That peaked my interest so I decided to go. I arrived on time, and ready for a night of "worship through song." Now...where that came from, I couldn't tell ya...but I had it in MY mind that that's what tonight was going to be. WRONG!
Yes, the special musical guest was there, but that's not what this night was about. Tonight was the regular Thursday night service. You know...CHURCH on a Thursday night. And the place was PACKED! That's a BLESSING!!
Once I realized that that was what this was, I grabbed my stuff to leave. PSYCHE!!! No I didn't!
I simply readjusted my expectation and prepared myself for whatever message God wanted me to hear this evening. Gotta tell ya...tonight's message wasn't one that left me with "warm fuzzies." Tonight's message was one of those "convicting" messages that really causes one (in this case I will say ME) to look within themselves and determine if he/she is truly living a life that is RIGHTEOUS as God has called Christ's followers to be.
Yep...there were a few "ouch moments" tonight, as there should be.
So...was it a mistake that I thought I was going for a night of musical praise and worship only to realize that tonight was an actual church service? Certainly NOT! God knew what tonight would be...I just didn't.
Interestingly, tonight counts as my 2nd visit, so I will share with you that I attended Calvary Chapel South Bay. The experience was different than what I'm used to. I didn't know a single song that was sung, and the membership was tremendously diverse. Both good things. Gives me a glimpse of what Heaven will be like.
As always, I am looking forward to where God will send me next. I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey thus far.
For now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever gone to church on a Thursday night? I'm not talking Bible study, or a special worship service, but I'm talking actual church?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Last Sunday I visited another new that I pulled from my bowl. I arrived a bit late so I missed Praise and Worship, but I was in time for the message so that was good. I told myself that this coming Sunday ('cause you know I always attend the "visiting" churches two Sundays in a row) I would be on time. That was definitely my intention.
While I attended service last Sunday I noticed that there was going to be a special musical guest tonight. That peaked my interest so I decided to go. I arrived on time, and ready for a night of "worship through song." Now...where that came from, I couldn't tell ya...but I had it in MY mind that that's what tonight was going to be. WRONG!
Yes, the special musical guest was there, but that's not what this night was about. Tonight was the regular Thursday night service. You know...CHURCH on a Thursday night. And the place was PACKED! That's a BLESSING!!
Once I realized that that was what this was, I grabbed my stuff to leave. PSYCHE!!! No I didn't!
I simply readjusted my expectation and prepared myself for whatever message God wanted me to hear this evening. Gotta tell ya...tonight's message wasn't one that left me with "warm fuzzies." Tonight's message was one of those "convicting" messages that really causes one (in this case I will say ME) to look within themselves and determine if he/she is truly living a life that is RIGHTEOUS as God has called Christ's followers to be.
Yep...there were a few "ouch moments" tonight, as there should be.
So...was it a mistake that I thought I was going for a night of musical praise and worship only to realize that tonight was an actual church service? Certainly NOT! God knew what tonight would be...I just didn't.
Interestingly, tonight counts as my 2nd visit, so I will share with you that I attended Calvary Chapel South Bay. The experience was different than what I'm used to. I didn't know a single song that was sung, and the membership was tremendously diverse. Both good things. Gives me a glimpse of what Heaven will be like.
As always, I am looking forward to where God will send me next. I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey thus far.
For now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever gone to church on a Thursday night? I'm not talking Bible study, or a special worship service, but I'm talking actual church?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
When MY Time Comes

Today I attended a service to CELEBRATE the life of one of our church members who has gone HOME to be with the Lord. Yes, for believers in Christ, when one of our brothers or sisters leaves their life on earth, we CELEBRATE because we KNOW that they are now living ETERNAL LIFE in the presence of God and we WILL see them again one day. For THAT, we rejoice.
As with EVERY homegoing service I attend, I always leave wondering what folks will say about ME at MY service.
I would HOPE that they would say KIND things.
I would HOPE that MY life has in some way helped to make theirs BETTER.
I would HOPE that they were BLESSED to have known me than to not have known me at all.
I would HOPE that MY presence has brought LIGHT to some not-so-bright places.
I would HOPE that they would speak of how I have made them laugh.
I would HOPE that they would speak of how I have ENCOURAGED them somewhere along the way.
I would HOPE that, without a doubt, they would know how much I loved the Lord Jesus.
These are just a few things that I hope folks will remember ME by when I am no longer living life here on Earth.
Yes, EVERYTIME we bid farewell to one who has gone on before us, THESE are the things I think about. I am not perfect, nor do I profess to be. I simply hope that folks will remember me for more of the GOOD that I've done, than the bad.
