After yesterday's post I was reminded of this picture that I took back on April 12, 2010.
In an effort to prove that I "practice what I preach", when it comes to taking life slowly, and enjoying the beauty in EVERYTHING, I decided to share the story that went along with my little friend, "the snail". Here is the story exactly as I shared it on my FB profile over a year ago. Enjoy.
ok, so allow me to share my story about this picture, and why this little snail has become so significant to me. It's amazing the way that God will speak to us in whatever way He feels necessary in order to get our attention. For me, this morning, it was this little snail. I almost stepped on it as I was rushing to the car to get everybody off to where they had to go (our typical routine). But for some reason, even after getting in the car and about to drive off, I had to get out and go back to this snail. There it was, just doin' it's thing. Calm as could be. With no idea that it so narrowly missed being crushed just moments earlier. That snail didn't have a care in the world. It just sat there enjoying one of the leaves that had fallen off of the trees from last night's rain. Oh, to be that little snail. Just for a moment. And oh the lesson I learned by just getting out of the car and going back to look at it, even if it was for only a few moments. That little snail got me to do what I never do on a Monday, or any other day during my weekly routine of rushing to and fro. That snail, got me to SLOW DOWN. And in a very small amount of time I saw so much. I realized that even though that snail was "just a snail", God still cared enough about it to drop a leaf from the tree with fresh drops from the rain to provide some nourshment. And I'm sure that the snail wasn't worrying about where the next leaf would come from, it was just there, because God cares for all of His creatures, great and small. And if He cares enough about that lowly little snail, then surely He cares even more for you and me. So of the many things that I thank God for each and every day, I never thought I'd be thanking Him for allowing me to cross the path of a slimy little snail...but today I do. Who knows...maybe somebody minutes later came and actually did step on it. It wasn't there when I got home. I didn't expect it to be. But I'll always have this picture to remind me of the slow little snail that got ME to Slow Down. Maybe that's all that it was ever meant to do. So job well done my little snail friend. Job well done. And for those of you who think I'm "off my rocker" for sharing this little story, that's ok...you're entitled. But for most of you who actually "get me" and what I'm about, then this little story should come as no surprise. This life is whizzing by at lightning speed. Let's take time to make time and enjoy it along with all the beauty that it has to offer. I know I will.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! What gets YOU to slow down?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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