43 years ago today I made my grand entrance into the world.
On Sunday, the 14th day of the 7th month at 1421 hours (that's 2:21 p.m.)
I'm not a "numbers" person, but I've always loved the day of my birth. It's FILLED with SEVENS.
My birth month is a 7.
My birth date 14, is a multiple of 7.
The time of my birth (in military time) is 1421. Again, multiples of 7.
I was born in '68. Add those up you get 14. A multiple of 7.
Most folks call the number 7 "lucky". I don't believe in luck though. I believe in God. Seven is His number of completion. I am complete.
Hey, how 'bout this...I'm 43 now. Add those up, what do you get?
I don't know what's in store for me in this 43rd year of my life, but I am praying and believing for the BEST. I am READY for the BEST.
My birthday verse is Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
That's a PROMISE, and I am standing on the promises of God today, and everyday!
After 43 years, I don't know that I can say that I'm where I want to be, but I do know that I could be in a position and condition that's a whole lot worse.
There's a radio announcer named Levi, and he always says this, "I'm doing better than some, not as good as others".
And one of the ministers at my church says, "We're in good shape, for the shape we're in."
I agree with both.
Now if you haven't figured me out by now...I am GRATEFUL.
Grateful to be able to SEE the words as I am typing them on the page. That alone is blessing enough. Yet I am blessed in so many more ways, I simply can not count them all. To count them would be impossible.
So for now, to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I simply say THANK YOU! I pray that my life be one that is pleasing and acceptable in Your sight today, tomorrow, and forevermore. In Jesus' name, Amen.
My birthday song is: Glorious by Martha Munizzi. Yes, I was created to make His praise Glorious!
Let the DIALOGUE begin! What "non-traditional" thing do you do to celebrate YOUR birthday?
Talk to me (c'mon, it's my birthday after all)!
Til next time...
Birthdays have always meant something intriguing to me, because it's the point in time that you enter this world, this system, and your life unfurls from there. I like to think about the time defined as the Sun going around the Earth and coming back to a birthday. A cycle that repeats, but yet does not repeat exactly because the universe expands, and that is what time IS theoretically. I love that kind of image. So I think of life as a spiral, and time re-acquaints itself with your birthday every year. At that point in the spiral, you could look across all your birthdays, and they are a cycling evolution. I came to enjoy analysis of my birthdays (and others) by reading into the Astrology of them. I just think that it says something unique about every human being. Yours is interesting, because you have a Sun/Venus/Mars stellium in your 9th house (which means, LOL!) that you tend to favor your intuitive feelings about religions and philosophies as opposed to being intellectually attracted to rigid religious concepts. You would feel a "push/pull" towards and away from a full intellectual commitment to dogma, yet you have an extremely strong emotional gravity towards the concepts of spirituality. You probably have very mysterious feelings about things of this nature that you don't understand completely, and that could cause strain. A lot of times people have difficulty discussing these things because they're not sure someone else would understand, but I would understand. You have another configuration that makes it extremely hard for people to "see" your full personality. They have to ask and prod to find out things that you feel should be OBVIOUS, which leads to to feeling misunderstood. The very developed "nurturing" instinct in you is two directional: you protect and enable the best in those you love, but it pulls the emphasis off yourself constantly, and you are struggling to find ways to fulfill your own needs. You place others above yourself in priority, and then feel neglect around your own self. When you DO fulfill your own needs, as you have been doing lately, it balances off, and your energy renews. I have to say, that I feel a serendipity in you having placed your birth info on here on your birthday. I have studied Astrology for a long time, and want to tell you more of it because it can lead to alternate understandings of your personality traits. May I continue?
ReplyDeleteVery intriguing! Your points are "spot on". When it comes to religion, there is often a "push/pull" towards and away from a full intellectual commitment to dogma, simply because so many of "the rules" are "man made". So I do have a much stronger emotional gravity towards the concepts of spirituality because for me, spirituality is natural, genuine, and comes from within ones own self. It's personal. As for nature, I certainly am one who appreciates its beauty. In a world where everyone is moving at break-neck speed to get from Point A to Point B, I'm the one who takes my time, and will even take an alternate route if it means that I may see something that I've never seen before. I always keep my camera on hand to capture the moments in life that may never be seen again. I'm the one who MAKES people slow down, whether they want to or not. I'm finding more & more that most people don't WANT to slow down. They love the hurried pace in which they live. I find that to be so sad because there's so much that they miss by not taking the time to simply SLOW DOWN. And yes, for some strange reason, completely unbeknownst to me, it is extremely hard for people to "see" my full personality. Which baffles and frustrates me because I am probably the most genuine person most people know. With me, it's "what you see, is what you get". Seriously. I am the SAME person in any situation, yet..people "don't get me". Maybe in today's world of fake & phony, people have a difficult time discerning genuine-ness when it's standing in front of them. And yes, I am the eternal nurturer. To my children (which is natural), or one of their friends, or a friend in need, or someone who I've only encountered at a drive-thru...I'd bring them all home and "take care of them" if I had the means. Recently, I was in a situation where I really did NOT have the means, yet helped someone anyway, putting their need before my own, because my "nurturing spirit" would not allow me to do otherwise. I was so glad that I did. And yes, I'm working on doing more for ME. Not easy, and it certainly does not come naturally. Just yesterday, I was going shopping FOR MYSELF...got to the store, parked the car and couldn't get out. It just didn't feel right shopping for ME when I have three children who need so much. Needless to say, I re-started the car and drove home. As for hearing more about my Astrology, the human/worldly part of me is interested. But my Spirit (and God's word, which I know and believe to be true) tells me that I am not to delve into such things or anything that takes my trust and reliance away from God. He is my creator who knows all of my quirks & idiosyncrasies. He know why I am the way that I am, and He knows if I'll ever become anyone different. Whether people in my life ever "get me", understand me, or not...HE "gets me", and for me, He's all that matters. Therefore, I will have to pass on your offer. I do however thank you for your comment. It was interesting learning what my "numbers" say about me.
