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Let the DIALOGUE Begin!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

i SEE You!

Anyone who's followed The Dialogue Den for a substantial amount of time, knows that I have very "special" RETINA. Yes, in January 2009 I received some terribly unsettling news about my retina and the fate of my vision. The news was life-changing and sent me into an extremely deep depression.

Over time I bounced back and realized that these eyes of mine were made by God and He will sustain my vision for as long as He wills to do so. Once I came to that understanding and acceptance, I was able to move forward with life.

Since that January in 2009 I have thanked God EVERYDAY for the ability to STILL SEE. For me...that's HUGE!

Most folks wake up each day and don't give a single thought to the fact that their eyes still function. They are probably like I was before my diagnosis. I never gave much thought to functioning eyesight either. It's like that saying, "You never miss what you have until it's gone." Thankfully my eyesight never left me (although I have had some scares), so I haven't had to miss it. I pray that I never will. But the simple THOUGHT that it could possibly one day be gone, had me missing it already.

As I said before, by God's grace, I can still see. And thanks to a news report that I saw this afternoon...even if...(and that's a BIG if)...even IF my sight begins to fail, this AMAZING man has been doing research to help folks with conditions like mine, actually SEE again. PRAISE Jesus!!!

Ever since my diagnosis I've wondered what ANYONE was doing toward the treatment of retinal diseases. Yes, we hear about cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes...but we NEVER EVER EVER hear about retinal disease. I mean c'mon folks...shouldn't FUNCTIONING EYESIGHT be up at the top of the priority list? If not the VERY top, then at least in the Top 3.

So I listened to the report about Dr. Mark S. Humayun, MD, PhD, and the work that he has done toward bridging medical science and engineering to restore sight. He was inspired by his grandmother who lost her vision due to diabetes. He wasn't able to help her at the time, but praise be to God, he is able to help many now.

Over the years I have often been asked who my heroes were. There was once a time when my ONLY hero was Jesus. I simply didn't feel that there had been anyone "earthly" who had done anything "heroic" for me.

That changed as I watched my mother in her hospital bed during the last two months of her life, SHE became my "earthly" hero. None of what happened between she and I before those two months mattered. In the days between September 17, 2014 and November 9, 2014 -- my Mother became my "earthly" hero.

After seeing today's news report and discovering Dr. Humayun...I can now say that I have TWO. THIS man has given me hope. Yes, my faith in Christ has given me hope enough to understand that no matter WHAT happens with these eyes...God's got me, and will be WITH me at ALL times. Dr. Humayun has given me a hope that says, just in case these eyes DO fail...HE is working on ways to bring them back.

Right after the job of those who lead souls to Christ, I think that THIS man's job is the 2nd most important of all.

So on this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 17 - I am THANKFUL for Dr.Mark S. Humayun, MD, PhD, and ALL who are doing research in retinal disease. Ways to ultimately halt it, and/or RESTORE vision if the disease has gone too far. May God bless HIM and ALL others who are doing this GREAT (and MUCH NEEDED) work.

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Who is YOUR "earthly" hero, and why?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

FAITH > fear

Yesterday morning I posted a pic of a "Facebook Memory" from 2 years ago that said, "Everything You Want is on the other side of FEAR." Hmmm.

Somehow, I think that must have resonated in my subconscious throughout the day. Later that evening I happened to come across an ad that said, "Writers Wanted." I decided to read more about what type of writer was wanted and quickly realized that I fit the bill.

I hemmed and hawed for a bit and then decided to GO FOR IT, and responded to the ad.

After that I posted a pic that said, "If you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done." Well...I had just done that. The only thing left to do at that point was PRAY and WAIT.

Well...God didn't make me wait for very long. He really gets me with that. There are some things I've prayed for and He STILL hasn't answered (at least not in the way that I had hoped.) And there are other things I pray for and He pretty much answers IMMEDIATELY.

In this particular case, not even 24 hours had passed and I received a FAVORABLE response...the response I had PRAYED for.

At 9:28am this morning, I received an email that said, "...Welcome to the project!"

Yes folks, I am now part of a WRITING project for a publication that will be coming out in December. I am beyond excited and completely overjoyed. FINALLY, my work will be PUBLISHED. Thank You Jesus!!!

My final submission is due in a couple months, so until then, I'll be writing, re-writing and writing some more. This is my opportunity to show THE WORLD what I am capable of. I want to be sure to show my BEST.

So on this day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 17 - I am THANKFUL for FINALLY walking in FAITH and not FEAR.

The difference is AMAZING!

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: What have you done recently that you were once fearful of doing? How did that work out for ya?

Talk to me!

Til next time...


Two months ago today my car was hit while I was on my way to work.

I was coming out of my driveway as traffic to the left and right me was clear.

I proceeded to go straight, and just before I crossed the intersection, the guy in opposing traffic hit ME as he was turning left. Instead of YIELDING to oncoming traffic as he was supposed to do, he decided to GO, I am.

Because I only had liability insurance coverage, and was deemed to be "at fault" because I was coming out of a private driveway, I had to pay for the damages on my vehicle.

My hood was dented, the front left light was broken, and the front bumper needed to be realigned. As you can imagine, this was pretty costly.

One guy gave me an estimate of $1800 for the repairs. That was waaay more than I could afford.

Another guy (who was recommended by a friend) gave me an estimate of $565.

Quite a difference, and with MY budget, I had to go with the lower estimate. Plus...this guy was referred by a friend. And...he's Black.

Now maybe to most folks that wouldn't mean much. But here in Southern California, MOST auto repair shops are run by Hispanics, and the workers are Hispanic. That's great...and I am sure that they are getting a majority of the business.

So...whenever I can support a Black business, I do. Otherwise...that Black business may go out of business one day. I don't want that. Now I know that my one little repair isn't enough to keep the man's business running...but if it helps, then I've done my part.

Most folks who know me would say that I am one of the most PATIENT people they now. I would agree.

With my car situation though, my patience is running just a wee bit thin.

I dropped it off last Wednesday. Mind you, I would have LOVED to have dropped it off the Friday before that, but he brought to my attention that Father's Day weekend was coming up he didn't really want to work on that weekend, so he asked if I could take it on Wednesday. Why I couldn't have taken it on MONDAY when the weekend was over...who knows.

So...Wednesday it was.

He told me I'd have it back on Saturday. Cool!

Well...Saturday was approaching and he called to tell me that there was a part that was not available as "aftermarket" so he'd have to get it directly from the dealer. Since my car is ten years old, the dealer had to special order the part. Fine.

The part finally came in and he told me that I could pick my car up TOMORROW after 3:00. YES!!!

Nope. Not so fast.

He just called about an hour ago and told me that he forgot about a doctor's appointment that he has tomorrow morning that he can't miss. Told me that he usually paints the cars in the morning, but since he'll be at his appointment he won't be able to paint it until FRIDAY morning.


As I patience is wearing thin.

I can't fault the man for needed to keep his doctor's appointment. Heck, I know how difficult it is to even GET an appointment these days. And I do hope that all is well. But MAN! What next???

So...another day I wait. It's been two MONTHS already...I imagine one more day won't hurt.

I am praying that nothing else comes up before he is able to fix my car and I can pick it up...not one more thing.

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you know a reliable, reasonably priced mechanic who does TRANSMISSION work? I think I need one.

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Livin' the GOOD Life!

Today has been a tough one.

Interestingly, days like today are ones that make me think of my Mom the most. Oh how I envy her and long to be where she is.

