Thursday, August 16, 2012
Above the Clouds
I love this picture. I mean, I really really love it.
It's such a simple picture yet it has so much meaning.
I took this picture while flying home from San Francisco one day in July 2011. I loved the way that we were flying over a sea of clouds yet, just above the clouds was beautiful blue sky.
It mad me think about all of the people who were BELOW this sea of clouds. What were they experiencing? Were they being hit with rainfall? Were they simply having a gloomy day because the sun hadn't quite been able to break through?
How many of the people BELOW the clouds were aware of the fact that ABOVE the clouds there was this BEAUTIFUL BLUE SKY.
It was a great reminder for me that no matter how gloomy things may appear at times, there is ALWAYS a beautiful blue sky just about the gloom. And the gloom doesn't last forever.
So, there are two options.
1. Wait for the gloom to go away and before you know it, the sky will be blue again.
2. Look up. Maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to see some of the beautiful blue poking through.
That's it.
Just wanted to share my cloud filled blue sky with all of you. After all, something THIS beautiful should not be kept to ones self.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever taken a picture while flying? If so, what's the coolest picture you've taken?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Workin' 9 to 5 and LOVING it!!!
So I started my new job on Monday...YAY!!!
It's been fantastic. I am so happy. Happy with the company. Happy with the people. Happy with the position. Happy with the product. Happy with the location. Just HAPPY.
So let me give you a run down of my wonderful work week:
I got there Monday morning and had training with two other new hires. They are both great!
So we're going through orientation, everything is good and right about noon, MY GLASSES BREAK. Whoa! Right in half, they break.
I tried wearing them anyway but because they weren't aligned properly I started getting a headache.
So then I had the bright idea to super-glue them. Well...that didn't go so well. As soon as I put the glasses back on, the fumes from the glue made my eyes water terribly.
What was I gonna do?
Get this...the kind gentleman who was in new hire training with me offered to drive me home to get another pair. Can you believe that?!? He had only known me for a few hours and there he was offering to help me.
I took him up on the offer because I had to have some way of being able to see. Without my glass, I see NOTHING!
So he drives me home and thankfully I knew exactly where I kept the old pair. Can't tell you how many times I had almost donated them. I was so glad that I kept them.
So we get the glasses and head back to work.
The rest of the week was great. Now we fast forward to Friday.
Going back to my glasses...
Although the old pair allowed me to see, they were bent out of shape and didn't fit properly on my face. So all week I was awkwardly tilting my head to align my face with my glasses. Embarrassing, but hey...I could see and that was all that mattered.
When I got to work Friday morning I greeted the security guards (by name) as I do every morning. One of them congratulated me on completing my first week. I thanked him and told him how it was a great week even though my glasses broke on Monday and I had been wearing crooked ones all week.
He immediately told me to take my glasses off. What?!?
So I did.
He took them and started bending and pushing and I just stood there in awe thinking, "Oh no...what if those break too. They're my only pair."
No sooner that I finished having my panicked thoughts, he gives them back and says, "There...put them on now."
He fixed them! They were perfectly straight.
I would've hugged him but that probably wasn't "workplace appropriate", so I just thanked him greatly and told him that he was my hero for the day. I was so happy.
So that was my first work week, and a glimpse of the wonderful people I work with.
I really really like my new job and I thank God for it EVERYDAY!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's the craziest thing that ever happened to you on YOUR first week of work?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, July 26, 2012
And yet I will praise Him!
So It's gettin' down to the wire folks. Rent is due. Car payment is due. EVERYTHING is due. And all I have is what you see in the picture. A container full of change. And the container isn't even full. This is a 2.75 cup container that sandwich meat comes in. This particular container once held sliced turkey. Now, it holds my entire life savings. Not sure how much is in there. Maybe $5.00 at the most. And it's all I've got until I receive my first paycheck from the job that I am thankfully starting on Monday. So, we're looking at a good 2-4 weeks probably before I have any more money.
What will I do until then? I have absolutely NO idea. Am I stressed? Nope. What good will stressing do? None. As a believer in Christ, my faith tells me to TRUST God. He's kept me thus far...almost 1 year of being unemployed. My finances are not too hard for God to handle. So I give this to Him and I TRUST that He will make a way...He always has.
Some may wonder why I "put my business out there" like this. Is it because I want pity? No. Is it because I am seeking help? It sure would be nice to have some help, but that's not why I write. It is simply a way for me to declare my faith. Faith that isn't tested is no faith at all. I am clearly being tested, and I know that my God will not let me fail the test. In that, I can be sure.
"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more." Psalm 71:14 (NIV)
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you down to your very last? Where do you find hope?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
My "WHYs"
So I've recently joined this group of AMAZING women called "Black Girls Run". I've only been in the group for about 3 weeks and my outlook on healthy nutrition and fitness have comepletely changed. I now walk 2.5 - 3.5 miles 3x a week, and I do aqua aerobics 2x a week.
The group's purpose is to show the world that Black girls ARE healthy and fit, unllike the sterotypes that depict us as fat, lazy, and unhealthy.
These women are SO supportive and encouraging. It's absolutely mind-boggling. To see Black women come together on one accord and uplift one another is beyond words.
So, in addition to promoting fitness (running/walking/jogging/wogging), we're also honing in on healthy living overall. So there are a group of us who will be embarking on a weight-loss journey like no other on August 21st. To "get our minds right", today we had to answer the question of WHY we want to be a part of this group...WHY we want to lose the weight and become healthier. THIS was my answer:
Wow! My "why" goes all the way back to childhood. I've always been overweight and as a child that meant ALWAYS picked LAST...for sports teams, and/or pretty much anything else. It hasn't gotten any better as an adult. I'm tired of being "invisible" (as big as I am) and I'm ready for people to actually SEE me. I want my weight to begin with a 1 instead of a 2. I want my clothing size to begin with a 1, instead of a 2. I want to be able to buy my clothes at ANY store, instead of only Lane Bryant and The Avenue. Thankfully, my weight has not resulted in any health issues, and I'm not on any medication. Surprisingly, my annual physical results have always been "normal". I'd like to keep it that way. I have 3 children and I want to be an example of good health and fitness for them. I want to be more confident and less self-conscious. Finally, I want God to know that I appreciate this body that He's given me (fully functioning) and I want to take better care of it as my way of saying THANK YOU to Him. Those are my "WHYs". Looking forward to the journey. I know that it won't be easy. There will probably be tears at times (publicly and privately), but I'm in this 100%. So grateful for this opportunity!
So there you have it folks. I am ready! August 21st can't come soon enough for me.
Now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What weight loss programs have you tried, and how successful were you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Scrambled Eggs...they're what's for dinner tonight, and tomorrow, and the next day...
Well folks, I've got GREAT news and not so good news.
GREAT news: I have a new job!!! I start next Monday, 7/30. That will be 1 year and 1 day after being laid off from my previous job. I am so thankful to God and so excited for this new opportunity.
NOT SO GOOD news: EDD stopped my benefits COLD TURKEY! So I have NOTHING! Not a penny to my name. I hate the way that they stop the benefits and then schedule an interview for me to tell them where I am with my job search. Instead, they should send the questionnaire and/or set up an appointment while CONTINUING the benefits. THEN, if AFTER the interview, they determine that I am no longer eligible, THEN they can stop the benefits. They're approach is "shoot first, ask questions later." Well, they got me, and it hurts pretty bad...FINANCIALLY.
Rent is due on the 1st, and the electric bill needs to be paid. Oh...and the refrigerator is practically empty. I mean really...I can name everything that's in there. A carton of eggs, a jar of jelly, a container of yogurt, a jar of mayonnaise, 2 cucumbers, one bottle of Italian salad dressing, and a stick of butter. That's all folks. Once all that's's gone.
So I'm in an interesting spot. I am thankful for my new job yet I am still one of America's poor. Kind of oxymoronic.
Nevertheless, I am thankful that I was able to have scrambled eggs for dinner. And when the eggs are gone, I will STILL give God praise. Even with a growling stomach...I will give Him praise. Because He is a good God whether I have food in my fridge or not. My circumstances may change, but He NEVER does. He is good, loving, merciful...ALWAYS!
So with that, I God be the glory...even if I am evicted from my home...even if I run out of food...even if my car gets repo'd. To God be the glory!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What did YOU have for dinner tonight?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Happy 44th Birthday to ME!!!
There are 10 minutes left in this day, July 14, 44th birthday! It's been a great day and I look forward to what year 44 has in store. Nothing but GREATNESS and BLESSINGS my friends...GREATNESS and BLESSINGS!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you turned 44 yet? Simple question, I know.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Different, yet EQUAL
So I was at the grocery store the other day and as I was shopping I noticed a woman wearing a surgical mask, kind of like the one that people were wearing during the SARS outbreak a few years back.
