I like to think of myself as a "creative", "artsy fartsy" type. I love to write. I love to sing. I love photography (capturing time just as it is at that moment). And I love to sew even though I haven't sewn a thing in YEARS.
After my visit with "Dr. Doom (the retina specialist)" back in 2009, I didn't want to do anything that had to do with my eyes. I felt like, why bother, since I wasn't going to be able to see for much longer anyway...according to his diagnosis. So, I didn't want to watch movies. I didn't want to read books (the only book I read is my Bible, and I thank God EVERYDAY that I can still see the words on the page). And I certainly didn't want to sew.
Looking back now, I realize what stupid decisions those were. How many movies have I missed out on? How many great books? And how many lovely hand-made creations have gone un-created because I stopped sewing??? Too many!
I had to snap out of that mentality quick, fast, and in a hurry and remind myself of He who created these eyes, He who sustains my vision EVERY DAY!
As soon as I did that, I was back in business.
I have been so inspired recently by my two nieces Nicole & Brandyce, and all of the lovely creations they've sewn. Nicole has an amazing talent for knitting and sewing. You can check out her lovely creations at www.knitcole.com
Brandyce will have her own Etsy shop soon.
So you see, I have inspiration all around me and I have decided to sew again. The big guestion was, SEW what?
And then it came to me. I'm not yet ready to reveal what it is that I'll be making but as soon as I complete the first one, I'll post it here in "The Den".
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin! Do you sew? If so, what's your favorite thing to make?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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