No, I don't hope to die anytime soon. However...if I did, I can truly say that it would be well with my soul.


That's been my experience lately.

So when it comes to my Mom, I think about how she no longer experiences disappointment from ANYONE. She is experiencing the fullness of JOY, in the presence of God, ETERNALLY. Who wouldn't be envious of that?

Often times I will overhear conversations where one person asks another how they're doing. The response is, "Well, I woke up on this side of the grass, so I'm doin' alright." Every time I hear that...and I mean EVERY TIME...I think to myself, "Even if I woke up on the other side of the grass, I'd be doin' alright, because that would mean that I have FINALLY made it to ULTIMATE destination...where there is no more pain, sorrow, hurt, disappointment, evil, hatred, lying, cheating, living paycheck to a few days BEFORE paycheck (because my checks don't even meet)..and everything else that we experience in this life."

So yeah...I'm having a tough time right now, and I'm not afraid to admit it. No smoke and mirrors here. What you see is what you get. Some days my truth is simply a bit more difficult to swallow than others. Nevertheless, I know that God will get me through it. That doesn't make the burdens any simply gives me assurance that I'm not alone. Sometimes that's all we need to know, is that we are NOT alone.

And sometimes...nothing else matters, but seeing Jesus.

On this day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 15 - I am THANKFUL for my hope in Christ. Sometimes it feels like the ONLY thing I have.

How 'bout you...Let the DIALOGUE begin: What could someone do for YOU to make your life easier? I know what MY answer is. I posted it about it last week. Today's YOUR turn.

While you think about it...listen to this song:


Talk to me!

Til next time...

Monday, June 27, 2016

Pen, Paper, Keyboard and Words = JOY


It drains my like no other day of the week. That being said, this post will be quite brief.

On this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 14" - I am THANKFUL for my love of writing, and for my consistency with The Dialogue Den for the past few weeks...maybe even a MONTH. I'll have to check.

Plain and simple...I LOVE WRITING!

When I have nothing else...I have my WORDS.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's YOUR passion?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

"SBF 47"

With the recent absence/dismissal of "Joe" (I haven't seen or heard from him since May 24th), I decided to "get myself out there" and try the online dating thing.

I's only been a little over a month, but we were pretty much "over" back in November. So really, I've given this some time.

Not sure that I'll find LOVE on the site, but at the very least I may find a nice new "friend" who I can hang out with. Yes, I have learned to enjoy MY OWN company...and yes, I have lots of FEMALE friends to do things with, but most heterosexual women, I enjoy occasional male companionship...especially TALL, DARK CHOCOLATE male companionship. But...I digress.

So I created a profile on one of the online dating sites and I gotta tell is "slim pickins" out there. REAL slim!

What I have found a bit interesting is that some men don't READ my profile to see what I'm interested in, or...they read it and reach out anyway. I have been PARTICULARLY specific...and for a reason...I LIKE WHAT I LIKE!

Even though I have stated that I am ONLY interested in BLACK men within a specific age range, I have still received "interest" from Non-Black dudes as young as 29, Non-Black dudes OLDER than me, and a Black man who looks like he's in his SEVENTIES even though his profile has him listed as fifty. I mean this ALL that I can attract?!? Let's hope not!

In that past (this isn't my first time at the "online dating rodeo"), I would put my profile up and WAIT for men to express interest. Not this time. This time...I go through my "daily matches" and if I spot someone interesting, I send a lil message and say Hello. Mind you, not a single one has responded, but that's ok. It shows my "growth" and confidence. They have all been Black men, and in 95% of the profiles where they list who they are interested in...Black/African Descent IS NOT one of their preferences. Caucasian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander are pretty much ALWAYS ranks highest on the list.

Are there ANY Black men interested in Black women anymore???

I understand that "love sees no color" and all that jazz. That's how it should be. But my seems that love only sees Black women occasionally.

One guy had a picture of himself with a Non-Black woman...I sent a screen shot to a friend and asked, "Why do they post pics of themselves with other women?" I wasn't even addressing the fact that she was Non-Black. I was simply addressing a general observation as I've noticed many men posts pics of themselves with other women who aren't usually their mother, sister, daughter, cousin, or aunt. That seems weird to me. Are they trying to show that they know how to interact with women? That they have a softer, gentler side? I dunno.

My friend told me that the particular pic this guy posted was "code" for "I don't date Black women." I laughed it off, but as I looked through more and more profiles I began to notice a trend. The MAJORITY of the Black men who had pics of themselves posted with women, usually NOT Black (whom they referenced as "friends") did not have "Black/African Descent" listed in their preference for a partner. So apparently my friend was RIGHT, and we've "broken the code."

As I mentioned earlier, I've reached out to a number of men...NONE have responded. It's either because I'm Black, or because I make it very clear from the jump that I am a "Big Girl." That could be to my benefit, or my detriment. Not quite sure yet.

Beneficial because it lets them know up front about my "physique" and some men are okay with women my size. "Joe" was.

Detrimental because most men don't want a "fat girl". I can't blame 'em I guess. Just as I "like what I like", they too "like what they like." Most...don't like "fat girls."

I got into a discussion once with a friend about my profile and she said, "Why would you put yourself down like that? Nobody's going to be interested in you if you call yourself "big" or "fat."
That's unfortunate. I have sooo many attractive qualities. Why does one little three-letter-word send men running? Mind you, I don't actually say "fat" in my current profile, but I do make it clear that I'm "big." I mean really...why play games?

Guess we'll just hafta see how this goes.

Something funny happened the other night when I was scrolling through my "matches". One of them looked familiar...TOO familiar. Turns out, it was my COUSIN! Whoa!!! I scrolled by him so fast it's a wonder my keyboard didn't combust!

I've already cancelled my membership to the site, but still have access to my profile, "matches" and all that good stuff until it expires. Clock's ticking.

I have a feeling that whenever love FINALLY finds me, it'll have to be the "old fashioned" way. Randomly meeting at a restaurant, entertainment event, grocery store, friend's party (I really need more of my friends to have parties!), something like that. A place where the man can actually get to know me and SEE my personality, along with my size, all at once. With the online thing, all they see is SIZE, so they keep scrolling.

That's all for now. 'Bout to go check out today's "daily matches."

Before I do, I'll leave you with a fitting song, and a question.

Oh, in case you're wondering what "SBF 47" stands for Single Black Female, age 47.

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever tried an online dating site? If so, how'd that work for ya?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Choir of ONE

Today at church I had the pleasure of speaking briefly with one of our former members. She moved away a few years ago, happened to be visiting, and decided to attend service with her old church family.

As we were speaking she mentioned how EVERY TIME she hears the song "Because of Who You Are" she thinks of me.

One year for our annual "Women's Day" service, I sang that song. I have always LOVED it because it expresses EVERYTHING I feel about our Lord. It was a sheer BLESSING to have been selected to sing it that year.
She told me that she thought (and still thinks) that I sang it better than Vicki Yohe herself. WOW! That's says a lot because Vicki's voice is simply BEAUTIFUL.

It's no secret to those who know me that I absolutely LOVE music...and I especially love to SING.

No, I'm not the BEST singer in the world, but I sing from my heart and have fun with it. That's all that really matters in the grand scheme of things...right?

So on this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 13" - I am THANKFUL that God puts a song in my heart...EVERY DAY.

As you listen to the this one, close your eyes and let the words penetrate your soul...reflecting on the AWESOMENESS of God and ALL He is.

Then Let the DIALOGUE begin: What's your FAVORITE song to sing? Doesn't have to be Gospel.