I thought it was interesting and wondered what her reason was for wearing it. I came to the conclusion that she probably had a lowered immune system and was more susceptible to germs than most people. At that moment, I thanked God that I have a normal immune system and don't have to wear a mask like that.
As as left the store, I put my sunglasses I do ANYTIME I go outside. For me, and MY eyes, going anywhere without sunglasses (solar shields to be exact) is no longer an option. I MUST protect my eyes ALL times. Since I've begun wearing my sunglasses, I've become greatly aware of how many people DON'T need to wear them. I see kids at the park sunglasses. People at the sunglasses. People driving down the sunglasses. I am not able to do ANY of those things without sunglasses anymore. As much as I need prescription glasses in order to see clearly, I also need the sunglasses to protect my extra sensitive retina and make sure that I don't cause any damage to them.
Since January 29, 2009... everyday that I've been able to SEE has been an absolute GIFT from God, because according to the retina specialist, my "vision clock" is ticking and I'm not supposed to be able to see for much longer. Well, PRAISE BE TO's 3 years later and I'm still typing words on the screen, driving myself wherever I need to go and am fully independent with EYES THAT FUNCTION.
My observation at the grocery store made me realize that we are all different in one way or another, yet at the same time...we are EQUAL. The lady wearing the mask may not ever need to wear sunglasses while going outside, and I may never need to wear the mask that she has to wear, yet at the same time...she and I are equal. I think that's amazing. In our UNIQUENESS...we are still EQUAL. Wow!
How 'bout that!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What do YOU have to do differently that most people don't?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The search continues...
Wow! I can hardly believe how long it's been since my last post. Gotta admit...I've been in a bit of a funk. This unemployment situation has begun to wear on me. I apply for lots of positions but don't hear back. I've even interviewed for some and just get the standard, "Thank you for coming in. The hiring manager will be in touch." And I don't hear anything. When I follow up to get an update, they act like they don't know me. It sucks!
So I'm doing my best to stay encouraged. I still want a position in the human services/social service field, but no one will look at me without a degree (which I'm in school working toward). So I think I'll be relegated to another inside sales position. If that's the case I know that a piece of me will die just a little bit each day...sitting in a drab cubicle...dialing for dollars, but if that's what it takes to pay these bills that have all piled up...then so be it.
I'll just have to do the things that make me happy (helping and serving others) on the weekends.
So there you have it folks. Not the most uplifting post, I know...but certainly one of the most transparent.
Somethin's gotta give. My breakthrough has GOT to be around the corner. It just HAS to be.
Let the DIALOGUE begin:Are you a job seeker? If so, how's the search coming?
Talk to me!
Til next time (and I won't be so long)
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Bye Bye "Boob Tube"
Today is day 4 of no television in our home.
The truth of the matter is that I simply can no longer afford cable, so it had to go. And since our television won't get any channels (not even the local ones) without cable, we've said goodbye to it all.
Gotta tell ya...I've never experienced so much quiet in my life. For as long as I can remember there has always been a television in my home, and most of the time, it was on.
Have I noticed any changes now that the television is gone (not the set itself, but the ability to view it)? Yes, I have.
1. It's super quiet now.
2. The communication has increased with me & my children, and amongst themselves.
3. I am more aware. Aware of birds chirping outside. Aware of cars driving by. Aware of my neighbors. Simply...aware.
Do I find myself having more time. Oddly enough, I don't. Even without a job my days are completely filled. My daughter once said to me, "You don't act like a person without a job. You still get up early and you do stuff...all day. Most unemployed people sleep more
. You don't."
She's right. I work just as hard and do just as much without a job as I do when I have one. Sometimes I joke and say, "how am I going to fit a REAL job into my schedule?"
The answer is this: I look forward to the challenge. Bring it on!
So anyway. That's the latest change in our home. Will I re-instate cable once I'm back to work and can afford it? Maybe. Maybe not. We'll jump that hurdle when we get to it.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: How long would YOU be able to go without television?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
What a day this has been!
I'm working on writing a mission statement for an organization that I work with, I also need to figure out how to upload a slideshow onto the website for the same organization.
I have a huge chapter to read for school and a power point presentation due on Friday (right now it's 10:35 pm on Wednesday...urgh.)
I had to enroll my son in the high school that he'll be attending in the fall. I get there and they tell me that I'm missing paperwork. So I have to go to my son's current school and get it. Then, when school got out I had to take my son to the high school so that he could meet with his 9th grade counselor.
We do that and come home.
I sit for a few minutes and then it's off to Bible study.
I get back home and start working again on the mission statement for the organization. Not sure if I got it right this time but I gave it my all. I think it turned out pretty good, but I don't make the final decision.
And now...I'm cooking dinner for tomorrow, about to read my homework assignment, will come up with ideas for the power point and be prepared to meet with my classmates tomorrow.
Oh yeah, and I have an interview with an employment agency at 2:00
Needless to say...I am OVERWHELMED.
And it got me to thinking...what would it like to be simply WHELMED. Right about now I would so totally settle for just WHELMED. Funny though, you never hear about anyone being's always overWHELMED.
Anyhoo...that was my day. Wish I could say that I'm about to turn in but "lights out" is a long way a way for me.
I'll try for WHELMED tomorrow.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Which are you most often, UNDERwhelmed, WHELMED, or OVERwhelmed?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
God's Clock
I know that you won't believe what I'm about to say, but then again, if you are a believer in Christ then what I'm about to say will come as no surprise at all.
A few days ago a wrote about how I was down to my last and that rent was due in just a matter of days.
Today is May 1st and THE RENT IS PAID!
I repeat...THE RENT IS PAID!
Did I rob a bank? No.
Did I win the Lotto? No.
Did I borrow money from friends or family? No.
Did I gain an inheritance? No
God showed up, and showed out. I checked my account just this morning and there it was. Enough money to pay the rent and a few other bills.
I won't go into the details of where it came from, I'll just tell you that it came...and right on time.
Here ye, Here ye: If you have never trusted God before, I urge you to begin doing so TODAY. God is real! His power is real! He still works miracles today the way that He worked them in the days that we read of in The Bible. If you don't know Him, get to know Him through His Son Jesus. It will be the BEST decision you will EVER make.
No, life won't be without problems, issues, those will still come. But the difference is that through a relationship with Christ, you will have hope when those things occur. And with that hope will come peace. A peace that can be found no where else.
Accept Christ today and give God your problems. He'll solve them...on His own time...on His clock.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What supernatural thing has God done for YOU lately?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Facebook...the new Kindgergarten
I gotta tell ya...the longer I'm on Facebook the more I realize just how childish "grown folks" can be. It leaves me SMH (shakin' my head) at times.
Here are the latest antics:
I have a friend (a real life friend, not just an FB friend) and this friend and I recently had a falling out. Mind you, I hold nothing against this person (who we'll call "Pat") and wish them the best, I really really do. Pat, however, would say much differently about me if you were to ask. Pat seems to think that I have wronged them in some way or another and has chosen to end our friendship.
Now I could understand ending the friendship if I had done something wrong, but Pat has ended our friendship based on suppositions and assumptions. Sad, just sad.
Oh, I failed to mention that just 2 months ago Pat really did do something to me that was worthy of ending our friendship, yet I forgave and chose to move on. Pat meant too much for me to just throw out with the bathwater.
Fast forward.
I am friends with one of Pat's family members. Me and Pat's family member are friends (in real life) and on Facebook. Recently, my Pat posted a picture of Pat and the family member. I thought it was a GREAT photo, so I "liked" it. Well guess what...I can't see the photo anymore. "Someone" has blocked me from seeing the photo. Ain't that about a blip!?!
I think that is sooo Kindergarten. Na-na...I'm not your friend anymore so you can't see my pictures. Really?!?
Well, if that makes Pat
happy then so be it. I just don't get it. Can't we just forgive and move on? Apparently not.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you had any "kindergarten type" experiences on Facebook?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, April 26, 2012
T minus 5
So. There 5 days left until rent is due. A letter has not arrived from EDD, nor have they called. And as I stated yesterday, getting through to THEM via phone is impossible. They NEVER answer.
What am I going to do? I have no idea. And it's not like rent is the ONLY issue. Nope, there're are car payment(s) to be made, phone bills to be paid, and on and on and on.
People have "called it quits" for less than this. I can't. I must hold on. And if all that I have to hold onto is God's hand and my trust in Him, then I'm gonna cling for dear life. I WILL NOT LET GO!
Today's post is pretty short and simple. I heard a verse of scripture last night that resonated in my heart. When I woke up this morning, it was still there:
Psalm 9:9-10
New International Version (NIV)
"9 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
10 Those who know Your name trust in You,
for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You."
There ya have it. I trust Him and I KNOW that He will not forsake me.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What gives YOU hope?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Today's post can be considered as Part 2 of yesterday's.
After calling EDD ALL DAY yesterday and first thing this morning, I decided to go to my local "One Stop Career Center" and actually speak to someone IN PERSON. They actually have EDD personnel in house.