ReplyDeleteWell, consider for a moment, that if God created the heavens and the earth, then delving into your relationship with the stars and planets of the system in which you reside is in fact, a study of God/Nature also. The vilification of such knowledge is a modern invention. Judaism preceded Christianity, and it has a long history of Astrological exploration. So do the Hindus, The ancient Egyptians, the Mayans, and many of the world's religions. In truth, there is nothing inherent in Astrology that would interfere with religious practice. There are many Christian Astrologers. There is a polarity, in your own words, between the "human/worldly" part of you and the "spirit" part of you, but what about the possibility that they are the same thing? I propose, for the sake of dialogue, that you permit me to translate your horoscope, and then you make the decision as to whether the imagery speaks to your own sensibilities, or whether you dismiss it as ineffectual? This is the only way you could formulate a judgment. What I have to say would not interfere with your faithfulness to your beliefs, it would only serve as another viewpoint for you to consider. There are many ways to explore the mysteries of spirituality, and the diversity in which the world's people approach it is a thing of beauty, nothing to be afraid of. So I say, let me tell the story. But I will respect your decision if you tell me you will not hear it. If you do let me, I do not ask for anything in return.
ReplyDeletep.s. The three "Magi" who gave gifts to the Christ child knew the place and time of his birth by navigating with the stars. The proper use of such knowledge is to learn about the self. The rule to omit such a resource of spirituality is "man made", as evidenced by it's mention only in modern times.
Well, this has become quite interesting and most thought provoking. Thank you! With full awareness that God did in fact create the heavens and the earth, I thank Him often for the wonder of His creation. Many evenings I've looked up to see an absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous moon and stopped right there in my tracks to thank Him. I often say that even if no one else stops in acknowledgment, I do. Not worshiping the moon, but worshiping He Who created the moon. I also appreciate the beauty of cloud formations (especially when flying above them, as shown in the photo in my "about me" section), or in the color of a flower, or in watching a hummingbird zip by. Recently, I was awestruck by the grandeur of the ocean as I stood by watching and feeling wave after wave roll in. So I do think that I have found a way to incorporate Nature in my relationship with God without having to consult the stars. And yes, there is polarity in my words, but that comes with being a Christian while living life here on earth. As long as I am housed in this earthly "tent" (my body), there will always be a struggle between what I WANT to do, and what I SHOULD or should NOT do. The Christian walk is certainly not easy, nor is it understood by many. I greatly appreciate and thank you for respecting my faithfulness to my beliefs. However, as interesting as it all sounds, I know that I have to be cautious about what I "let in". Fully aware that there are many Christians who would jump at the chance to hear more about what the stars have to say about them. I guess I'm just not there yet. Not sure if I'll ever be. Over the years I've learned that faith (and how one practices their faith) is unique from person to person. There are some things that I can handle that others can not. There are things others can handle that I can not. Astrology is one of those things that I'm not ready to handle or hear more about. Does that make me a "narrow minded" Christian? Those who don't know me would probably say yes. Those who DO know me, would say the complete opposite. Certainly, I've still got some growing to do, and will NEVER know it ALL. In this dialogue I can say that I've learned more about myself and my convictions than I knew before. And for that, again, I say thank you.
ReplyDeleteVery well, then. I will say in parting, that you have mentioned on here that you wish for things, and then once they approach your grasp, you are unable to retain them. Perhaps you don't allow them to stay. There is a lot that awaits, once you become open to new experiences. The world never stops, nor does it wait. Take a chance sometime, it's worth it.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for understanding. Yes, many things have been in my grasp and as quickly as they've come I've watched them slip away. Often times wishing that they'd come back...realizing eventually that they don't. You are among many who have suggested that I be more open to new experiences. Fear and lack of self confidence have held me back for far too long. Little bit little, slowly but surely I am learning to take chances. This blog is one of them. After all, I'll never know what CAN be if fear keeps me from trying. I am truly "a work in progress", hopefully MAKING progress.