Mind would EXTREMELY NICE to hear some of those things while I am still here...while I can enjoy and appreciate them. As the song goes, "Give me my flowers while I yet live..." Kind words are wonderful after-the-fact, but every now and then...I sure could benefit from hearing them NOW. They would be the difference in making some "not-so-good-days" actually "GOOD days." Really, they would.
With that, Let the DIALOGUE begin: If no one has told YOU today, allow ME to tell you that you are IMPORTANT, SIGNIFICANT, and LOVED. YOU ME! Now go tell somebody else!
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Sang this song with "Joe" the other day. That's all I'll say about that.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's your favorite male/female duet song?
Talk to me (or SING to me if you'd like)!
Til next time...
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's your favorite male/female duet song?
Talk to me (or SING to me if you'd like)!
Til next time...
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Too Lazy to Scratch
For those who've followed The Dialogue Den for awhile, you know that I pick up California Lottery Scratchers that folks throw away. I pick them up off the sidewalk, parking lots, and yes...I've even pulled them out of trash cans (disgusting...I know.)
I do this so that I can enter them into the 2nd Chance Drawing. One day I'm gonna win, and all my trash digging will pay off.
Recently, during a walk in my neighborhood, I came across the one pictured. I had to do a "double take" because it looked like this one was BRAND NEW...and that just didn't make sense.
Upon closer examination, I realized that it wasn't as "new" as it appeared. It was indeed "used." Whoever discarded it however, didn't even take the time to "scratch" down the row, nor any of the "power spots" to see if they were a winner. Instead, they cut right to the chase...scratched to reveal the bar code, and checked to see the winning status that way.
Have folks become so lazy that scratching boxes on a card are now "too much work?" In all my time of picking up discarded scratchers, this was the first time I'd found one that hadn't even "officially" been scratched.
Turns out, it was indeed a "loser," although it hadn't been entered into the 2nd Chance I went ahead and took care of that.
Anyhoo...I hope that this card was just a fluke, and that I don't find more where folks just go right to the barcode. I mean really...doesn't the majority of excitement come from actually scratching the boxes in anticipation of uncovering winners? For me it is.
Well...with that, Let the DIALOGUE begin: What unusual acts of laziness have you witnessed lately?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I do this so that I can enter them into the 2nd Chance Drawing. One day I'm gonna win, and all my trash digging will pay off.
Recently, during a walk in my neighborhood, I came across the one pictured. I had to do a "double take" because it looked like this one was BRAND NEW...and that just didn't make sense.
Upon closer examination, I realized that it wasn't as "new" as it appeared. It was indeed "used." Whoever discarded it however, didn't even take the time to "scratch" down the row, nor any of the "power spots" to see if they were a winner. Instead, they cut right to the chase...scratched to reveal the bar code, and checked to see the winning status that way.
Have folks become so lazy that scratching boxes on a card are now "too much work?" In all my time of picking up discarded scratchers, this was the first time I'd found one that hadn't even "officially" been scratched.
Turns out, it was indeed a "loser," although it hadn't been entered into the 2nd Chance I went ahead and took care of that.
Anyhoo...I hope that this card was just a fluke, and that I don't find more where folks just go right to the barcode. I mean really...doesn't the majority of excitement come from actually scratching the boxes in anticipation of uncovering winners? For me it is.
Well...with that, Let the DIALOGUE begin: What unusual acts of laziness have you witnessed lately?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Mmm Mmm GOOD!
In my continuing quest to find the BEST Shrimp and Grits in town, my endeavors recently led me to a tiny spot in L.A. called My Two Cents. I gotta tell ya...these things were AMAZING. They were cheesy, flavorful, with plenty of shrimp, and the grits were cooked to PERFECTION.
If the place weren't so far from my home I would definitely be a regular patron.
A couple weeks ago I tried the Shrimp and Grits at Rusty Pot Cafe in Inglewood. Theirs were okay, but NOTHING like the ones at My Two Cents. The service got "two thumbs up" though.
So far, my FAVORITE Shrimp and Grits in L.A. have been from The Flavor Table. Again...another VERY tiny spot, but the food is MIGHTY, in size and in taste.
The ones I had in Las Vegas at Lola's were good, but my runner ups for FIRST PLACE still go to The Midnight Diner in Charlotte, NC where I first discovered that I even LIKED grits. As a child I never ate them because they just looked GROSS. All white and "gritty" looking in the pot. YUCK. And I hated the way that they would mold themselves to the shape of the pot after sitting for too long.