So I check-in and tell the woman at the desk what my issue is.
I tell her that I've recently gone back to school and answered "yes" to the question on the claim form where it asks about school. She gasped as if I had just told her that I had 3 arms.
She shook her head and said to me in a whisper, "You shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't tell them that you're in school. They cut you right off when you do that."
Are you FRICKIN' kidding me?!?
So I should've LIED is what she's telling me. Shut the front door!!!
I proceed to fill out the forms that they require and wait my turn to meet with the EDD rep. I tell her my situation and although she didn't tell me that I should have lied, she did confirm that the benefits STOP when one goes back to school until EDD can schedule a phone interview and determine my continued eligibility. That should happen in 10 days. Rent is due in 6.
It's just so frustrating!
I do the RIGHT thing and I'm penalized for it.
Had I done the WRONG thing, none would be the wiser (except for my conscience).
What has happened to society. When did right become wrong and wrong become right? When did we begin living in a "backwards society?"
I don't have the answers to any of those questions. What I do know is that I can't change who I am. I have to go with what I know and what I know is that I have to be honest. Unfortunately, honesty tends to come at a high cost.
C'est la vie
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever been penalized for being honest?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Honesty. Is it REALLY the best policy?
I know, I know...that's a rhetorical question. It just happens to be the way that I'm feeling right about now.
So I've been receiving unemployment benefits while I diligently search for my next career opportunity. Every two weeks I fill out the form that I receive and I state that I am looking for employment (which I am).
Well...because I've been running into so many brick walls, finding that most positions require a Bachelor's degree (even if the position is just for data entry), I decided to take the next step and go back to school.
One of the questions on the form asks if I've enrolled in school or any type of training. Guess who answered HONESTLY...yep, I did. Now...EDD is holding my money. I can't believe this is happening!
Why am I penalized for going back to school in an effort to IMPROVE my chances of getting hired. This makes no sense!
If they would CALL me and ask ME about it, I would gladly tell them that I only have class ONE night a week and it's AFTER working it does NOT interfere with my job search or being able to hold a job.
Since I haven't heard from them, nor has my money been deposited, I decided to take a proactive approach and CALL THEM.
Well, a lot of good that has done.
I call and have to press this button and that button and I am NEVER given an option to speak to an actual PERSON. This is an important issue...I need to speak to a living, breathing PERSON!
I keep pushing buttons until I FINALLY unlock the magic "How-to-get-to-an-actual-person" door. And guess what happens...
I get the following message: "We're sorry, but due to the high volume of calls we are unable to assist you at this time." Click.
Yep, that's it. No option to hold. No option to leave a message. The call just disconnects. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET HELP?!?
So, I will keep trying because rent is due 7 days and I have NO money.
Nevertheless, I will not stress or worry about it. God knows what I need and He has never failed me...EVER. So I've given this issue to Him and I'll keep trying to get through EDD.
One thing's for sure...I need to get back to work and I need to get back to work PRONTO!!!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What has been YOUR experience with EDD? Do you know any secrets to reaching a LIVE body on the phone? If so, please share.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
(p.s.- Please forgive the formatting and the fact that the post is now one GIANT paragraph. I don't write it this way but recently made some changes and now the formatting is all messed up. Frustrating to say the least.)
Monday, April 23, 2012
Now Serving Number...
This morning I had to take advantage of the FREE local healthcare clinic in my neighborhood. I am one of the many uninsured in this country and had no choice but to go to the clinic.
What an experience!
I get there and of course...there's a huge line.
As I'm waiting in line I look around and realize that my son and I are the ONLY Non-Hispanic people in the place.
So we wait our turn and FINALLY get to the window where we are told that they don't do what we were there for. My son needed a TB test and this clinic does not administer TB tests without an accompanying test. So...they gave us a list of other clinics (none nearby) where we COULD go and get a simple TB test alone.
Not a very productive morning.
As my son and I walked back home I reflected back on the experience that we just had. Why is it that we were the ONLY non-Hispanic people in the place? That troubled me. Our Hispanic brothers and sisters have done an excellent job of finding out where the resources are, and utilizing them. My Black brothers and sisters...not so much. I am SURE that there are Black people who are suffering from health issues (like Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, High blood pressure, etc.) and they are NOT getting treated.
They are NOT utilizing the resources that are available to them and for this reason, Black people are DYING... unnecessarily. That troubles me deeply.
And this is why I had to write about the subject.
To all of my Black brothers and sisters out there, PLEASE...educate yourselves! Find out about the resources that are available in the community and GET HELP. Whether it's medical help, help staying in your home, help find safety if you're being abused...whatever it is...GET HELP. It's out there. Use it...PLEASE.
Do I sound like I'm begging? I am. I don't want anymore of you to die prematurely. It just makes no sense. Get help...and LIVE.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you uninsured? If so, have you had to visit a free clinic in your neighborhood?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Prayer Partner Preferred
Something interesting happened to me at church this morning. I hope that I handled it well yet it troubled me enough that I felt the need to write about it.
At the end of each service, members in the congregation are invited to go up for prayer and have someone pray WITH them. I am among the group of women who prays with women who come down for prayer. We pray one on one lifting up the needs of those who come down.
This morning, a woman came down for prayer and I extended my hands, offering to pray with her. She shook her head and proceeded to walk toward the other two ladies who were standing beside me, taking each of their hands in hers and they began to pray.
That's never happened to me before and it left me feeling quite awkward. Being bypassed was a way of saying to me, "Your prayers aren't good enough. I'd rather have these two pray for me because THEIR prayers actually get to God." Mind you, the woman didn't SAY those words to me specifically but the action spoke volumes.
Now I know that I am not a well known "prayer warrior" as others are in my church, but I KNOW that my prayers are heard. My life is a vivid example of the fact that MY prayers ARE heard.
No, I may not know all of the "catchy phrases" to use when praying, but I pray from my HEART, and I pray IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and I believe that those two things are enough.
So I had to catch myself when that happened, and had to make sure that my face did not show the hurt that I was feeling at the time. I love my church family and over the past 18 years I've learned that sometimes your church family...yes, EVEN your church family...will hurt you. My hope is that what the woman did was not intentionally meant to hurt me, yet even if it was, my PRAYER is that God answers whatever it is that she stands in need of.
And if something in MY prayer life is lacking, then I ask that He help me to use the power that He has placed within me to strengthen any areas that are weak.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a "prayer partner?" If so, what is it about that person that makes praying with them so effective?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Friday, April 20, 2012
Luther WHO?
The year was 1984.
I went to a concert at the Universal Amphitheatre with my best friend Vivian parents...and I should probably say my brother Donald as my mother was quite pregnant with him when we went to the concert.
Now YOU tell cool could I have been to have attended a concert PARENTS!?!
Sooo not cool!
But here was the deal...
Me & Viv were there to see DeBarge (our future husbands), and my parents were there to see some guy named Luther Vandross.
Luther WHO???
Luther Vandross.
So anyhoo...the concert begins and out comes the opening act...this Luther guy. Me & Viv huffed & puffed hoping that he'd hurry up , do his thing and get off the stage so that we could see DeBarge.
The music starts and it's the prettiest piano music I'd ever heard. Then out come these women dressed in beautiful ball gowns...really classy. And then...the Luther guy starts singing. Whoa!
We were blown away after the first song.
This guy was pretty good.
Then he sang another song, and another, and another. Wow!
Where'd this dude come from? He was amazing!
He sang his last song and I wasn't ready for him to go. He could've done the whole show for all I cared. Who was that other group that we came to see? DeBarge WHO? DeBarge WHAT?
I wanted more Luther...Luther VANDROSS. This man was a STAR, and in just a short span of time, all the world came to know that.
Luther Vandross was not only a star, but he became a LEGEND.
Luther had a style that was solely his. I find it funny when I talk to people about his music and they ask, "Who do you like better, BIG Luther or Skinny Luther?"
I'm a BIG Luther girl all the way. I loves me some BIG Luther!!!
In honor of his birthday today, I listened to my favorite CD of his: Live at Radio City Music Hall 2003
If you are a Luther fan and don't have this CD, you MUST get it. It is FAAANTASTIC. I can listen to it on repeat and never get tired.
So there you have it folks. The story of how I was introduced to the lovely sound that was (and thankfull, still is) Luther Vandross. He would have been 61 today.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you a Luther Vandross fan? If so, which do you prefer, Big Luther or Skinny?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, April 19, 2012
What I do, What I DON'T do

As the job search continues (and by the way...job searching IS a Full-Time job), I'm finding many ads calling for Salesreps (which I've been before), yet when I take a look at the job description I find that what the employer really wants is a TELEMARKETER...someone who will "hit those phones" and "dial for dollars".
Why do the employers have to be so deceptive?
Why don't they just call the job what it is?
Oh, I know why?
Because if they truly listed the position for what it is TELEMARKETING, then they'd receive far fewer responses.
