My grandmother was my very first BEST FRIEND. What I now realize is that she was my only BEST FRIEND.
I absolutely LOVED that woman. She was encouraging, intelligent, musically talented, loving, caring, kind, thoughtful and a faithful Woman of God. She went home to be with the Lord way too soon (at least for me) and has been dwelling in the presence of God since 1992 (I think.) I honestly don't remember exactly when she passed...I just know that she lived long enough to hold and love my oldest daughter Lauren (who was born in 1990), but she wasn't here to meet my youngest daughter Jordan (who was born in 1993.)
My Grammy knew that she was sick long before she "made the transition."
Because she knew, she was able to get things "in order" and select certain things that she wanted to go to certain people.
She didn't have much to leave but what she did leave is highly cherished.
To me, she left a pearl necklace, a teeny tiny itty bitty frog that I gave to her when I was little, and a pig of the same size that I had also given her. I'm talking TINY...like about the size of my thumbnail.
She left me her initial "M" which she used to wear on a necklace chain.
I'm not exactly sure what she left my Mom, but I do know that my Mom got my Grammy's bells, which my Mom gave to me during one of their many moves.
I love these bells!
Three of them are pictured here. Altogether there are fifteen...each one different.
I also have my Grammy's cookbook that she received as a wedding gift in 1946. My favorite recipe in that book is for apple pie. Many a pie I made with my Grammy out of that book.
So no...there was no grand inheritance when she passed, yet what my Grammy did leave me is absolutely priceless. Every time I look at the bells lined underneath my television set, I am reminded of the woman who loved me most...my Grammy.
I look forward to the day when I will see her again. That time I will never have to say goodbye.
How 'bout you...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Is there anything special that a loved one has left you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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