Oh...but once I saw what grits were SUPPOSED to look like, covered with cheese, cayenne pepper, bell pepper, plenty of shrimp, and a sauce that I can't even name (I just know it makes everything POP), THAT's when I became a FAN.
My other FIRST PLACE runner up is Bourbon House in New Orleans, LA (makes sense, right?)
OH EM GEE!!! When I was finished with theirs, I wanted to LICK THE BOWL!!!
Unfortunately, with all of the good, there is often "not so good." My least favorite Shrimp and Grits thus far (and hopefully there won't ever be any that I like less than these) were also in New Orleans (crazy, ain't it?!?) at The Ruby Slipper Cafe on Canal Street. The service was EXCELLENT; the Shrimp and Grits were not. *sigh*
I regret not having tried them at Oohhs & Aahhs in D.C. If theirs are as tasty as the fried chicken wings were (best I've EVAH had!!!) then I surely missed out. No worries, though. I'll be back in D.C. again, and when I'm there I'll head right on over to "U" Street to "get my fix."
So there you have it folks. My quest for the BEST Shrimp and Grits continues. And a "tummy-satisfying" quest it has been!
I'm hungry now, so...LET the DIALOGUE begin: For those of you who live in Los Angeles (or in the surrounding areas), let me know where YOU'VE found the BEST Shrimp and Grits. I'd be happy to go check 'em out.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
If the place weren't so far from my home I would definitely be a regular patron.
A couple weeks ago I tried the Shrimp and Grits at Rusty Pot Cafe in Inglewood. Theirs were okay, but NOTHING like the ones at My Two Cents. The service got "two thumbs up" though.
So far, my FAVORITE Shrimp and Grits in L.A. have been from The Flavor Table. Again...another VERY tiny spot, but the food is MIGHTY, in size and in taste.
The ones I had in Las Vegas at Lola's were good, but my runner ups for FIRST PLACE still go to The Midnight Diner in Charlotte, NC where I first discovered that I even LIKED grits. As a child I never ate them because they just looked GROSS. All white and "gritty" looking in the pot. YUCK. And I hated the way that they would mold themselves to the shape of the pot after sitting for too long.
Oh...but once I saw what grits were SUPPOSED to look like, covered with cheese, cayenne pepper, bell pepper, plenty of shrimp, and a sauce that I can't even name (I just know it makes everything POP), THAT's when I became a FAN.
My other FIRST PLACE runner up is Bourbon House in New Orleans, LA (makes sense, right?)
OH EM GEE!!! When I was finished with theirs, I wanted to LICK THE BOWL!!!
Unfortunately, with all of the good, there is often "not so good." My least favorite Shrimp and Grits thus far (and hopefully there won't ever be any that I like less than these) were also in New Orleans (crazy, ain't it?!?) at The Ruby Slipper Cafe on Canal Street. The service was EXCELLENT; the Shrimp and Grits were not. *sigh*
I regret not having tried them at Oohhs & Aahhs in D.C. If theirs are as tasty as the fried chicken wings were (best I've EVAH had!!!) then I surely missed out. No worries, though. I'll be back in D.C. again, and when I'm there I'll head right on over to "U" Street to "get my fix."
So there you have it folks. My quest for the BEST Shrimp and Grits continues. And a "tummy-satisfying" quest it has been!
I'm hungry now, so...LET the DIALOGUE begin: For those of you who live in Los Angeles (or in the surrounding areas), let me know where YOU'VE found the BEST Shrimp and Grits. I'd be happy to go check 'em out.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Until a couple of weeks ago, I used to read my Bible at the end of the day, right before bed, when I was too tired to fully comprehend. Pretty much "goin' through the motions" versus really reading to hear from God.
Now I read first thing in the morning, when my mind is fresh and uncluttered...before I check Facebook...before I turn on the radio for news (since I don't have TV anymore)...before I eat breakfast...I spend time with God FIRST. As a result, the words stay with me throughout the day and are having a much greater impact. This morning's reading gave me a message that was JUST what I needed to hear. It came from Jeremiah 17:7-8.
“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord
and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.
They are like trees planted along a riverbank,
with roots that reach deep into the water.
Such trees are not bothered by the heat
or worried by long months of drought.
Their leaves stay green,
and they never stop producing fruit."
This was yet another reminder that no matter my circumstance, I will continue to trust in the Lord.