I even responded to one ad that called for an "Office Assistant", only to get to the interview and find that they REALLY wanted a TELEMARKETER.
After many years of being an Inside Sales/Customer Support rep, there are two things that I know for sure...What I do, and What I DON'T do.
I liken it to gardening.
Determining WHAT to plant, WHERE to plant it, DIGGING up the ground and actually PLANTING the seed is NOT what I do.
WATERING, NURTURING, ensuring the GROWTH of the plant and determining which plants would grow nicely with the ones that I've already THAT'S what I do. I give the plants the "TLC" that they need in order to thrive & grow.
That is my approach to Inside Sales/Customer Support, and it's worked well for me.
So, the search continues and my prayer is that employers will be HONEST about the description of the job so that they can get the best candidate to fill the position, and they'll get a candidate who actually WANTS that position.
My greater prayer is that my next career is in a non-profit environment where I won't have to SELL anything, but will be able to HELP others which is truly my greatest desire and would make for a far more fulfilling work experience.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever responded to a job ad only to find out in the interview that the job is nothing like what was advertised?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So, if there's one thing that this unemployment situation has taught me, it's the fact that there is no "box" anymore.
Which box?
The box that we're supposed to "think outside" of.
No folks, with this economy, current job market (and the fact that I have chosen to switch careers), I can no longer be anywhere near a box. So I have done away with it completely.
Yesterday, I did something that I never thought I'd do. It came to me as a result of prayer and studying God's word. I can't tell you exactly what I did, but I will once I begin to see results from my bold move.
I will tell you this much's a "social experiment" at it's best, inspired (as I said before) by God's word.
I call it my "woman with the issue" experience. If you know anything about God's word and the passages of scripture that talk about the woman who had the issue of blood for 12 years, then you'll remember her boldness and how strong her faith was (Mat 9:20-22; Mar 5:25-34; Luk 8:43-47).
Yesterday, I chose to step out in that same boldness, and I believe that God is about to reward me for my faith.
So stay tuned and I promise to share the results once they begin to manifest.
The anticipation has me bursting at the seams.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is the greatest leap of faith that you've ever had to take?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, April 16, 2012
Drowning, but not DROWNED

Yes folks, I feel like I'm drowning. Having a pretty tough time keeping up with life. Don't get me wrong, I still have joy, regardless of my financial situation. I'm just looking forward to having this thing turn around soon.
The money is gone.
Not sure where I'll be living next month.
Trying to scrape up enough to pay this month's car payment so that it doesn't get re-po'd.
I've made sure that the electricity, internet and phone bills have all been paid as those are my "lifelines". Gotta keep those working so that I can continue to send out resumes and be able to answer any calls that come in regarding jobs.
It's just getting tough. That's all I'm saying.
I was in the grocery store yesterday determined to buy food for a NICE Sunday dinner. Not a frozen pizza or sandwiches, but a NICE Sunday dinner. And that's exactly what I did.
I spent more than I could afford but for the first time in a long time, my daughter and I ate like queens instead of paupers. It was so good.
Mind you, to most people, what I spent wasn't much. But when you don't HAVE anything, and you spend what I did on groceries, it's pretty much considered "breaking the bank".
Nevertheless, God woke me up to see another day, and for that, I am thankful and will make the most of it.
This is my Facebook status today: "Dionne is like an oyster...making PEARLS out of the irritants of life."
That pretty much sums it up. My life is filled with "irritants" lately, but I am going to endure, persevere, and turn those "irritants" into PEARLS, no matter how bad things get.
I may feel like I'm drowning, but as long as I haven't DROWNED, there's still hope.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: How's life goin' for you these days? Are you "keeping your head above water"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, April 2, 2012
The beach called today. I answered.
I've been so caught up with looking for a new job and most days it's just downright frustrating. I'm doing my best to stay prayerful and keep a positive outlook. Really, I am.
Some days though. Some days.
Today was one of those days.
I just needed a minute to breathe. Regroup. Figure out what my next step is going to be.
And so...I headed to the beach.
Practically had the place to myself. It was really nice. For me, there's something about the beach that helps me to feel God's presence even more-so than usual. Something about sticking my feet in the ocean, knowing how HUGE the ocean is, and what as small piece of this earth I am in the grand scheme of things. There's something about knowing that He created that huge mass of water, and me too. So to put my feet in it just does something for me.
When I headed home, I felt good. Refreshed. Like I can go on just a little longer while I work toward my breakthrough. I know it's coming. I just know it is. So I can't quit because I'm just too close.
That career that I's out there. Waiting for me. You know the the non-profit field...the one that's going to allow me to help others and will also give me the flexibility that I need to attend school.
Hey, did I tell you that I've gone back to school?
Yep. I'm going back to earn my BS in Human Services. Since those are the positions that I've been applying for, yet no one has called me for an interview, I had to think "outside the box" and find another way in. If I'm in school earning a degree in the field, maybe, just maybe, they'll look twice at me, instead of throwing my resume in "the round file" as I'm sure they've been doing this far.
So anyway. There you have it. My mind-clearing day at the beach.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Where do you go to clear your head?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
This was my Facebook post yesterday:
" tired. tired of our young black men being murdered. whether it's by the hands of an overzealous neighborhood watchman, or an officer responding to a call that was based on false information, or by the hands of each other...i am simply tired. we need you Lord, we need you Lord right now."
No sooner than I posted that, I saw my "friend" count go down. Happens all the time. When I post about Jesus, the count goes down. When I post about issues that trouble me, the count goes down. Do I care? I most certainly do NOT.
I look at it this way...if someone UN-friends me because of my relationship with Christ, or because of my concern over matters that affect the community...then that person really didn't know me well at all. Because those who REALLY know me, know that I am all about Christ, and community issues. the "friend" who UNfriended me...I don't even know who you are...I used to check, but it happens so often now that I simply don't bother. you, whoever you were...I wish you well, and pray that my Lord and Savior JESUS, will bless you richly.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Is there anything that you post about that causes you to lose "friends"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
" tired. tired of our young black men being murdered. whether it's by the hands of an overzealous neighborhood watchman, or an officer responding to a call that was based on false information, or by the hands of each other...i am simply tired. we need you Lord, we need you Lord right now."
No sooner than I posted that, I saw my "friend" count go down. Happens all the time. When I post about Jesus, the count goes down. When I post about issues that trouble me, the count goes down. Do I care? I most certainly do NOT.
I look at it this way...if someone UN-friends me because of my relationship with Christ, or because of my concern over matters that affect the community...then that person really didn't know me well at all. Because those who REALLY know me, know that I am all about Christ, and community issues. the "friend" who UNfriended me...I don't even know who you are...I used to check, but it happens so often now that I simply don't bother. you, whoever you were...I wish you well, and pray that my Lord and Savior JESUS, will bless you richly.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Is there anything that you post about that causes you to lose "friends"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
To and Through

So...I'm still on the job search. Or should I say...CAREER search. And it's starting to become a wee bit disheartening. Nevertheless, I press forward.
This career switch thingy-ma-bob has really become more than I bargained for, yet I feel like I've come too far to turn back. Because the minute I turn back is when my dream will tap me on the shoulder and say, "Pssst...look behind you. If you had just taken two more steps...or waited two more days...or...", you get the idea. My dream will be RIGHT there, and I will have missed it because I turned back.
So I'm waiting patiently and have learned to think very creatively outside the box. In my world, I don't even think that the box exists any more.
My letters to potential employers have become quite unorthodox, but in this economy and with my goal set on getting the career that matches my passion, I've really had to start doing what I've never done before.
Haven't gotten any responses yet, but that's the nature of the game, right?
So in case you haven't read any of my past posts, the bottom line is this: I've worked in corporate sales for the majority of my professional career. I'm currently unemployed (have been since July) and I now want to move into the career that matches my intended purpose...a career that will allow me to serve others and make a positive impact on this society in which we live.
It's been a tough sell because I don't have experience nor education in that field aside from my volunteer efforts. Should be good enough, right? I wish!
Most of the positions that I am seeking (and even applying for), require a Bachelors in Human Services. can probably guess what I'm about to say next...I don't HAVE a Human Services or ANY field.
So...I had to crawl out of my non-existent box and get myself back into school. And now, the hurdles have come.
I enrolled without having any idea as to how I'm going to pay for this much needed education. And my college isn't certain about how much aid I'll be approved for, if any. And oh, did I mention that I'm currently unemployed?
So yeah, the odds don't seem to be stacked in my favor, but thankfully, I don't believe in odds, I believe in GOD.
He's given me this vision of what I can become. He's laid out the path by which I will achieve this vision, dream, goal, what have you. And I refuse to believe that He would allow me to envision all of that, and not let me actually achieve it. That's just NOT how the God I serve does things.
So, I stand on this: If He's brought me TO it, He'll certainly bring me THROUGH it.
