Today I attended a service to CELEBRATE the life of one of our church members who has gone HOME to be with the Lord. Yes, for believers in Christ, when one of our brothers or sisters leaves their life on earth, we CELEBRATE because we KNOW that they are now living ETERNAL LIFE in the presence of God and we WILL see them again one day. For THAT, we rejoice.
As with EVERY homegoing service I attend, I always leave wondering what folks will say about ME at MY service.
I would HOPE that they would say KIND things.
I would HOPE that MY life has in some way helped to make theirs BETTER.
I would HOPE that they were BLESSED to have known me than to not have known me at all.
I would HOPE that MY presence has brought LIGHT to some not-so-bright places.
I would HOPE that they would speak of how I have made them laugh.
I would HOPE that they would speak of how I have ENCOURAGED them somewhere along the way.
I would HOPE that, without a doubt, they would know how much I loved the Lord Jesus.
These are just a few things that I hope folks will remember ME by when I am no longer living life here on Earth.
Yes, EVERYTIME we bid farewell to one who has gone on before us, THESE are the things I think about. I am not perfect, nor do I profess to be. I simply hope that folks will remember me for more of the GOOD that I've done, than the bad.
Mind you...it would EXTREMELY NICE to hear some of those things while I am still here...while I can enjoy and appreciate them. As the song goes, "Give me my flowers while I yet live..." Kind words are wonderful after-the-fact, but every now and then...I sure could benefit from hearing them NOW. They would be the difference in making some "not-so-good-days" actually "GOOD days." Really, they would.
With that, Let the DIALOGUE begin: If no one has told YOU today, allow ME to tell you that you are IMPORTANT, SIGNIFICANT, and LOVED. YOU Matter...to ME! Now go tell somebody else!
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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