Makes me a bit ashamed to realize that I have been giving God the "leftovers of me" by reading His word at the end of the day. He gives me His very best at ALL times. The least I can do is give me the BEST part of me, which is in the morning before everything else has taken His spot.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the FIRST thing YOU do every morning?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Now I read first thing in the morning, when my mind is fresh and uncluttered...before I check Facebook...before I turn on the radio for news (since I don't have TV anymore)...before I eat breakfast...I spend time with God FIRST. As a result, the words stay with me throughout the day and are having a much greater impact. This morning's reading gave me a message that was JUST what I needed to hear. It came from Jeremiah 17:7-8.
“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord
and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.
They are like trees planted along a riverbank,

with roots that reach deep into the water.
Such trees are not bothered by the heat
or worried by long months of drought.
Their leaves stay green,
and they never stop producing fruit."
This was yet another reminder that no matter my circumstance, I will continue to trust in the Lord.
Makes me a bit ashamed to realize that I have been giving God the "leftovers of me" by reading His word at the end of the day. He gives me His very best at ALL times. The least I can do is give me the BEST part of me, which is in the morning before everything else has taken His spot.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the FIRST thing YOU do every morning?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, August 8, 2016
My HemogLOWbin
For the past few weeks I have been receiving emails from The Red Cross to come in and donate blood. I'm a fairly regular donor and I really don't mind going in and doing my small part to help save lives.
So I scheduled my appointment for today. Completed the questionnaire ahead of time and went in READY!
I arrived, waited a little while for my name to get called then went into "the little room" for the additional questioning and vitals to be taken.
So far, so good.
Then came my least favorite part..."the finger prick."
This is where they take a small sampling of blood from a finger to test iron levels and I'm not sure what (if anything) else.
My finger got pricked and the lady told me that I was "bleeding lightly." That was new.
She then told me that when folks "bleed lightly" the reason is often "low iron" and they're unable to donate.
Still...I remained hopeful.
Seconds later the machine beeped and the lady shook her head.
"Nope. I'm sorry, but it's as I expected. Your iron level is too low."
Then she tells me that they can do a re-check and that someone different would be in to do that.
About a minute or so later comes another lady.
She pricked a different finger, stuck the sample in the machine and again...we waited.
The machine beeped and she too told me that it was too low.
Double BOO.
She asked me what the original number was...I told her.
The results were exactly the same the second time around.
Two tries are all ya get {insert sad face here}.
I was baffled by why my levels were so low today and mentioned that maybe I should eat more dark leafy greens.
She suggested that I eat more red meat. I then told her that I don't eat red meat anymore...haven't in MONTHS. Now I only eat fish, and seafood.
I don't think she heard me and proceeded to tell me that organ meat was the best...I almost gagged.
Then she suggested iron tablets (which she herself tried but they were too hard on her system), or pre-natal vitamins (even though I'm not pregnant.) She said that she's been taking the pre-natal vitamins and hasn't had low iron since. Hmmm...I will definitely try that before I go back to red meat.
I might eat ONE steak a year...MAYBE, or ONE pot roast a year, and last year I made oxtails a couple times...but that's about it for my red meat consumption.
Gotta admit...I was pretty bummed. I really love helping others in need and giving blood is the EASIEST way for me to do so.
I'll give those pre-natal vitamins a try and will make another appointment in a couple weeks. Hopefully by then my iron levels will be where they need to be and my hemoglobin will cooperate.
How 'bout you...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever donated platelets? I've donated whole blood many times, but never platelets. I'd like to do that one day.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
So I scheduled my appointment for today. Completed the questionnaire ahead of time and went in READY!
I arrived, waited a little while for my name to get called then went into "the little room" for the additional questioning and vitals to be taken.
So far, so good.
Then came my least favorite part..."the finger prick."
This is where they take a small sampling of blood from a finger to test iron levels and I'm not sure what (if anything) else.
My finger got pricked and the lady told me that I was "bleeding lightly." That was new.
She then told me that when folks "bleed lightly" the reason is often "low iron" and they're unable to donate.
Still...I remained hopeful.
Seconds later the machine beeped and the lady shook her head.
"Nope. I'm sorry, but it's as I expected. Your iron level is too low."
Then she tells me that they can do a re-check and that someone different would be in to do that.
About a minute or so later comes another lady.
She pricked a different finger, stuck the sample in the machine and again...we waited.
The machine beeped and she too told me that it was too low.
Double BOO.
She asked me what the original number was...I told her.
The results were exactly the same the second time around.
Two tries are all ya get {insert sad face here}.
I was baffled by why my levels were so low today and mentioned that maybe I should eat more dark leafy greens.