I simply can NOT believe anything else. Nor will I.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you found yourself wanting to make a career switch? Has it been easy, or are there obstacles getting in your way?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, March 12, 2012
transitive verb
: to make (a sensitized or hypersensitive individual) insensitive or nonreactive to a sensitizing agent
: to make emotionally insensitive or callous; specifically : to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli that formerly induced it"
This is what people have become...DEsensitized, and I think it's a SHAME!
Why does violence have to show up at someones front door before they take a stand against it?
When did we get to the point where it's become so easy for people to say, "it wasn't my child, so it really doesn't matter to me."
No. Violence may not have affected your child YET, but if we don't take a stand and do something about it, one day, sadly, it just might.
This is why I am part of an organization that is working to end violence in our communities through community intervention and awareness. I don't want to wait for the crime to happen to a member of my family (or YOURS). I want to "head it off at the pass" if I can.
I want our young boys do be able to walk down the street and not have their heart rate increase when they hear a call rolling up behind them.
I don't want our young boys to have to plot out an "escape route" within 20 seconds of hearing that car just in case they have to run.
Unfortunately, I'm not finding too many others who want the same.
That, makes me sad. It breaks my heart actually.
People have gotten so used to the lead story on the news being about that latest "child" who's been murdered, they've become DEsensitized to the issue and have taken a "that's a shame" approach, instead of a "what can I do to change this" approach.
The more I thought about it, the more this thought came to my mind: If nobody does anything, then nothing will ever change.
I don't know if anyone has ever said that before, and if not...then I'm takin' it. THAT there quote, is MINE.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you or someone you know been a victim of violent crime in the community? Do you feel like enough is being done to stop it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
(definition by Merriam-Webster online)
transitive verb
: to make (a sensitized or hypersensitive individual) insensitive or nonreactive to a sensitizing agent
: to make emotionally insensitive or callous; specifically : to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli that formerly induced it"
This is what people have become...DEsensitized, and I think it's a SHAME!
Why does violence have to show up at someones front door before they take a stand against it?
When did we get to the point where it's become so easy for people to say, "it wasn't my child, so it really doesn't matter to me."
No. Violence may not have affected your child YET, but if we don't take a stand and do something about it, one day, sadly, it just might.
This is why I am part of an organization that is working to end violence in our communities through community intervention and awareness. I don't want to wait for the crime to happen to a member of my family (or YOURS). I want to "head it off at the pass" if I can.
I want our young boys do be able to walk down the street and not have their heart rate increase when they hear a call rolling up behind them.
I don't want our young boys to have to plot out an "escape route" within 20 seconds of hearing that car just in case they have to run.
Unfortunately, I'm not finding too many others who want the same.
That, makes me sad. It breaks my heart actually.
People have gotten so used to the lead story on the news being about that latest "child" who's been murdered, they've become DEsensitized to the issue and have taken a "that's a shame" approach, instead of a "what can I do to change this" approach.
The more I thought about it, the more this thought came to my mind: If nobody does anything, then nothing will ever change.
I don't know if anyone has ever said that before, and if not...then I'm takin' it. THAT there quote, is MINE.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you or someone you know been a victim of violent crime in the community? Do you feel like enough is being done to stop it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
(definition by Merriam-Webster online)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Playin' the Game

"Thank you for your interest..."
This is how most rejection letters start off from jobs that I've applied to. I just received another one last week.
Interestingly, I have no idea why I was not offered the position. I've successfully done the EXACT same job before at another company. The competitor to the company that I was interviewing for.
So there's no way that the reason was due to lack of qualifications because I surely have those.
What could the reason(s) have been?
It was a four person panel interview which I wasn't expecting, but handled well. I answered every question thoroughly that was asked of me.
The only thing I can think of as to where I may have gone wrong was when they asked, "What is your dream job?"
Well...I made the "mistake" of answering that one honestly, and my dream job had NOTHING to do with the job I was applying for.
You see, the job I was interviewing for was another "cubicle" position. And at the end of the day, not a single person's life would have been changed or positively impacted. That is NOT what I wanted, but hey...I've got bills to pay and a family to take care of, so I put my best foot forward.
I told them that my "dream job" was in the non-profit arena, helping others and positively impacting lives.
They all nodded and smiled, but I guess they put 2 and 2 together and realized that THIS was not THAT.
So...what's the lesson to be learned here? Do I lie the next time I'm asked the "dream job" question. Do I make it all pretty and flowery and have the interviewers think that the job I'm interviewing for IS my dream job???
My prayer is that my next interview IS in the non-profit arena so that when they ask me that question, I CAN answer honestly, and be confident and comfortable with my response. And I greatly look forward to the day when I can finally utter those 4 satisfying words:
Whatever the reason for not being selected for this particular job, or for any of the others that I've interviewed for, I still stand on Psalm 34:1, and will continue to "bless the Lord at ALL times". When I'm rejected for a job, and when I finally get one.
After all, God knows the desires of my heart (He gave them to me), so He knows what I want when it comes to a CAREER. He knows that these positions I've interviewed for didn't match the passion that He's placed in me to help and serve others. So...I can honestly say that it is well with my soul. Really, it is.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What would YOU do if you were interviewing for a job that ISN'T your "dream job", and they ask you the "dream job" question?
Talk to me!!!
Til next time...
Friday, March 9, 2012
Hablo Inglés solamente.
So...I'm still on the job search and I gotta tell ya...some days are better than others. Today, is one of those days where I just wanna SCREAM!
I am so tired of finding jobs for which I am 110% qualified, only to find in "fine print" that "bilingual is a must".
So you, "Mr./Ms. Future Employer" are going to discount someone with my professional background and exceptional level of service, simply because I am NOT bilingual.
Oh no you don't. Better think again.
I go right on ahead and apply for those jobs anyway. If they choose to discard me & my qualifications due to one minor detail, then shame on them. That is THEIR loss!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I understand that this country of ours is a great "melting pot." I get that. However...qualified English only speaking people should not be discounted for a position simply because of a language requirement. Do our non-English speaking persons need to be served when they call a business? Of course they do. And I say to that company...create a division that solely caters to those customers. I mean really, we've all heard this when we call into a business:
"Para Español, oprima numero dos."
How difficult is that?!? Not difficult at all. job search continues, but I'll be dag-gone if I keep coming across positions for which I am qualified, yet get discounted due to the language issue.
Something's gotta give.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Have you been qualified for a job yet didn't get it because of a language requirement?
Hablar conmigo!
Til next time...
I am so tired of finding jobs for which I am 110% qualified, only to find in "fine print" that "bilingual is a must".
So you, "Mr./Ms. Future Employer" are going to discount someone with my professional background and exceptional level of service, simply because I am NOT bilingual.
Oh no you don't. Better think again.
I go right on ahead and apply for those jobs anyway. If they choose to discard me & my qualifications due to one minor detail, then shame on them. That is THEIR loss!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I understand that this country of ours is a great "melting pot." I get that. However...qualified English only speaking people should not be discounted for a position simply because of a language requirement. Do our non-English speaking persons need to be served when they call a business? Of course they do. And I say to that company...create a division that solely caters to those customers. I mean really, we've all heard this when we call into a business:
"Para Español, oprima numero dos."
How difficult is that?!? Not difficult at all. job search continues, but I'll be dag-gone if I keep coming across positions for which I am qualified, yet get discounted due to the language issue.
Something's gotta give.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Have you been qualified for a job yet didn't get it because of a language requirement?
Hablar conmigo!
Til next time...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Please remove your shoes
If I've ever been to your home, or you've ever been to mine, then there's one thing that you've noticed about me...I take my shoes off at the door.
I just can NOT walk through a home with shoes on.
Do you know how much GARBAGE is on the bottom of your shoes?
Think about it.
How many public bathrooms to you walk through each day? Do you want to track THAT through your home?
How many parking lots and/or parking garages do you walk through? Do you want to track THAT through your home?
It's just GROSS. So I choose to simply leave all that at the door. If I had my druthers, I'd actually leave my shoes OUTSIDE.
So, if you're ever at my place, I'd appreciate it if you'd kindly remove your shoes at the door. I'm not gonna force you though. I'll probably just look at your feet during your entire visit. JUST KIDDING!
Oh, and aside from the grossness factor...I just think that people are more comfortable with their shoes off...I know I am.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Do you remove your shoes when you enter a home?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I just can NOT walk through a home with shoes on.
Do you know how much GARBAGE is on the bottom of your shoes?
Think about it.
How many public bathrooms to you walk through each day? Do you want to track THAT through your home?
How many parking lots and/or parking garages do you walk through? Do you want to track THAT through your home?
It's just GROSS. So I choose to simply leave all that at the door. If I had my druthers, I'd actually leave my shoes OUTSIDE.
So, if you're ever at my place, I'd appreciate it if you'd kindly remove your shoes at the door. I'm not gonna force you though. I'll probably just look at your feet during your entire visit. JUST KIDDING!