Talk to me (or SING to me)!

Til next time...

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Saturday...In The Park...

Ahhh Saturday. My FAVORITE day of the week!

I love Saturdays because my time is COMPLETELY my own...and I don't have to dread the impending Monday (as I do EVERY Sunday).

This morning was FANTASTIC!

I woke up and awaited the arrival of one of my church members to come pick me up (still don't have a car...but soon...very soon).

She picked me up and we headed over to church.

Today was my regularly scheduled Saturday to help CLEAN the church. Once cleaning was complete, many more church members arrived and we began another work.

We made sandwiches and stuffed bags to be distributed to the homeless nearby. THIS is the kinda stuff I absolutely LOVE doing. It makes my heart EXCEEDINGLY glad!

We stuffed 160 bags and headed to a nearby park.

Got to the first park and there were NO homeless because the police had run them off. That particular park is heavily frequented by children so the officers make sure that it's kept safe. COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE, and as a parent (although MY children are all ADULTS), I am thankful. The safety of children should ALWAYS be priority.

So here we were with all these sack lunches and the DESIRE to give them away.

We hopped back in our cars and headed further south.

Arrived at a different park and IMMEDIATELY knew that we were at the right place.

We unloaded our cars and it seems that as soon as the first bag was handed out, ALL of the other park occupants caught on and awaiting theirs.

I am OVERJOYED to be able to say that we had enough for EVERYONE. Some folks even got TWO bags. PRAISE GOD!!!

As we gave them "nourishment for their bodies", we also provided "food for their souls." Two ladies that I spoke with even asked me what church we were from. I told them, and one asked me for the address. I wrote it down, and told them that I hope they can join us soon.


This for me is what "church" is about. It's NOT about getting all dressed up on a Sunday morning, heading to a building for a few songs, a message, and then heading back home. At least that's not ALL that it's about. Yes, fellowship with one another is essential...yet there is so much MORE to "church".

What it's about MOST, is sharing the LOVE of Christ with as many as we can. And we don't have to be "preachy" about it. We simply need to show LOVE to others...letting them know that Jesus LOVES them, and that they MATTER...just as they are.

So "the church" went BEYOND the four walls...out into the streets. Bodies were fed, and hopefully lives were changed for the better by our very small act of LOVE. I greatly look forward to doing this again, and again, and again...

On this day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 12" - I am THANKFUL for being allowed the OPPORTUNITY to SERVE others.

I have been in some fairly dire situations financially (even RECENTLY) and any one of those folks in the park could have been ME. I am no better than they. They are no worse than I. We are all HUMAN, and that's ALL that matters.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: What are you favorite organizations to volunteer with?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Friday, June 24, 2016

Laugh Out Loud

Long day. Just got home.

Went to a comedy show.

Really needed to laugh.

Laughter is definitely good for the soul.

That's all for tonight.

On this day: "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 11" - I am THANKFUL for comedians who make us laugh.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you know any good jokes?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Thursday, June 23, 2016

See Ya Later Alligator!

This evening when I got home from work, I changed my clothes and walked to the grocery store to pick op some items for tomorrow's pot luck.

As I was walking I was reminded of my childhood walks with my Grammy.

She suffered a heart attack when I was maybe ten years old and that summer as she rehabilitated I got to stay at her home...for the WHOLE summer. I loved that!

Part of her rehabilitation was to walk for excersise.

So in the evening, before my Grandpa would get home from work, she and I would throw on our tennies and head down the block. Trash day was always my favorite. On trash day, my Grammy and I would have a contest to see who would find the most change. There was ALWAYS change to be found on Trash day.

Up we'd walk, and back. Sometimes Grammy won. Sometimes I did. Either way, I was a winner because I was with my BEST friend.

So's walk reminded me of those times.

My Grammy's been in heaven for about 25 years now. I miss her, yet I know that she's there with my Mom and one day I will see them BOTH again.

On this day, "30 Days of THANKFULLNESS: Day 10 - I am THANKFUL for the wonderful memories of my very first BEST friend.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is your fondest memory of you grandparents?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Would You?

There's a phrase that folks use when life gets to be too much and they are simply overwhelmed. I'm sure you've heard it before:

"Calgon, take me away!"

Well...that's how I've been feeling lately. I just wanna be "anywhere but here" least for a little while.

What's stopping me?

Well...I can't afford to just pick up and leave. I've got financial obligations and whatnot.

And that got me thinking...

It would be sooo nice if I could create a Go Fund Me campaign where folks can donate toward the ever so BENEFICIAL (and much needed) cause of my "Positive Mental Health."

I figured it would work like this...

I have roughly 600 friends on Facebook. If each of those folks contributed TEN dollars...JUST TEN DOLLARS, to my campaign, that would yield $6000 that I would used toward DEVELOPING and INCREASING my "Positive Mental Health."

What would I do with the money? I don't know yet.

Maybe I would use it to catch up on bills. THAT would certainly increase my "Positive Mental Health."

Maybe I would use it to go toward my car repairs. THAT would certainly increase my "Positive Mental Health."

Maybe I would use it as a downpayment or first/last month's rent toward a new home where I can FINALLY have a PET. I want a dog sooo badly! THAT would certainly increase my "Positive Mental Health."

Maybe I would use it to take a much needed mind-clearing trip away. THAT would certainly increase my "Positive Mental Health."

Who knows???

All I know is that it would do me a WORLD of good to have a little help. Ok...$6000.00 is a LOT of help...but I NEED it.

As folks are reading this now though, I'm sure that they are saying, "Well hell, I NEED it too! Why should I give this money to YOU?"

Trust and believe...someone was saying that as they were reading.

And to that question I say's ONLY TEN DOLLARS. If we can't help each other by giving a TEN DOLLAR donation, then what are we to each other. And I'm speaking to society in general when I say that. It's only TEN dollars, but because of the reasons that I would be asking for, folks who can very easily AFFORD it will simply say NO, because MY reasons for needing the money don't line up with theirs.

If I were hungry or homeless, I'm sure that folks would readily and willingly donate the TEN dollars.

But because I need the money to enhance my "Positive Mental Health," which most folks either don't care about, or don't find important enough...they won't donate.

Makes me wonder sometimes when I see homeless people out on the many of them asked friends and family for help...yet were rejected. How many of their lives would have been different if their pool of friends and family had simply donated TEN dollars each to their plight.

I wonder.

What if this TEN dollar request was the difference between life or death. Let's take ME out of the equation for a minute. What if someone else you knew was at the end of their rope, feeling hopeless, and put out this plea as one final last ditch effort...and they gave the same possible suggestions that I listed previously as to what they may do with the money. Would you give it to them? Or would you say, "Hmph! Whatever! You're not gonna take a vacation from life on MY dime (or 100 dimes)!" yeah. If I had the nerve I would seriously create a campaign. I mean, folks have set up campaigns for some really off-the-wall RIDICULOUS stuff. I hardly think that my "Positive Mental Health" falls in that category.

Some folks simply need a break. I NEED A BREAK!

Ponder on that if you will, and Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever donated to a Go Fund Me campaign? If so, what was the cause?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

In God I Trust

Almost thirty days ago -- May 24th to be exact -- I LOANED a friend some money.

Now if you've been following The Dialogue Den for any amount of time, you know that I was in a car accident on April 29th and was found liable...even though I was the one who was hit. But...that's another post for a different day.

I bring it up though because, since I was found liable, and I only had liability coverage on my policy (no comp & collision), I had to pay for the damages to my car.