She suggested that I eat more red meat. I then told her that I don't eat red meat anymore...haven't in MONTHS. Now I only eat fish, and seafood.
I don't think she heard me and proceeded to tell me that organ meat was the best...I almost gagged.
Then she suggested iron tablets (which she herself tried but they were too hard on her system), or pre-natal vitamins (even though I'm not pregnant.) She said that she's been taking the pre-natal vitamins and hasn't had low iron since. Hmmm...I will definitely try that before I go back to red meat.
I might eat ONE steak a year...MAYBE, or ONE pot roast a year, and last year I made oxtails a couple times...but that's about it for my red meat consumption.
Gotta admit...I was pretty bummed. I really love helping others in need and giving blood is the EASIEST way for me to do so.
I'll give those pre-natal vitamins a try and will make another appointment in a couple weeks. Hopefully by then my iron levels will be where they need to be and my hemoglobin will cooperate.
How 'bout you...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever donated platelets? I've donated whole blood many times, but never platelets. I'd like to do that one day.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Who Got The Gold?
With the recent turn of events in my household I have had to make some MAJOR budget cuts.
One of those cuts came in the form of cancelling cable.
Well...that couldn't have come at a worse time, now could it?
Without cable, dish, satellite (whatever it's called), I am completely MISSING OUT on the Summer Olympics.
I mean, it's not like there are a WHOLE LOTTA events that I would've watched anyway...but there are a few.
My faves are swimming, diving, track & field, and gymnastics.
For a quick sec I thought I could watch online, but it turns out that I have to be with a cable subscriber in order to do so, so...that's out.
Guess I'll just hafta catch the events after they happen. Yep...that'll just hafta work.
For those of you who ARE able to watch the Olympics as they are broadcasting, I'll make this short and sweet.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is YOUR favorite Olympic event?
Talk to me!
Til time...and GO USA!!!
One of those cuts came in the form of cancelling cable.
Well...that couldn't have come at a worse time, now could it?
Without cable, dish, satellite (whatever it's called), I am completely MISSING OUT on the Summer Olympics.
I mean, it's not like there are a WHOLE LOTTA events that I would've watched anyway...but there are a few.
My faves are swimming, diving, track & field, and gymnastics.
For a quick sec I thought I could watch online, but it turns out that I have to be with a cable subscriber in order to do so, so...that's out.
Guess I'll just hafta catch the events after they happen. Yep...that'll just hafta work.
For those of you who ARE able to watch the Olympics as they are broadcasting, I'll make this short and sweet.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is YOUR favorite Olympic event?
Talk to me!
Til time...and GO USA!!!
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Do Unto Others
This morning, my youngest daughter Jordan and her good friend Imani held their first session in teaching American Sign Language.
I decided to attend for a few reasons.
1. I already knew a little but want to know more.
2. Their fee was very reasonable ... $10 for a 30 minute session.
3. (and MOST important for me) I wanted to SUPPORT them in their efforts.
Supporting one another is so very vital. Not just to our young adults, but to all of us in general.
Too often I have felt the discouragement that comes when I have asked for support with my blog, or with issues that I have going on in life, and my cries have pretty much gone unanswered (except for TWO people who are ALWAYS willing to help. I'll just give their initials..."K" and "T." These two ladies encourage me, even when I make mistakes and wrong choices. They never say, "Well that was stupid!" even though many of my decisions have been. But they provide listening ears and ways to help whenever and however they are able).
I don't know if folks truly understand how DEVASTATING that is. To ask folks to support you in something that you are passionate about (and in MY case, with regard to this blog, support doesn't even cost just requires the simple pressing of a button), yet folks act like they are unaware, or simply don't care. It's quite baffling.
So because I know firsthand how AWFUL that feels...I absolutely REFUSE to let any of my children feel that same pain. If I am their ONLY supporter in their endeavors, at least they will always know that they have at least ONE.
Last month, my "BirthMonth" as I call it...I posted on my Facebook page how wonderful it would be to get The Dialogue Den's Facebook page to 200 'likes.'
At that time I think I may have been 18 'likes' away.
Well...I am GRATEFUL for the 10 new folks who 'liked' the page in July, yet I wonder why it was so difficult for a mere 8 more to have pushed the button. I mean really. What's the problem? Is it ME? Am I that crappy of a writer? I would truly like to know. Out of 600+ Facebook "friends"...there weren't 8 more who thought enough about me to support me in my writing efforts??? That's pretty disheartening when you think about it.
