Today I felt the need to post about PRAYER. Not because it's Sunday, because for me, prayer is an everyday event, and often occurs many times throughout the day.
I have a friend who I hadn't heard from in a while and I had become concerned. It wasn't normal for this person to just drop out of contact. The more I thought about the person, the more concerned I became, until I got to the point where I had to stop what I was doing, and PRAY. For me, prayer always gives me comfort and calms me down.
About 10 minutes after my prayer, I from my friend. TEN minutes! And the prayer was answered. Just another reassurance for me that PRAYER WORKS!
Mind you, prayer is not a magic wand that you can just wave, and all that you ask comes to pass. Prayer is unique in every circumstance. Some prayers are answered immediately, some take a bit longer to be answered, and there are others to which I never (or have yet) to receive an answer.
This doesn't mean that God has not already answered the prayers, it just means that I have not received the answer.
For me, prayer is a vital part of my day. And on a typical day, I pray many times. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning...I pray. Before I go to sleep at night...I pray. And somewhere, during those hours between waking up & going back to sleep...I pray. In the car. Washing dishes. Folding clothes. Shopping. At work. Wherever I am, no matter what time of day...if the desire to pray comes upon me...I do it.
Contrary to what many think, prayer doesn't have to be some long drawn out process. Sometimes, I simply say "thank you" to God. And that's the entire prayer. Other times, the prayer is more lengthy because I begin recollecting all that God has done and continues to do for me.
Every prayer is different. In a nutshell, Prayer, is plain and simple.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! When was the last time you prayed?
Talk to me (better yet...talk to God FIRST, then talk to me)!
Til next time...
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