Now...if you've also followed The Dialogue Den for any amount of time, you know that I get paid TWICE a month, yet I am only able to "touch" ONE of the two checks. The other goes COMPLETELY to rent.

So...I had a little it of money left to get my car repaired when my "friend" called in DIRE STRAITS needing to BORROW a certain amount of money. Well...wouldn't you know...this "friend" needed approximately $100 less than what I had come up with for my car repairs.

After begging, pleading, and PROMISING that I would have the money RETURNED to me in THREE DAYS...I LOANED the friend the money. I was ADAMANT and made it EXTREMELY clear that I needed the money back in the PROMISED amount of time, because it was my car repair money.

You already know what I am about to say next.

That LOAN was made on May 24th and I have not heard a PEEP from my "friend." Nope. That money is LONG gone. Apparently, it was poor judgement on my part thinking that when a person makes a PROMISE, that they are actually going to KEEP it. At least with regard to this particular individual, the judgment was poor.

I have called.
I have emailed.
I have sent texts.


At this point, I'm done. Not reaching out anymore.

This "friend" simply has to live with the fact that a PROMISE was made to me, and that PROMISE was broken. Maybe that will mean something to them -- maybe it won't.

Even without that money that I so desperately need returned, I have found myself giving THANKS to God, because He is still providing. No, I haven't been able to purchase every meal that I've wanted -- but I haven't missed a meal either.

Yes, I now have to cancel my cable service because I don't have the extra funds to keep it going right now -- but I still have Internet, so I can watch plenty of other stuff for FREE.

And He has provided in a host of other ways too.

So, where most folks would be ANGRY with my "friend", I simply have pity. Pity for a person who would stoop so low as to take a person's car repair money and not return it -- all the while knowing that the person who LOANED you the money is still taking public transportation to and fro because the car situation is now in limbo. Yes...I have pity for a person who stoops that low because it says a whole lot (negatively) about that person's character (or lack thereof).

I simply can not be angry when I know with 100% certainty that God will provide. He sees my need and He will fulfill it. THIS i know for a fact!

So on this day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 9" - I am THANKFUL for God who keeps making a way for me when there seems to sometimes be NO way. He is an AWESOME provider, and His track record is FLAWLESS.

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever LOANED someone money that they didn't pay back? Are you still in contact with that person?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


So get this...

Yesterday I wrote about the temperature being so unbearably hot that I ended up sticking my feet in WET SOCKS to cool off.

I mean seriously...when I left work at 3:30 p.m. it was 97 degrees. And I walked home in that heat. It was AWFUL!

Well today when I left work at 3:30 pm it was 74 degrees. YES...a whole TWENTY THREE DEGREES COOLER!

I know that to most folks in other parts of the country, an outside temperature of 74 degrees isn't considered "cold." Although it wasn't actualy "cold," I will say that I missed having my jacket while I waited at the bus stop. It was kinda breezy.

And my home is so much more comfortable this evening.

With that being said, today'd post will be short, cool, and sweet.

On this day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 8 - I am THANKFUL that today was substantially COOLER than yesterday.

How 'bout you?

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Was it cooler today where you are than it was yesterday?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Monday, June 20, 2016

Ooh La La!


If you happen to be anywhere near Southern California today, you know that it is hotter than hot!

Because of the heat, I purposefully stayed inside at work today.

Oh, but when it was time to go home. No bueno.

I'm still taking public transportation this week so as I exited the building (in stifling heat), I made my way to the bus stop in my BLACK shirt and new jeans. That combination was a heat stroke waiting to happen.

I made it to the bus stop and no sooner than I sat down, a car swooped up to the curb. It was one of my co-workers. She told me to "GET IN!"

I didn't want to inconvenience her since I didn't even know at that point if she was heading my way...and the LAST thing I wanted to do was take her OUT of HER way.

Again she said, "GET IN!"

I did.

She dropped me off at the nail shop (which is where I was going), and continued on her way.

Once I was done at the nail shop my plan was to catch the next bus home.

Well...that was going to 47 minutes longer and I didn't want to wait.

So...I decided to WALK.


I only got about two blocks and the heat almost took me out.

At that point I remembered that I had filled up my travel thermos with ice and water before I left work and had stuck it in my backpack. Well, wouldn't you know...the water spilled...ALL in my backpack. Thankfully, my phone was secured in a zipper pocket,so it didn't get wet. PHEW!!! Everything else did though...including a pair of socks. I always have a pair of socks in my bag. Weird, I know...but I love socks and always need a pair with me for "just in case."

Anyhoo...I get home and the heat is still unbearable. I live in an upstairs apartment so the heat travels UP...and STAYS up.

I sat down in a chair and tried to cool off. Wiped myself down with a cool rag. Didn't help.

Then I decided to clean up the wet mess in my backpack. I pulled out the wet socks and was about to hang them on the clothes hamper to dry. But they felt sooo good. They were COOL and WET. Can you guess what I did next?

If you guessed that I placed those bad boys on my feet then you guessed CORRECTLY.

Oh Em Gee!!!
I put those socks on and felt IMMEDIATE relief. Like my body temperature went down by who knows how many degrees.

That was about an hour ago and do you socks are almost DRY. That's how freakin' HOT it is in my place!!! I might just take these off, run 'em under some cold water and put 'em back on. ANYTHING to stay cool!

So on this day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 7 - I am THANKFUL for "accidental discoveries."

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: What is your FAVORITE way to stay cool in stifling heat...especially if you don't have access to a pool, or have A/C in your home?

Talk to me (I need suggestions for this hot summer I think we're gonna have)!

Til next time...

Sunday, June 19, 2016


Today was another Sunday for me to visit a new church.

As you may recall, last week I visited a church that I thought was one that my co-worker attends. Service was great although I realized on Tuesday when she returned to work, that I had the right name, but wrong location. No worries.

So I decided to try again today.

I got it right this time!

Still didn't see my friend though. And that's okay. She may have attended the 9:00 service and I was at the 11:00. I'm still on public transportation so making service at 9:00 was a bit of a stretch. Those buses don't run as frequently on Sunday as they do the other days of the week. 11:00 was perfect.

Even though the churches that I have been visiting (and still plan to visit) are those that my friends attend, I don't visit with the intention of actually seeing them. If I do...great. If I don't...great.

Even though I know days in advance where I will be attending service, I never reach out to anyone and say, "Hey...I pulled your church's name out of my I'll see ya on Sunday."

Nope. I never do that.

I want my visitation experiences to be as authentic as possible...with God in FULL control. At least on my FIRST visit. So I show up when I show up. Sometimes I see friends...most times I don't.

As with all of the other services that I have attended at previous churches, I enjoyed the experience. Just as with last week...I didn't know a single song during Praise and Worship because they sing Contemporary Christian songs (like you'd hear on The Fish 95.9) I am much more used to Gospel, which we sing at my church and pretty much every other church that I have visited.

This location was a bit more diverse than the one that I attended last Sunday. I was still just a sprinkle of pepper in a sea of salt, yet when we come together for God's glory, all HE sees are His children.

Today's message was #8 in a series titled, "Pray Like This." Basically forming our prayers as Jesus modeled for us in Matthew 6:9-13. In doing so, our prayers will be more effective.