So no...if there is ever ANYTHING that I can do to make sure that my children ALWAYS know that their efforts are encouraged, then that is exactly what I will do, because NO ONE should EVER feel what I feel. NO ONE. EVER.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you know American Sign Language? If so, let's get together and chat one sign language of course.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I decided to attend for a few reasons.
1. I already knew a little but want to know more.
2. Their fee was very reasonable ... $10 for a 30 minute session.
3. (and MOST important for me) I wanted to SUPPORT them in their efforts.
Supporting one another is so very vital. Not just to our young adults, but to all of us in general.
Too often I have felt the discouragement that comes when I have asked for support with my blog, or with issues that I have going on in life, and my cries have pretty much gone unanswered (except for TWO people who are ALWAYS willing to help. I'll just give their initials..."K" and "T." These two ladies encourage me, even when I make mistakes and wrong choices. They never say, "Well that was stupid!" even though many of my decisions have been. But they provide listening ears and ways to help whenever and however they are able).
I don't know if folks truly understand how DEVASTATING that is. To ask folks to support you in something that you are passionate about (and in MY case, with regard to this blog, support doesn't even cost just requires the simple pressing of a button), yet folks act like they are unaware, or simply don't care. It's quite baffling.
So because I know firsthand how AWFUL that feels...I absolutely REFUSE to let any of my children feel that same pain. If I am their ONLY supporter in their endeavors, at least they will always know that they have at least ONE.
Last month, my "BirthMonth" as I call it...I posted on my Facebook page how wonderful it would be to get The Dialogue Den's Facebook page to 200 'likes.'
At that time I think I may have been 18 'likes' away.
Well...I am GRATEFUL for the 10 new folks who 'liked' the page in July, yet I wonder why it was so difficult for a mere 8 more to have pushed the button. I mean really. What's the problem? Is it ME? Am I that crappy of a writer? I would truly like to know. Out of 600+ Facebook "friends"...there weren't 8 more who thought enough about me to support me in my writing efforts??? That's pretty disheartening when you think about it.
So no...if there is ever ANYTHING that I can do to make sure that my children ALWAYS know that their efforts are encouraged, then that is exactly what I will do, because NO ONE should EVER feel what I feel. NO ONE. EVER.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you know American Sign Language? If so, let's get together and chat one sign language of course.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Friday, August 5, 2016
From Boxes to BAGS
A few years ago I starting putting together what I called "Blessing Boxes" which were simply shoe boxes filled with items that I would hand out to folks in need. The majority of the boxes were handed out at freeway off-ramps.
If you live in Southern California then I'm sure you've seen your share of folks in need as you've exited the freeway.
Before the boxes, I would just give whatever loose change I had in my ashtray. Then I realized that loose change only went so far, and these folks needed more.
As a result, the "Blessing Boxes" were birthed.
A typical box would include any of the following (all new and unused of course):
Although I still give out the boxes, I've stopped "announcing" it. I never thought anything was wrong with me letting folks know how much of a blessing it was for ME to be able to bless someone else. That was until a former acquaintance called me on my actions and accused me of being "showy" and only doing what I was doing in an effort to get praise and attention.
Anyone who knows me...and I mean TRULY knows me...knows that my heart simply does not operate that way. When it comes to "ministry," the "showy gifts" have NEVER been mine. I have always preferred to operate in my gifts (BEHIND THE SCENES.)
Since then, I have given away many more boxes, and will continue to do so...I just haven't said anything about them.
I have made two small changes though.
Number 1: I have switched from BOXES to GALLON SIZED BAGS. I dunno...the bags just seem easier for folks to manage and they're easier to re-use.
Number 2: I now include a DOLLAR BILL in each bag. I realized that the majority of folks at the off-ramps aren't there for "stuff"...even though the "stuff" I hand out is "stuff" they can use. ALL of them are there for MONEY. I get that, totally, fully, COMPLETELY. So...I decided to include what they WANT with the things I think they NEED.
I hope that by sharing this, I don't come off as being "showy." I simply love serving and helping others in any way that I can, even if that way is small in the grand scheme of things.
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Before today, were you aware of the services provided by calling 211? If referred a few folks who were able to be helped. If you know of any other resources, please let me know.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
If you live in Southern California then I'm sure you've seen your share of folks in need as you've exited the freeway.
Before the boxes, I would just give whatever loose change I had in my ashtray. Then I realized that loose change only went so far, and these folks needed more.
As a result, the "Blessing Boxes" were birthed.
A typical box would include any of the following (all new and unused of course):
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Soap
- Something edible (like a breakfast bar, or granola bar)
- Bottled water
- Socks
- and a 211 card (my hope is that they will call and actually get access to resources that can help).