Oh, and aside from the grossness factor...I just think that people are more comfortable with their shoes off...I know I am.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! Do you remove your shoes when you enter a home?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Friday, February 24, 2012
Lesson Learned by the NAIL in my TIRE
Today while I was waiting to pick my son up from school, a lady parked across the street kept looking at me.
Now, I know I'm cute...but DANG...she didn't have to be so obvious ;-)
After staring at me she then proceeded to get my attention by honking her horn. "My goodness, she's persistent", I thought.
Then she motions for me to roll my window down.
"What the...?!?"
So I do.
She then tells me that my tire is "down flat".
GREAT! A flat tire. Just what I need. No job. No money. And now...a flat.
I couldn't even get myself to get out of the car and look. I just sat there and kept waiting for my son ( the way...NEVER came out...but that's another issue).
Eventually, I decided to leave and head over to the closest tire store. I drive very slowly, still not knowing how bad the tire is, turn on my hazard lights, and pray that God gets me there safely.
He does.
I get there and finally get out to assess the damage. Low & behold, there's a big a-double-snakes NAIL in my tire. Urgh!
Now I had a nail in my tire a couple months ago and they were able to "patch" the tire once the nail was removed.
Not so this time.
This time, the tire was bald and they simply could NOT repair a bald tire. What did that mean...I had to BUY a NEW tire. URGH!!!
Sometimes, if I listen closely I could swear that I can HEAR the money leaving my wallet. I mean literally HEAR it.
So I hem, and haw, and whine about how I don't have a job and really can't afford a new tire and what does the guy do...he looks at the other tires and then tells me that I actually need TWO tires because another one was bald and could "go" at any time. It really wasn't safe to drive on those tires. I knew that he wasn't just trying to make a sale. He was right. Those tires were awful, and unsafe, and really did need to be replaced. I need TWO tires. You have GOT to be kidding me!!!
After explaining my financial situation, he was able to "work something out" for me, and I got the tires...along with a much needed alignment.
I left the tire shop in a much safer vehicle.
And it got me to thinking once again about God and how He is ALWAYS working in my life. You see...what I've just described with my tire was what I like to call a "Romans 8:28" situation. If you're not familiar with that scripture, I am more than happy to share it with you now:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Yes folks...even this nail in my tire and unexpected expense was a GOOD thing.
You see...had I not gotten the nail in my tire, there's no telling how much longer those bald tires of mine would have lasted and when they would have decided to simply rip to shreds. Quite possibly while zooming down one of our ever so crowded freeways. And from there...well, there's just no telling.
God knows that with me, He often has to YELL in order to get my attention. And I'm so glad that He does, because His YELLING is for my best interest.
Today, I heard him loud and clear.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Has anything "bad" ever happened that you eventually realized was actually a "blessing in disguise"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Now, I know I'm cute...but DANG...she didn't have to be so obvious ;-)
After staring at me she then proceeded to get my attention by honking her horn. "My goodness, she's persistent", I thought.
Then she motions for me to roll my window down.
"What the...?!?"
So I do.
She then tells me that my tire is "down flat".
GREAT! A flat tire. Just what I need. No job. No money. And now...a flat.
I couldn't even get myself to get out of the car and look. I just sat there and kept waiting for my son ( the way...NEVER came out...but that's another issue).
Eventually, I decided to leave and head over to the closest tire store. I drive very slowly, still not knowing how bad the tire is, turn on my hazard lights, and pray that God gets me there safely.
He does.
I get there and finally get out to assess the damage. Low & behold, there's a big a-double-snakes NAIL in my tire. Urgh!
Now I had a nail in my tire a couple months ago and they were able to "patch" the tire once the nail was removed.
Not so this time.
This time, the tire was bald and they simply could NOT repair a bald tire. What did that mean...I had to BUY a NEW tire. URGH!!!
Sometimes, if I listen closely I could swear that I can HEAR the money leaving my wallet. I mean literally HEAR it.
So I hem, and haw, and whine about how I don't have a job and really can't afford a new tire and what does the guy do...he looks at the other tires and then tells me that I actually need TWO tires because another one was bald and could "go" at any time. It really wasn't safe to drive on those tires. I knew that he wasn't just trying to make a sale. He was right. Those tires were awful, and unsafe, and really did need to be replaced. I need TWO tires. You have GOT to be kidding me!!!
After explaining my financial situation, he was able to "work something out" for me, and I got the tires...along with a much needed alignment.
I left the tire shop in a much safer vehicle.
And it got me to thinking once again about God and how He is ALWAYS working in my life. You see...what I've just described with my tire was what I like to call a "Romans 8:28" situation. If you're not familiar with that scripture, I am more than happy to share it with you now:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Yes folks...even this nail in my tire and unexpected expense was a GOOD thing.
You see...had I not gotten the nail in my tire, there's no telling how much longer those bald tires of mine would have lasted and when they would have decided to simply rip to shreds. Quite possibly while zooming down one of our ever so crowded freeways. And from there...well, there's just no telling.
God knows that with me, He often has to YELL in order to get my attention. And I'm so glad that He does, because His YELLING is for my best interest.
Today, I heard him loud and clear.
Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Has anything "bad" ever happened that you eventually realized was actually a "blessing in disguise"?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I WILL Bless the ALL times!

Today, in my lovely state of California, the average price of gas is $4.042.
And I still don't have a job. Nor do I have any interviews lined up because no one has responded to the many many resumes that I've submitted.
And none of the agencies that I've signed up with have any assignments to send me on.
Oh...and I have NO idea what's going on with my unemployment money. The last form that I mailed in had a whole week "X'd" out. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? I have no idea. And getting anyone on the phone at EDD is virtually impossible.
What the Xs better NOT mean, is that my unemployment funds have run out. I was with my last job for 5 years and have only been collecting unemployment since October. That money better NOT be ALL GONE.
Oh...and I almost "check engine" light came on in my car today. LOVELY.
Nevertheless, as Psalm 34:1 states, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
It's just that simple. I can not STRESS if I am going to TRUST in God. I can not, and I will not.
This unemployment situation is not too big for Him.
These gas prices are not too high for Him.
My "check engine" light is nothing for Him.
He's got this. I don't. So I'm giving it all to Him and my FAITH tells me that it will all work out. Actually, Romans 8:28 tells me that, which is even better.
So...Tick Tock goes the money clock. The money is going quickly. Yet even when I'm down to my last dime, I will STILL Bless the Lord. No matter what!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What are YOU trusting God for?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Prayers for the LIVING
It is my belief that as long as a person is alive, you can submit as many prayers for them as you'd like. As long as they are ALIVE...there is still hope that whatever you are praying for will be answered.
It is also my belief that once a person dies, the prayers for that person should cease. Once they are gone, there is NOTHING that can change that. Once they are gone, they are either WITH the LORD, or they are not. It's just that simple.
Many will argue against my belief and that's fine with me. BELIEF is personal. Although I'd love for yours to agree with mine I realize that any many cases, it won't be.
I believe that once a person dies, if prayer is going to continue, it should be for those who are left behind by the deceased. If there were children left behind, pray for those children. Pray that they are comforted and find peace in their loss. Pray for THEM while they are still here.
If it was a parent who lost their child...pray for that parent. Again, that they be comforted and find peace in their loss.
And for ANYONE LIVING who has not yet come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior...PRAY FOR THEM. As long as they are still breathing, it's not too late. Once that last breath is taken though...the prayers should shift.
Again...this is just MY belief.
Will they be "looking down" wondering why you're not praying for them? NO! There is no "looking down" once someone has made it to Heaven. Think about it. Heaven is the PERFECT place. What goes on down here on Earth is far from perfect. Why would anyone in Heaven ever want to look back at this mess? It just doesn't make sense.
I know...people feel comforted in thinking that their loved ones are "looking down" on them, and if that gives one comfort, then so be it.
As for me...I don't want my loved ones "looking down". I want them to experience the PERFECT Peace that comes only after one has finally "made it" to Heaven. I would not want them to shed a single tear over what they've left behind. Not a one. I said at the onset. I believe that prayers are for the living, and THOSE are who I pray for.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you pray for people who've passed away?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
It is also my belief that once a person dies, the prayers for that person should cease. Once they are gone, there is NOTHING that can change that. Once they are gone, they are either WITH the LORD, or they are not. It's just that simple.
Many will argue against my belief and that's fine with me. BELIEF is personal. Although I'd love for yours to agree with mine I realize that any many cases, it won't be.
I believe that once a person dies, if prayer is going to continue, it should be for those who are left behind by the deceased. If there were children left behind, pray for those children. Pray that they are comforted and find peace in their loss. Pray for THEM while they are still here.
If it was a parent who lost their child...pray for that parent. Again, that they be comforted and find peace in their loss.
And for ANYONE LIVING who has not yet come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior...PRAY FOR THEM. As long as they are still breathing, it's not too late. Once that last breath is taken though...the prayers should shift.