In all that Pastor Larry mentioned during the message, one thing really hit home with me. He was talking about problems and how we often fail to correctly treat a particular problem because we deal with the "symptoms" instead of the "cause." As an example, he mentioned how he used to mow his lawn when he was a young boy and his Mom would ask if he had taken care of the dandelions (pretty as they may be...they're still a weed.) He assured his Mom that he had because he had "mowed" them down. She then corrected him and told him that mowing them down wasn't the same as "taking care of them"...and that they'd be back in two weeks. Why? Because in order to have truly "taken care of the dandelions," he needed to get down to the roots. He hadn't done that. expected, they came back.

This is what so many of us do, and it is especially what I do. I deal with the "symptoms" of my issues, but rarely the "causes/roots." Now that I know better, I will do better.

So you see...for those who may question why I'm doing all this "church hopping"...I am doing it because (A) God instructed me to, and (B) because it has made my worship and learning experience FRESH again. By the way...I personally don't think that "visiting" is the same as "church hopping." I think "church hopping" is when you become a MEMBER here, then leave, then become a MEMBER there, then leave, and continue doing so. THAT, to me, is "church hopping." I'm sure that there are others who will disagree.

Yes...I love my home church. That is family for me. Yet I didn't feel that I was always giving God my best. I had fallen into a routine. God has done too much for me to give Him half-hearted praise, so I knew I needed to change. Now...I go into churches not knowing what to expect. Only knowing that it is a Christian church that is Bible-believing. Those are the only two things that I ever know going in. So far, I have come out better with each visit than when I went in. Learning things from a different perspective...and giving God my best.

With today being Father's Day, we gave praise and honor to God as we THANKED Him for being such a "Good Good Father" to us. Interestingly, I had never heard this song before until last Sunday. Today, I heard it again. It's so very fitting, as He definitely is a "Good Good Father". If you've never heard it before...please take a listen.

Oh, one more thing -- you're probably wondering where I visited for the past two Sundays (I can't remember if I mentioned it last week.) Well...last Sunday I attended Light and Life Church in Downey. Today, I attended Light and Life Christian Fellowship on Downey. BIG difference between those two words, in and on.

Oh, wait -- one more more thing -- on this day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 6 - I am THANKFUL for God's LOVE. Love UNCONDITIONAL. I fail DAILY, and yet...He continues to LOVE me. I will NEVER be perfect, and He knows this. All I can do is my best to be BETTER today, than I was yesterday. This is my goal, each and EVERY day.

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you listen to Contemporary Christian music? If so, who are your favorite groups?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Lookin' Like Myself Again

Generally speaking, I am a fairly healthy person.

I could stand to lose a good FIFTY pounds, but overall...I'm pretty healthy.

I walk a LOT, which I think is a benefit to keeping "someone my size" from developing illnesses that typically effect "someone my size."

My diet is pretty healthy...meat-wise I only eat seafood (I just started that on June 1st. So far, so good.)

So on the rare occasions when I actually do come down with something, my first plan of attack is to go the "naturally holistic" route. That may come in the form of herbs, juicing, acupuncture, or any of the other "natural" or "Eastern" methods that address whatever may be going on. you may recall...a few weeks ago I wrote about the HORRIBLE rash that had developed on my neck. It was EMBARRASSING! The front of my neck, as well as each side, was RED, SCALY, and had begun to OOZE because I'd been scratching. And it was HOT. I'm not gonna looked in unhealthily NASTY.

I finally got to the point where the itching was unbearable and the oozing was increasing. The next step was INFECTION.

So on the Thursday before last, I went to urgent care and got checked out. Yep...there was DEFINITELY somethin' goin' on with my body...and it wasn't good.

The doctor gave me a prescription with very direct instructions. He said, "With this medication, you should see the skin clear up within a day or two. It will happen that quickly. NOT stop the medication. Keep using it for FOURTEEN days. Even if you think your condition has NOT stop the medication."

Ok. I got it!

As he predicted, the rash was gone within 48 hours and my skin was back to normal (Praise Jesus!)

Like a good little patient, I am still using the medication as prescribed.

Mind you...I would've LOVED for there to have been a "natural" remedy for what was going on with me, yet I am ever so thankful for the Western medicine that was available and got me back to normal.

So on this day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 5" - I am THANKFUL for good medical insurance which made my medication affordable. And I am especially THANKFUL that my skin is back to normal...all nice and silky smooth. ;-)

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: If you have ever tried Eastern medicine, aside from acupuncture, what have you used it for, and did it work?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Friday, June 17, 2016

All Grown Up

I gotta tell ya...

Most days I'm a pretty proud Mom. Other days I am EXCEPTIONALLY proud. Today is one of those days.

I have three children. I would say that they've all done, and are doing well. Good people (ask ANYBODY who knows them), intelligent, absolute blessings.

My oldest daughter Lauren is a Cal State Long Beach graduate and does AMAZING work with children who have autism. It takes a very special type of person to do the work that she does. EXTRAORDINARILY patient, and loving.

My youngest daughter Jordan is a Cal State Northridge graduate and also does WONDERFUL work with children. She is also a writer (wonder where she gets that from), and is working on her first book which comes out in August.

My son Terence graduated from high school last Wednesday. TODAY he went on his very first interview EVER...and was HIRED ON THE SPOT! The hiring manager told him that she liked the way he was dressed and was impressed by his confidence.

That's how it's done!

Go in there with your head held high, KNOWING that the job (whatever it is one is applying for), is YOURS!

So on this day,"30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 4" - I am THANKFUL for having children who have all grown to be OUTSTANDING members of society. They have never been in any trouble, they help others whenever possible, and everyone who knows them LOVES them. It is an absolute honor to call them mine. They make me proud each and every day.

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you remember what your first job was? Mine was at Stride Rite in the Carson Mall.

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Next Milestone...18 'Likes' Away

Earlier today I posted the following on Facebook:

"Yay! My blog page The Dialogue Den just got another 'like'...and from someone I don't even know. Word must be getting out about how FABULOUSLY interesting it is. Sure would love it if the folks who actually DO know me (that's all of YOU) would 'like' the page too. Please and Thank You!"

That meant so much to me to see that someone, somewhere, who I don't even know has found my page somewhere along the way and said, "I like what she has to say, and I like it so much that I don't want to miss out on anything." Click {that was the sound of the 'like' button being pressed.}

At that moment I realized what I was going to post about today. I knew that this post was going to be about that stranger who had enough faith in me (someone she doesn't even know), to show support by 'liking' my page. That spoke volumes.

That one new supporter, follower, 'liker', was going to be what I was THANKFUL for today.


It didn't stop there.

As the day progressed, the 'likes' increased. Wow! I got a bit weepy because I felt that folks are FINALLY starting to "get me" and understand that this my "thing." This is what I LOVE. This is ME. And they have decided to support ME in being ME. Again...gettin' a little weepy.

At this very moment, the tally for new 'likes' today is four. I'm just 18 'likes' away from 200. Oh how I would LOVE to get there by my birthday in 28 more days. Perhaps I should start a campaign: "18 'likes' in 28 days"...or somethin' like that. We'll see. you may have guessed by now...on THIS day, "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 3 - I am ever so THANKFUL for ALL 182 of the folks who have 'liked' The Dialogue Den's page on Facebook. Your support toward my writing efforts means more to me than you can imagine. To each and EVERY one of you, I sincerely say THANK YOU. I hope that I keep you interested and wanting to come back for more each day. For those who are new to "The Den," this blog is pretty much the "written version" of ME. It's as random as I am, so you will rarely (probably never) see me post about the SAME topic two days in a row. The "theme" may be the same, as it is currently with "30 Days of THANKFULNESS," but I very rarely write about the same subject twice. My MIND is always shifting gears, so as a result, the posts here will too.