Although I still give out the boxes, I've stopped "announcing" it. I never thought anything was wrong with me letting folks know how much of a blessing it was for ME to be able to bless someone else. That was until a former acquaintance called me on my actions and accused me of being "showy" and only doing what I was doing in an effort to get praise and attention.
Anyone who knows me...and I mean TRULY knows me...knows that my heart simply does not operate that way. When it comes to "ministry," the "showy gifts" have NEVER been mine. I have always preferred to operate in my gifts (BEHIND THE SCENES.)
Since then, I have given away many more boxes, and will continue to do so...I just haven't said anything about them.
I have made two small changes though.
Number 1: I have switched from BOXES to GALLON SIZED BAGS. I dunno...the bags just seem easier for folks to manage and they're easier to re-use.
Number 2: I now include a DOLLAR BILL in each bag. I realized that the majority of folks at the off-ramps aren't there for "stuff"...even though the "stuff" I hand out is "stuff" they can use. ALL of them are there for MONEY. I get that, totally, fully, COMPLETELY. So...I decided to include what they WANT with the things I think they NEED.
I hope that by sharing this, I don't come off as being "showy." I simply love serving and helping others in any way that I can, even if that way is small in the grand scheme of things.
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Before today, were you aware of the services provided by calling 211? If referred a few folks who were able to be helped. If you know of any other resources, please let me know.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Sign Me UP!
Last Saturday I had an opportunity to do one of the many things I love...I volunteered by reading to some "little ones."
The event took place at a library and at the end of the session I asked the librarian if I could sign up for a card. YES...I already had a card for the County of Los Angeles Public Library, but in my opinion one can NEVER have enough access to books, sooo...I was overjoyed when she told me that I could.
You see, this particular library wasn't part of the CoLAPL was part of the Los Angeles Public Library. I know, I know...they sound like the same entitiy, but...they're not.
It's a good thing too...for oh so many reasons. I'll give you just one of those reasons now.
My bookclub selection for this month (which we will be discussing on Saturday) was Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates.
Well...I couldn't find it through the CoLAPL, but THANKFULLY...I was able to find it through the LAPL, and can now say that I have read it and will be ready to join in on the discussion.
I feel like all I'm missing now is a card from the Long Beach Public Library. If I could get my hands on one'a those, it would feel like Christmas in August.
For now though, I will be content with having the two.
With that...Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you visited your local library? If you have young children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbor kids...I encourage you to take them and sign them up for a card. With one, they will have the WORLD at their fingertips.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
The event took place at a library and at the end of the session I asked the librarian if I could sign up for a card. YES...I already had a card for the County of Los Angeles Public Library, but in my opinion one can NEVER have enough access to books, sooo...I was overjoyed when she told me that I could.
You see, this particular library wasn't part of the CoLAPL was part of the Los Angeles Public Library. I know, I know...they sound like the same entitiy, but...they're not.
It's a good thing too...for oh so many reasons. I'll give you just one of those reasons now.
My bookclub selection for this month (which we will be discussing on Saturday) was Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates.
Well...I couldn't find it through the CoLAPL, but THANKFULLY...I was able to find it through the LAPL, and can now say that I have read it and will be ready to join in on the discussion.
I feel like all I'm missing now is a card from the Long Beach Public Library. If I could get my hands on one'a those, it would feel like Christmas in August.
For now though, I will be content with having the two.
With that...Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you visited your local library? If you have young children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbor kids...I encourage you to take them and sign them up for a card. With one, they will have the WORLD at their fingertips.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

My grandmother was my very first BEST FRIEND. What I now realize is that she was my only BEST FRIEND.
I absolutely LOVED that woman. She was encouraging, intelligent, musically talented, loving, caring, kind, thoughtful and a faithful Woman of God. She went home to be with the Lord way too soon (at least for me) and has been dwelling in the presence of God since 1992 (I think.) I honestly don't remember exactly when she passed...I just know that she lived long enough to hold and love my oldest daughter Lauren (who was born in 1990), but she wasn't here to meet my youngest daughter Jordan (who was born in 1993.)
My Grammy knew that she was sick long before she "made the transition."
Because she knew, she was able to get things "in order" and select certain things that she wanted to go to certain people.
She didn't have much to leave but what she did leave is highly cherished.
To me, she left a pearl necklace, a teeny tiny itty bitty frog that I gave to her when I was little, and a pig of the same size that I had also given her. I'm talking about the size of my thumbnail.
She left me her initial "M" which she used to wear on a necklace chain.