Again...this is just MY belief.
Will they be "looking down" wondering why you're not praying for them? NO! There is no "looking down" once someone has made it to Heaven. Think about it. Heaven is the PERFECT place. What goes on down here on Earth is far from perfect. Why would anyone in Heaven ever want to look back at this mess? It just doesn't make sense.
I know...people feel comforted in thinking that their loved ones are "looking down" on them, and if that gives one comfort, then so be it.
As for me...I don't want my loved ones "looking down". I want them to experience the PERFECT Peace that comes only after one has finally "made it" to Heaven. I would not want them to shed a single tear over what they've left behind. Not a one. I said at the onset. I believe that prayers are for the living, and THOSE are who I pray for.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you pray for people who've passed away?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I love you!
Today, the singing world lost one of it's finest..."the Diva"...Whitney Houston.
I don't know why her death has hit me harder than when my favorite...Teena Marie, left us way to soon, but for some did. I was just so sad.
Sad because Whitney has a young daughter who still needs her mom. Teena Marie left behind a young daughter also.
Sad because when she woke up this morning, I'm sure that she didn't know that it would be her last.
Sad because she was loved yet there were many who probably never told her so. They were waiting.
Waiting for what?
Waiting for tomorrow?
Well tomorrow will never come for Whitney.
It's just all so sad. And it's just a tragic reminder of how important it is for us to tell our loved ones how much we love them...while they're still here.
I know I will.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever regretted not telling someone that you loved them?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
I don't know why her death has hit me harder than when my favorite...Teena Marie, left us way to soon, but for some did. I was just so sad.
Sad because Whitney has a young daughter who still needs her mom. Teena Marie left behind a young daughter also.
Sad because when she woke up this morning, I'm sure that she didn't know that it would be her last.
Sad because she was loved yet there were many who probably never told her so. They were waiting.
Waiting for what?
Waiting for tomorrow?
Well tomorrow will never come for Whitney.
It's just all so sad. And it's just a tragic reminder of how important it is for us to tell our loved ones how much we love them...while they're still here.
I know I will.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever regretted not telling someone that you loved them?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
This ring...
Yesterday, someone very special put a ring on my wedding ring finger.
No, it wasn't a wedding ring.
It wasn't an engagement ring.
It wasn't a promise ring.
It was just a simple little ring that I typically wear on the right hand ring finger. It's nothing fancy, nothing expensive...just a simple little silver ring with the words "Everything is Possible When You Have faith."
I'm keeping the ring where it is though because of who put it there, and the way that he placed it on my if he were practicing for the real thing.
So that's it...keeping this post short and sweet...very sweet.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: For those of you who are single, do you wear a ring on your wedding ring finger anyway?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
No, it wasn't a wedding ring.
It wasn't an engagement ring.
It wasn't a promise ring.
It was just a simple little ring that I typically wear on the right hand ring finger. It's nothing fancy, nothing expensive...just a simple little silver ring with the words "Everything is Possible When You Have faith."
I'm keeping the ring where it is though because of who put it there, and the way that he placed it on my if he were practicing for the real thing.
So that's it...keeping this post short and sweet...very sweet.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: For those of you who are single, do you wear a ring on your wedding ring finger anyway?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Happy 3 year "Birthdaversary" to Me!
This was my Facebook post today and I thought I'd share it here with you as well. Today is my 3 year "Birthdaversary" a GOOD day!
3 yrs ago today I had to visit a retina specialist. It was the WORST doctor's visit I have EVER been to. In a nutshell, he basically told me that I shouldn't be able to see, and if I continue to wouldn't be for much longer. When I asked what could be done he shook his head and said "nothing". What a blow! However, I write this today to say that I serve a God who is ABLE! Every morning when I wake up, before my feet hit the floor, I thank Him 1st for another day...then I thank Him for another day of EYESIGHT. I never take for granted the fact that these eyes are STILL working. He made these eyes and He is sustaining the vision in these eyes. And as they well up with tears as I type these words, all I can say is THANK YOU Lord for being the Ultimate DOCTOR who has the FINAL say in all things. Doctors predict...God KNOWS. ~ Matthew 19:26 "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.' "
There ya have it folks. What more can I say?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Has God ever reversed a bad diagnosis in your life?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
3 yrs ago today I had to visit a retina specialist. It was the WORST doctor's visit I have EVER been to. In a nutshell, he basically told me that I shouldn't be able to see, and if I continue to wouldn't be for much longer. When I asked what could be done he shook his head and said "nothing". What a blow! However, I write this today to say that I serve a God who is ABLE! Every morning when I wake up, before my feet hit the floor, I thank Him 1st for another day...then I thank Him for another day of EYESIGHT. I never take for granted the fact that these eyes are STILL working. He made these eyes and He is sustaining the vision in these eyes. And as they well up with tears as I type these words, all I can say is THANK YOU Lord for being the Ultimate DOCTOR who has the FINAL say in all things. Doctors predict...God KNOWS. ~ Matthew 19:26 "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.' "
There ya have it folks. What more can I say?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Has God ever reversed a bad diagnosis in your life?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, January 28, 2012

So I went to a party last night and had a great time. Danced. Sang. Laughed. The whole nine.
It was a birthday celebration so lots of pics were taken. Unfortunately, there was one too many pictures taken. THAT picture was of ME. YUK!!!
I'm dancing, making a hideous face, and with about 3 chins showing. AARGH!!!
And you know what's coming next...
I was tagged and the pic is publicly posted on Facebook. I just want to crawl under a rock!!!
Fortunately, I was able to untag the pic, but I'm hoping and praying that ultimately it will be deleted. I sent a message to the person who posted it, asking that they delete it. Haven't heard back yet and the pic is so hideous, I don't even want to look and see if it's still there.
So I'll check again tomorrow, hoping and praying that it will be gone by then.
I don't know WHAT could have made anyone possibly think that that pic was something that I'd want the world to see. It's HORRENDOUS. Really. And I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not.
Unlike the "pretty people" of the world who take fabulous photo, after fabulous photo...the camera is NOT my friend. No, I'll correct that. The camera is not really the issue...bad timing is the issue.
I mean, I took other pics last night and they turned out lovely. Are those posted? Yes, but not in the PUBLIC album like the horrific pic is.
Can you tell that I'm just a bit perturbed by the whole situation?
My best friends know the NOT post any pictures of me without me seeing them FIRST. Never, EVER.
Why is this the drill? To avoid situations like the one I'm in now. This is sooo not good.
I really hope it goes away. I really really do.
So...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Has anyone every posted a bad picture of you? Did you ask them to delete it? Did they delete it?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Religion divides. Jesus UNITES!
So...I saw a video yesterday titled "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word" and it spoke to what I have been saying for YEARS.
In MY words...Religion is man-made.
God does not want RELIGION.
That RELATIONSHIP comes through His Son, Jesus.
There was a line in the video that I absolutely LOVED...
"Religion says do. Jesus says done."
So profound! And so true.
Religion says that if I do A,B,C...and don't do X,Y,Z...then I'll make my way to God. Yeah...good luck with that.
Jesus says...I've already DONE everything FOR you.
That means that all I need to do is Jesus.
Another thing that caught my attention when I watched the video was this:
Jesus > Religion profound!
With that I would like to add my own thought: Religion divides. Jesus UNITES!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you following religion or Jesus?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
In MY words...Religion is man-made.
God does not want RELIGION.
That RELATIONSHIP comes through His Son, Jesus.
There was a line in the video that I absolutely LOVED...
"Religion says do. Jesus says done."
So profound! And so true.
Religion says that if I do A,B,C...and don't do X,Y,Z...then I'll make my way to God. Yeah...good luck with that.
Jesus says...I've already DONE everything FOR you.
That means that all I need to do is Jesus.
Another thing that caught my attention when I watched the video was this:
Jesus > Religion profound!
With that I would like to add my own thought: Religion divides. Jesus UNITES!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Are you following religion or Jesus?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Thoughts and Prayers

An interesting thing happened yesterday.
While I was at home cleaning, a thought came to mind about a minister I know. I was thinking about how I've never heard him preach and wondered when and where he does because I'd like to hear him one day.
He's not a Pastor of a church, however he is a Reverend/Minister, so surely he preaches SOMEWHERE at least on occasion.
Well...I go to Bible Study last night and at the end of the evening as my Pastor was going over some announcements, guess what...
He told us that this coming Sunday, the minister who I had just been thinking about hours earlier, would be preaching at our church. Wow!
All I could do was smile.
I was smiling over the fact that God had answered my THOUGHT. Are you hearing what I'm saying?!?
Not only does God answer my PRAYERS, but this time He answered my THOUGHT!
I practically skipped out of Bible Study because I was so excited about what had just happened. God is AMAZING...simply AMAZING.