Some folks are political bloggers. That's their thing and it's what they do well.
Some are faith-based bloggers.
Some write solely about issues pertaining to women.
Others write solely about issues pertaining to men.
And the list goes on.

Those folks write about what they do because it's what they know well.

I know a little about a lot of things, and a lot about a few things. There's no rhyme or reason here, and that works BEST for ME. I'm a "go with the flow" kinda gal, and The Dialogue Den flows in whatever direction I steer it on any given day.

So if you stop by one day and that particular day's post doesn't jump out at you...try back the next day, or the next day. Eventually, I'll land on your street.

For now...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a page on Facebook? If so, tell us what it is so that we can 'like' it.

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

For Here, or To Go?

This afternoon after work I took two buses to get to the bank and two more buses to get home from the bank.

Although I miss having a functioning car, riding the bus has allowed me great opportunities to "explore" and actually "slow down" that driving my car never did.

This evening I decided to get off at a stop different from the one closest to home. I was hungry so getting off a few stops early put me near a few dining choices.

I chose one, ordered my food "to go" and was going to walk the few blocks home and eat later.

Instead, I took my "to go" meal OUTSIDE and decided to dine there.

It was so relaxing. Just watching cars and people go by. I was in no hurry. So I took my time, enjoyed my meal, and the scenery (see the pic). Then I "walked it off" on the way home.

From that experience came what I am THANKFUL for today.

30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 2 - I am THANKFUL for living in a city where I can dine safely and peacefully outside and simply enjoy the moment.

There are places in other parts of the world that are in all types of violent turmoil. Going outside can be a move that can cost one's life. And DINING outside is absolutely unheard of.

Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: When was the last time you dined outside at a restaurant? Which one was it? Where was it? I might like to stop by one day.

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

30 Days

To quote the late Joan Rivers, "Can we talk?"

If you've been following along here at The Dialogue Den for a reasonable amount of time, then you know that my life has had more than its share of bumps lately.

There was the car accident on April 29th (which was determined to be MY fault even though I was the one who was hit by the other driver as he sharply made a left turn. I'm still looking into rebutting that.)

There's been the "Dissolution of me 'Joe'."

There've been the "barely there finances."

And there's been the constant hospitalization of my Dad. Yes, at this very moment, he is in the hospital. Between hospitals and rehabilitation centers, he has not been in his own home for more than 5 consecutive days since the Friday before Thanksgiving last year. Seriously...I don't think he's been home for 30 days combined, since last November. It's been "hospital, rehab, hospital, rehab" on a continuous loop.

Those things alone are enough to send someone into a fairly deep depression. In all honesty, I have been quite close.

But my FAITH, and the caring words of a few good friends have held me together.

As I looked at the calendar today I realized that I am THIRTY days away from my birthday. That too is something that can cause me to get a bit melancholy because my Mom is no longer here to sing me "The Birthday Song" that she'd sung to me EVERY year for as long as I can remember.

But instead of letting myself get down, sinking into depression, I decided to keep this ship afloat and focus on that which will keep me UPLIFTED and ENCOURAGED.

I decided that I will take on these next thirty days with an attitude of GRATITUDE and THANKFULNESS.

So everyday, from now until my birthday, I will post about ONE thing that I am THANKFUL for. Doing this little exercise helps me keep things in perspective.

To kick off today I thought I would write about something I witnessed on my bus ride home.

With all of the hatred and negativity in the world, what I witnessed was so very refreshing.

I was on the bus, riding along, and we got to a stop.

A young Black dude got on, tapped his card onto the transmitter and it made the "denied" sound. No...I didn't actually hear the word "denied," I just know the sound when the tap card isn't working or has no funds.

The guy said a few words to the bus driver and motioned to turn around and get off the bus.

Before he could take a step, a White guy on the bus got up, walked to the payment machine and put the fare in for the Black guy. That warmed my heart to witness such an act of generosity.

The Black guy thanked him, they did a "fist bump" and everybody was on their merry way.

So many thoughts began swirling around in my head after seeing that.

I thought about how we hear so much negativity when it comes to Black/White relations and how there is so much racism in this country. But you know that particular moment in time, I was reminded there is far more POSITIVE than negative...we just don't hear about it. And so...that is why I chose to write about it today.

The fact that it was a White man paying the fare for a Black man isn't really the point. The situation very well could have played out the other way around. Or it could have been a Hispanic man paying the fare...or whatever.

The point is that KINDNESS does still exist in our society.

In light of the events that took place in Orlando this weekend, and other atrocities that have taken place here and in other parts of the world...not just this past weekend, but in times past...I need to know that KINDNESS exists and that this world is not simply filled with all of the HATE that we hear about so regularly. Yes...there are evil folks who commit heinous crimes like the one this weekend, however my HEART needs to believe that there are far more GOOD, LOVING, DECENT people than there are like "that guy" (whose name I refuse to mention).
I have a feeling that I am not alone.

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: 30 Days of Thankfulness:Day 1 - I am THANKFUL for human kindnesses that are shown one to another. What are YOU thankful for?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Monday, June 13, 2016

You Heard It Here...FIRST.


Such an interesting place it can be at times.

What I am beginning to find more interesting is how it has become a primary source of news for many -- myself included.

For example, the other day we had an early morning earthquake. It jolted me awake, I posted about it on Facebook, scrolled to see if anyone else had posted about one had...I rolled over and went back to sleep. Woke up a couple hours later and my newsfeed was flooded with "earthquake posts." And yes, the local media had posted about it as well. I imagine at that point it was then "real" news. Nope...not necessarily.

It almost seems these days that "we, the local reporter" are the first "reliable" source of news, and then the media outlets catch up. My experience at the very beginning of this paragraph is proof. I felt the earthquake first...posted about it...and thereafter, the news outlets followed suit. Interesting, ain't it.

That was a fairly harmless case of "Facebook News Reporting."

Other times the posts can be a bit startling.

Case in point -- the mother who was on the news yesterday after the tragedy on Orlando. She found out that her son may have been in danger by seeing a Facebook post that her son's friend had posted. She didn't know his exact whereabouts or his condition. At that time all she had to go on was a Facebook post. Can you imagine?!? What a terrible way to find out that your child may have been harmed!

Gone are the days when the authorities knock on your door and break the news to you gently.

Nope. These days it's IN YOUR the palm of your hand. No "softening the blow." Just there...BAM!

I felt awful for that Mom. No one should have to find out about their child (or anyone's) unfortunate circumstance via social media.

Unfortunately, I read in the news today that her son was in fact one of the ones killed yesterday. My heart cries for her, as well as all the others, but there was something so incredibly poignant about her plea for her son's whereabouts and his condition. She really touched me.

Other times that I find startling are when folks "tag" someone in a post. Sometimes it's in the form of a "RIP" post, which then shows up on the deceased's page. Wow! What a terrible way to find out that someone has passed. I have found out that way a number of times. Tagging someone that way doesn't even give the deceased's family a chance to make any calls. The "news" has already been broken.

Or in other situations. I recently saw someone post a request for prayer. Didn't specify the reason and quite honestly, they didn't need to. The only one who needs to know the reason for a prayer request is God...and He already knows. All we need to do is intercede and pray, as asked.

A little while later, on the same person's page was a post from another friend pretty much spelling out what's going on with the one who requested prayer. Even though the prayer "requester" didn't give the reason, because the other person "tagged" the "requester" in their post, it then ends up showing up on the "requesters" page. When I see that I always wonder, "Are they okay with you posting this? Were they ready for everyone to know the whole situation? If they were, wouldn't they have included the info in their prayer request?" I dunno. Maybe I'm overthinking. I just think that folks don't really think things through before they go to "tagging" other folks on posts.