I'm not exactly sure what she left my Mom, but I do know that my Mom got my Grammy's bells, which my Mom gave to me during one of their many moves.
I love these bells!
Three of them are pictured here. Altogether there are fifteen...each one different.
I also have my Grammy's cookbook that she received as a wedding gift in 1946. My favorite recipe in that book is for apple pie. Many a pie I made with my Grammy out of that book.
So no...there was no grand inheritance when she passed, yet what my Grammy did leave me is absolutely priceless. Every time I look at the bells lined underneath my television set, I am reminded of the woman who loved me Grammy.
I look forward to the day when I will see her again. That time I will never have to say goodbye.
How 'bout you...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Is there anything special that a loved one has left you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Even Though...

With the recent turn of events in my life, I have decided that I need to stop pussyfooting around God and re-COMMIT to TRUSTING Him and living according to His Word.
Of course, I'm not perfect, so I'll fail along the way...that is simply the inevitability of being human. But I am definitely going to give it my BEST effort.
Although I attend church approximately fifty out of fifty two Sundays a year, my devotion to God's Word has been lacking. So I figured that the first thing I would re-COMMIT to is studying His word...DAILY.
This morning during my study I read the entire book of Habakkuk. Gotta admit...that's not too grand of a feat considering that the entire book only consists of THREE chapters...three VERY SHORT chapters. Habakkuk is one of those "hidden gems" in the Bible. Not too many sermons get preached from that book, but if God has it in there, He has it in there for a it's just as important as all the others.
What was clear to me from this morning's reading was that we are to worship the TRUE and LIVING God versus idols and carved images.
Then, as I got toward the end of Chapter 3 were the words that I believed God wanted me to hear on this day. They came from Chapter 3 verses 17-19 and read as follows:
"Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.God, the Lord, is my strength; He makes my feet like the deer's; He makes me tread on my high places."
I greatly needed those words. What they said to me were basically this: Even when I have NOTHING...God is still greatly to be praised, and He is my strength (when I feel that I have none.)
So even though things may appear to be a total loss (if y'all only knew what I'm facing right now)...I will continue to praise God.
I needed that word today!
On a separate note...I have re-committed myself to attending Bible study as well. I went tonight and received a great lesson on "what blocks prayers." Lord knows, the LAST thing I need is for my prayers to be that lesson was RIGHT ON TIME.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: For my fellow Christian brothers and sisters out there...aside from The Bible, what is your FAVORITE spiritual book? I need to to more "Christian reading" but I'm not quite sure where to start.
Talk to me!
Til next time
Monday, August 1, 2016
You've Got Mail!
As some folks know (yet MANY don't), my dad has been ill for MONTHS...since last November to be exact.
Since that time, he has been either in a hospital or rehabilitation facility.
At this very moment he is yet in another hospital.
During this time, folks have been so very kind. Most have been from my church.
The Deacons and Deaconess have visited him, and many other church members have sent cards.
There is something so very special in receiving a card in the mail that lets you know someone is thinking about you.
Even personally...when I open my mailbox, if there is a handwritten envelope, I immediately open that first to find a card inside, which results in an automatic SMILE.
On the flip-side, I also love SENDING cards.
Every Sunday, my church lists the names and addresses of members who are "sick and shut-in" or bereaved. It warms my heart to be able to send those folks a card, because I know how much it warms MINE when receiving such.
So in this picture are just a few of the cards my dad has received. They continue to come in, and when they do, I am very mindful to stick a "Thank You" note right back in the mail so the senders know how greatly their thoughtfulness is appreciated.
How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you SENT or RECEIVED a card in the mail?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Since that time, he has been either in a hospital or rehabilitation facility.
At this very moment he is yet in another hospital.
During this time, folks have been so very kind. Most have been from my church.
The Deacons and Deaconess have visited him, and many other church members have sent cards.
There is something so very special in receiving a card in the mail that lets you know someone is thinking about you.
Even personally...when I open my mailbox, if there is a handwritten envelope, I immediately open that first to find a card inside, which results in an automatic SMILE.
On the flip-side, I also love SENDING cards.
Every Sunday, my church lists the names and addresses of members who are "sick and shut-in" or bereaved. It warms my heart to be able to send those folks a card, because I know how much it warms MINE when receiving such.
So in this picture are just a few of the cards my dad has received. They continue to come in, and when they do, I am very mindful to stick a "Thank You" note right back in the mail so the senders know how greatly their thoughtfulness is appreciated.
How 'bout you? Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you SENT or RECEIVED a card in the mail?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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