After realizing what had just taken place, Ephesians 3:20 popped into my head:
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,"
I can't remember the last time I simply had a THOUGHT, and God answered it, this may be the first time...or at least the first time that I was THIS aware of what had just happened.
This incident was just another reminder for me that He really is listening, and answering my every THOUGHT and PRAYER.
And I am so greatly looking forward to church this coming Sunday. I already's gonna be a GREAT day!
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever had a THOUGHT answered by God?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

That's how much I have in my bank account right now. Not even a whole dollar. 96 cents.
Deep breath.
Keep breathing.
Push forward.
With only $.96 in my bank account I STILL stand on Psalm 34:1 and proclaim:
"I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
Am I worried? Nope.
Because Worry and Prayer don't go together. Worry and Prayer are like water and oil to the faithful...they don't mix.
Am I telling you my bank account balance as a way to get you to help me financially? Nope.
Because not many would even if I did.
And that's alright. I know that Jehovah Jireh IS my Provider, and because of this fact, I will not worry. My FAITH tells me NOT to.
So there you have it. My two cents. Hey, if I give you two cents, that'll leave me with $.94
You know what...I'm STILL smiling! Life is good, and God is BETTER.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What would YOU do if you only had 96 CENTS in YOUR bank account?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Monday, January 9, 2012
Extra letters?
So today is one of those silly, not so serious posting kinda days.
Today, I wanna talk about words that have extra (unpronounced) letters in them.
By the spell check is telling me that "unpronounced" isn't a word...but it's the word that I want to use, so guess's a word!
For the purpose of today's post, we'll use the word RECEIPT as our example. Now for those who know me, you know how I pronounce this word.
That's right!
I mean really...why have that "P" in there if you're not gonna pronounce it? Otherwise...get it outta there.
So how 'bout we have some fun with this one today.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! How many words can YOU think of that have letters that aren't pronounced? I don't think we'll include the ones that have vowels because I think we understand why those are needed. But for the words with extra consonants...let'er rip!
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Today, I wanna talk about words that have extra (unpronounced) letters in them.
By the spell check is telling me that "unpronounced" isn't a word...but it's the word that I want to use, so guess's a word!
For the purpose of today's post, we'll use the word RECEIPT as our example. Now for those who know me, you know how I pronounce this word.
That's right!
I mean really...why have that "P" in there if you're not gonna pronounce it? Otherwise...get it outta there.
So how 'bout we have some fun with this one today.
Let the DIALOGUE begin! How many words can YOU think of that have letters that aren't pronounced? I don't think we'll include the ones that have vowels because I think we understand why those are needed. But for the words with extra consonants...let'er rip!
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Saturday, January 7, 2012
One Piece Puzzles

A few years ago I was asked to speak at an event where the topic was UNITY.
I don't remember everything that I said but I do remember stressing the importance of how much we need each other and how everyone has their own unique and important part to play in the grand scheme of life.
Before I spoke, I handed out puzzle pieces to every one who was in attendance. At the time that they received their puzzle piece they had no idea what it was for.
As I spoke I explained to them how WE are like the puzzle pieces that they each held. Each piece needed to connect to another piece, and that piece would need to connect to another piece, etc...until...all of the pieces were connected. No one piece could stand alone.
Each piece was unique and had its own space on the puzzle. A corner piece could not fit in one of the inside spots, and vice versa. Every piece had to go in the specific spot for which it was intended otherwise the pieces would not fit properly and the puzzle simply would not be complete. This is how we should look at ourselves. We have all been created with our own purpose to be fulfilled. I can TRY to do what you do, but if it wasn't what I was created to do, then it'll never happen. The same applies to YOU trying to do what I do. Too often, we strive to be like someone else and have what they have, losing sight on our own intended purpose. And in striving to BE like others and/or HAVE what others have, we often end up frustrated because we're striving for something that wasn't meant for us, and as a result...those things are never obtained.
Instead, we are to encourage, support, and uplift EACH OTHER in our efforts so that ultimately, we all achieve our purpose. For example, if I have a talent or resource that may help YOU to get where you're trying to go in life, then I should help you. And you should do likewise. If we all use what we have, not only to help ourselves, but to help others as well...think of how much better this place would be, and how many more success stories there would be to share.
The days are over for that "crabs in the bucket" mentality. We need to STOP pulling each other down, and instead...LIFT each other up.
As I continued to speak on UNITY, I shared this with my audience: There are no ONE PIECE PUZZLES.
There just aren't. At the very minimum, a puzzle needs 2 pieces.
We are all pieces of God's great puzzle. So let's start connecting with one another, encouraging, supporting, uplifting...and make this a better place while we can.
I'm ready for more success stories...aren't you?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What can YOU do to help lift someone up and help them fulfill their purpose? I can think of a good place to start. You can support ME by encouraging me in my writing efforts. It's such a small thing to do, yet it would mean so much to me. You can follow the blog and/or, "like" The Dialogue Den page on Facebook. It won't cost you a penny, yet your support would be invaluable to lil' ol' me.
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Don't eat it!
Kinda tough to do though when it's in most of the bread that's sold in stores. I found out about azodicarbonamide about 2 years ago, and since then I've switched the brand of bread that I buy.
So far I've only found 2 brands that don't have azodicarbonamide in them. They are Home Pride, and an "off brand" whose name I can't even remember right now.
Other than that...think of a brand of bread and that brand will have azodicarbonamide listed on the ingredients. What exactly IS azodicarbonamide? I'm no scientist so I can't tell you exactly. I just know that I don't want it in MY bread.
If you want specifics, I'd say, "Google it."
Home Pride may be more expensive, but my family's health is well worth the extra expense.
That's all. There's my PSA for the day.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you care that azodicarbonamide is in most bread? Would you pay a little more to have bread that does NOT contain this ingredient?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Kinda tough to do though when it's in most of the bread that's sold in stores. I found out about azodicarbonamide about 2 years ago, and since then I've switched the brand of bread that I buy.
So far I've only found 2 brands that don't have azodicarbonamide in them. They are Home Pride, and an "off brand" whose name I can't even remember right now.
Other than that...think of a brand of bread and that brand will have azodicarbonamide listed on the ingredients. What exactly IS azodicarbonamide? I'm no scientist so I can't tell you exactly. I just know that I don't want it in MY bread.
If you want specifics, I'd say, "Google it."
Home Pride may be more expensive, but my family's health is well worth the extra expense.
That's all. There's my PSA for the day.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you care that azodicarbonamide is in most bread? Would you pay a little more to have bread that does NOT contain this ingredient?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Open Hands...(not so empty)
Two days ago I wrote about the pain of letting go. I was ready to unclench my fists and open my hands to let go of what I had so desperately been trying to keep, and to receive whatever God wanted to fall in.
Well...not even an hour after I finished that post...that which I was letting go flew right back.
I guess my holding on was not in vain.
It got me to thinkin'...maybe we do have to "let go" just to give our hands a little rest so that they'll be strong enough to hold what falls back in.
Maybe...just maybe.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever let go of something (or someone) only to have them come right back to you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Well...not even an hour after I finished that post...that which I was letting go flew right back.
I guess my holding on was not in vain.
It got me to thinkin'...maybe we do have to "let go" just to give our hands a little rest so that they'll be strong enough to hold what falls back in.
Maybe...just maybe.
Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever let go of something (or someone) only to have them come right back to you?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Open Hands
“Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go.”
― Spencer Johnson
Powerful and profound.
After holding on to something so tightly my knuckles have turned white, I realize that it hurts too much to keep holding on and relief will only come when I finally let go. I had fooled myself into believing that if I kept holding on then the shred of that thing I was holding onto would still be mine. The fact of the matter never was mine. It had to WANT to be mine. Instead, I was holding it by force. Anytime you hold something by force you're gonna eventually feel pain.
So I've done the hardest thing I ever thought I'd do in this situation. I decided to open my hands and let go. Ironically, I was FORCED to open my hands, so the only option WAS to let go.
Am I feeling the pain any less?
No. Not yet.
Will I eventually feel the pain any less?
So I've been told.
Only time will tell, right?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What (or who) have you had to let go of, even though it hurt to let go?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
― Spencer Johnson
Powerful and profound.
After holding on to something so tightly my knuckles have turned white, I realize that it hurts too much to keep holding on and relief will only come when I finally let go. I had fooled myself into believing that if I kept holding on then the shred of that thing I was holding onto would still be mine. The fact of the matter never was mine. It had to WANT to be mine. Instead, I was holding it by force. Anytime you hold something by force you're gonna eventually feel pain.
So I've done the hardest thing I ever thought I'd do in this situation. I decided to open my hands and let go. Ironically, I was FORCED to open my hands, so the only option WAS to let go.
Am I feeling the pain any less?
No. Not yet.
Will I eventually feel the pain any less?
So I've been told.
Only time will tell, right?
Let the DIALOGUE begin: What (or who) have you had to let go of, even though it hurt to let go?
Talk to me!
Til next time...
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