Such is life in the wonderful land of Facebook. It's still my favorite and most used form of social media, although I don't foresee too many things changing in the near future. Folks will still continue to look there for what's going on in the world. Heck, like I said earlier, I'm guilty of it myself. I have CNN and NBC4LA as two of the very first posts that I see each day. By default, I have my newsfeed set up that way. I just find it interesting when I (or my friends) report local news sooner than "the broadcast news" does.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Where do YOU get YOUR news from? The paper, television, social media, somewhere else?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Accidental Visit?

Today was my Sunday to visit another church.

Last Sunday I attended my "home" church, and the two Sunday's before that (which were my designated "visitation Sundays") I stayed HOME.

My daughter said that on those two Sundays I was attending "Bedside Baptist."

Now I wouldn't go as far as to say all that. It's not I, like I stayed in bed all day on those days, because I certainly didn't. I just chose to worship God in my own way.

Some Sundays I want to sleep in.
Some Sundays I want to spend with friends and/or family.
Some Sundays I just want to read and meditate on God's Word in the comfort of my own home.
Some Sundays are simply "played by ear", and I think that's okay.

I don't HAVE to be in attendance in a physical building in order to praise and worship God. If that were the case, then all of the praising and worshiping that I do from Monday through Saturday would be in vain.

I do however attend services in an actual building on most Sundays in obedience to Hebrews 10:25: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

It is important for believers to meet together, praising and worshiping God corporately. I actually look forward to it, and I am in attendance far more than not.

Today's church visit was interesting.

I thought I was attending the church of a co-worker (pulled from my bowl -- see previous posts) however I didn't see her there and no one knew of her when I asked. The church is pretty small, so I'm sure that if I was at the "right place" they would have known of her. I have a feeling that there are a few churches with the same name and I may have had the city wrong. I'll ask when I see her at work.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed service today. It was different than what I am used to because most churches that I have visited have been predominantly Black (as is my own church). At this church, I was one of only two Black people. Yes...this is something that ALL Black folks notice. We scan the room, venue, etc., to see how many more of "us" there are. I can't explain it, it's just something that we do.

Anywhoo...the members were quite friendly. The pastor even stopped and greeted EVERY SINGLE PERSON as he walked in. A very warm and kind greeting.

I enjoyed "Praise and Worship" even though I'd never heard any of the songs that were sung. They were all "contemporary Christian" and I lean more toward Gospel. Although I do love Casting Crowns and Mercy Me, which are two contemporary Christian groups. I sang right along though (thanks to the words on the screen), and gave God my best in song as if I'd been singing them forever.
The sermon was right on point. It came from 1 Kings 17:1-24, and was titled "Staying Power." In a nutshell, I need to STAY in situations until God tells me to MOVE. And when He tells me to MOVE, I need to be obedient, and MOVE. That hit home with me because there is a situation that I have been staying in for far too long, even though God has been telling me to MOVE for YEARS. I haven't listened, and as a result, things are quite a mess right now.

Thankfully, our God is loving, merciful, patient and kind (just to name a few of His attributes), so I know that if I let go of "self" and follow His will, instead of forcing my own, He will redirect me and steer me toward the blessing that He has waiting.

So you see...even if I was in the "wrong" place, and that church actually wasn't my co-workers church...God still had me in the "right" place, and for that...I thank Him. Nothing happens by accident.

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever found yourself thinking that you were in the "right" place, only to realize that you were in the "wrong" place...but it worked out anyway?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Bigger and Better Ahead!

After my 600th post yesterday, I spent much of today thinking about what I want for The Dialogue Den's future.

What I want is for it to develop a larger "readership" and more exposure on various social media platforms.

It's gonna take a lot of work, but I'm willing to put in whatever it takes. Why? Because The Dialogue Den DESERVES it!

That's all for tonight.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever done something 600 times that's worthy of being celebrated?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Friday, June 10, 2016

Just Keep Posting. Just Keep Posting. Just Keep Posting, Posting, Posting...

Somebody hand me a tissue...I think I'm about to cry!
I had just finished writing today's post about a completely different topic than this one.

As soon as I posted it, I had an urge to check and see how many more posts I had to go before reaching 600. I knew I had to be close. Well wha'da'ya'know...THAT WAS my 600th POST!!!


Once I realized that, I knew I had to start over and write THIS one.

600 POSTS!!!

May not mean much to any one else, but to ME...WOW!

This blog, The Dialogue Den, has been like a fourth child.

I haven't tended to it as well as I should have. At times I have been neglectful...going WEEKS...maybe even as long as a MONTH without posting. The reason...was DISCOURAGEMENT. I had periods where I simply felt like NO ONE was reading. And since this blog was created to spark DIALOGUE, it became disheartening when there was no outside interaction. I was simply talking to MYSELF. The DIALOGUE felt more like a MONOLOGUE.

Here lately, more folks have commented. To each and EVERY one, I say THANK YOU!!!

I still have for more posts WITHOUT comments, than those WITH. That's okay.

I finally came to the acceptance and realization that even if I am only writing to "An Audience of One", I must continue. That "Audience of One" is God. He is the one who gave me the desire as a very young girl, to write. So I must HONOR what He gave me.

On the days when I don't write...I don't feel right. I become restless. Writing is my therapy (although thankfully much cheaper). Good day, bad day, otherwise...I pour it all out right here...and feel so much better after.

I still wonder why it's been so difficult to get folks to support me in my writing efforts. I'm not talking strangers. I'm talking about folks who actually know me. I've made numerous pleas on Facebook...simply asking that they "like" the page. Doesn't cost a single solitary penny...just "click the button" PLEASE. That's all. That one simple (yet HUGE) act of support would mean so very much to me. It would mean that folks have faith in what I am doing and want to see me do well with it. After all...that's what friends do, right?

I have other friends with blogs and I style is quite different from theirs.

One writes a lot about female empowerment...knowing and exploring one's body. Loving "freely", and things of that nature.
The other writes in flowery philosophical prose.
I, write about anything and everything.

The beauty of us ALL is that we do not HAVE to write in the same manner. Our writing styles are as unique as each of us are. So there's a little somethin' for everyone.

Anywhoo...I am proud of myself and my accomplishment. 600 posts have been no easy feat. To YOU, my fellow Dialogue Den'er...I THANK YOU for reading. Maybe you pop in occasionally...maybe you read EVERYDAY. Either way...I want you to know how greatly appreciated YOU are.

I am very excited about the future ahead. One day, SOMEONE is gonna land on this blog and say, "Hey...this chick's got skills. I like the way she thinks. Let's work with her." THAT'S the day that I look forward to. That's the day that I must continue to BELIEVE is coming. Until then...I will keep writing.

Now...enough about me. Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a blog? And does it have a Facebook page? If 'bout YOU "like" mine, and I'LL "like" yours. Deal?

Talk to me!

Til next time (post # 601)...

Thursday, June 9, 2016


The doctor told me what I have and prescribed a course of treatment. To my surprise...EVERYTHING I had been doing was WRONG...which is why my condition was getting WORSE. All those ointments and creams were FEEDING my condition instead of STARVING it. Who knew???

So he calls in a "script" to my local pharmacy and about two hours later, it was ready for pickup.

Since this was my first time with this prescription, the pharmacist gave me a consultation. In the consultation, he repeated pretty much everything that the doctor told me with regard to what I had been using, and why it wasn't working. This new stuff I'll have to take (and keep taking as prescribed) even if the rash appears to be completely gone. Got it!

He rings me up, I pay, and go about my merry way.

On the walk home I happened to look at the bag and see that my insurance SAVED me $53.99


That's crazy! It's a major BLESSING, but WOW...$53.99

Of course...I uttered a prayer of THANKS. Thankful that I have a job that offers a great healthcare benefits package. I mean seriously...I am six days away from my next paycheck and if it had not been for my insurance, I would not have been able to get today's prescription because I simply do not have the extra $53.99 in the account.

As the saying goes...God may not always give you what you WANT...but He ALWAYS gives you what you NEED.

So there you have it. I look forward to reporting SOON that this dreadful rash has gone for good.

Til then...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Have you ever tried to "self-treat" yourself out of an illness, only to make it WORSE?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Tassels to the Left

Tonight's post...short and sweet.

Just got home from attending my son's high school graduation (and dinner).

All I can say is that there wasn't a parent more proud of their child than I was of mine. And that's REAL talk!

Not sure what he'll do next. He's a creative type like me so I pray that he finds his way into the CAREER of his that matches his God given PURPOSE. And may he never, ever, EVER find himself TRAPPED in a cubicle. Cubicles KILL dreams...or at the very least...defer them considerably.

Seriously. I'm sure that if we polled ALL of the graduates and asked what their dreams and goals are for the future...not a one...not a SINGLE one would say, "I want to work in a cubicle." Nope. NOBODY is going to say that!

Mind you...I'm thankful for my cubicle job. It puts food on our table and keeps a roof over our heads.

Nevertheless, I don't EVER want the dreams of ANY of my children to be KILLED or DEFERRED by "cubicle work." I pray that they all do well...and BETTER than their Mom. After all...isn't that what EVERY parent wants for their child(ren)? For the children to go farther in life than the parents? is. the Class of 2016 EVERYWHERE...CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Do well. Show the world what you're made of...and LIVE your PURPOSE.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: What were YOUR goals when you graduated from high school? Did you fulfill them?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bzzz Bzzz

Long before the R&B diva made her song about lemons, sugar and water, I was making lemonade out of the lemons that life throws my way. The situation with my car is no different.

Yes, I miss being able to get around whenever I want, and the independence that comes with having a car. Yet even in this situation I have found positive points.

Since my accident on April 29th, these size seven and a halfs have covered a LOT of ground.

Between the bus, train, and these feet...I've been gettin' places.

I wish that I could say that I have lost weight as a result of all the walking, but I haven't stepped on a scale in WEEKS, and the clothes don't seem to be fitting any looser than before, so...who knows.

But my Fitbit...oh, my beloved little Fitbit. It has been overjoyed by all the 10,000 step days that I've been getting in. I gotta tell ya...I love the feel of this little gizmo buzzing on my arm when I finally hit my daily goal.

Interestingly though, my body has actually gotten used to getting the steps in and if I have a day where I am too sedentary, I find myself restless...agitated.
It happened that way this past Sunday.

I went to church, then to the store and came home. I was really done for the day. Sat down on the couch and was about to binge watch my new favorite TV show (which is actually ELEVEN years old...but NEW to ME). I tried. Really, I did. Finally, I told my daughter to get her shoes on because WE were going for a walk.

We did just that and when we returned home, I felt so much better. All that pent up energy had been released during my stroll through the neighborhood and only then could I rest.

So apparently, I have surpassed the 21 day mark of something becoming a habit and I think the daily walking has become a "lifestyle." Who knew?
Now I just have to be sure to stay as active as I have been once I get my car repaired in eight more days.

Now, Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have a Fitbit? If so...let's be "friends".

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Monday, June 6, 2016

How Many?

When I was a young girl, there was a commercial that had a little boy asking how many licks it would take to get to the center of a certain lollipop.

Well...I've been feeling a lot like that little boy lately. Although my question is:
How many "healing" products will it take to get rid of my terribly ugly itchy, red, stress rash on my neck?

I seem to have tried everything. Nothing works...except for being away from stressful situations.

Of course, when I saw my doctor about it last Monday, the rash was pretty much gone. He was however able to see where it had been because the skin was dryer in the affected area than on the surrounding areas. The reason why it was gone when he saw me was because I saw him on a Monday...after two days of being away from work. And even on that day, I was taking a"vacation day", so I still hadn't been to work, which meant that I was "stress free."

Fast forward a few days and the rash was back in full effect. Bumpy. Hot. Itchy. Red. My neck looks like a lobster and a lizard had a baby. It's awful, and embarrassing because when people talk to me I watch their eyes focus right in on my neck. I can't even get upset about it. If someone's neck looked like mine I would probably gawk too.

On any given day I use one (or more) of the products pictured. There's even one that's not in the picture because I couldn't find where I put it. It was Eucerine, and it I may have thrown it away which would explain why I can't find it.

Anywhoo...I am doing my best to stay calm even in the midst of all that is going on with and around me. Try as I might...I can't trick my body though. It knows what's going on...and's reacting.

I'll give these products another week and if the rash doesn't clear up, it's back to the doctor I go.

Now, for your viewing pleasure, and perhaps a trip down memory lane for those of you who are my age...I've included the link to the commercial that I referred to earlier.

Before you watch though...Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you have any tried and true remedies for a rash?

Talk to me!

Til next time...

Sunday, June 5, 2016

La La La...

Today is Sunday and on Sundays in my home we typically honor God musically by listening only to Gospel music.

We listen to far more music here than we watch television, so on any given day, if you happen to stop by you will more than likely hear a melodious tune or two flowing out the windows.

Today is no different.

I pulled up Pandora, selected one of my favorite Gospel artist stations and then came to the computer to write.

I am currently in the process of writing two books, along with posting more consistently here at my beloved blog, The Dialogue Den.

The Gospel tunes were flowing and do you know...I couldn't write a thing. The music was a MAJOR distraction.

Mind you, I have never been able to work, write, or study in complete silence. Yet one thing I have learned about myself over the years is that the music can not be one with words, or even a melody that I am too familiar with. If either of those things are present, my thoughts go completely to the song and away from what I should be focusing on. Why I thought I could focus today with Gospel music playing is beyond me.

So...I grabbed the remote and quickly searched for another station. I knew exactly what I needed...CLASSICAL.

Interestingly though, even with classical music I have to be selective.

I enjoy Beethoven as much as the next person, but because I am so familiar with his work, I can find myself humming right along to Moonlight Sonata, Für Elise, or Symphony #5.

Instead, I chose to go with another of my other classical faves...Vivaldi. Man, I love his music sooo much! As you can probably guess, I am extremely fond of The Four Seasons, yet I can pretty much listen to anything of his and stay focused on the task at hand while doing so.

At this moment, a lil diddy by Bach is playing. You know how Pandora is...even though I am specifically on the Vivaldi station, Pandora tends to throw in a little bit of everything. Gotta admit, I was pretty impressed with myself. As I was listening my ears were instantly aware of the change. I can always tell Bach's music by his use of the harpsichord. That's one of those lovely instruments that we just don't hear in today's music. What a shame.

With all that being said, I shall dive back into my other writing projects. So much to little time.

Now it's YOUR turn.

Let the DIALOGUE begin: Do you listen to music while reading, writing, working on projects? If so, do you have a particular genre that works best?

Talk to me!

Til next time...