Anyone who's followed The Dialogue Den for a substantial amount of time, knows that I have very "special" RETINA. Yes, in January 2009 I received some terribly unsettling news about my retina and the fate of my vision. The news was life-changing and sent me into an extremely deep depression.
Over time I bounced back and realized that these eyes of mine were made by God and He will sustain my vision for as long as He wills to do so. Once I came to that understanding and acceptance, I was able to move forward with life.
Since that January in 2009 I have thanked God EVERYDAY for the ability to STILL SEE. For me...that's HUGE!
Most folks wake up each day and don't give a single thought to the fact that their eyes still function. They are probably like I was before my diagnosis. I never gave much thought to functioning eyesight either. It's like that saying, "You never miss what you have until it's gone." Thankfully my eyesight never left me (although I have had some scares), so I haven't had to miss it. I pray that I never will. But the simple THOUGHT that it could possibly one day be gone, had me missing it already.
As I said before, by God's grace, I can still see. And thanks to a news report that I saw this afternoon...even if...(and that's a BIG if)...even IF my sight begins to fail, this AMAZING man has been doing research to help folks with conditions like mine, actually SEE again. PRAISE Jesus!!!
Ever since my diagnosis I've wondered what ANYONE was doing toward the treatment of retinal diseases. Yes, we hear about cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes...but we NEVER EVER EVER hear about retinal disease. I mean c'mon folks...shouldn't FUNCTIONING EYESIGHT be up at the top of the priority list? If not the VERY top, then at least in the Top 3.
So I listened to the report about Dr. Mark S. Humayun, MD, PhD, and the work that he has done toward bridging medical science and engineering to restore sight. He was inspired by his grandmother who lost her vision due to diabetes. He wasn't able to help her at the time, but praise be to God, he is able to help many now.
Over the years I have often been asked who my heroes were. There was once a time when my ONLY hero was Jesus. I simply didn't feel that there had been anyone "earthly" who had done anything "heroic" for me.
That changed as I watched my mother in her hospital bed during the last two months of her life, SHE became my "earthly" hero. None of what happened between she and I before those two months mattered. In the days between September 17, 2014 and November 9, 2014 -- my Mother became my "earthly" hero.
After seeing today's news report and discovering Dr. Humayun...I can now say that I have TWO. THIS man has given me hope. Yes, my faith in Christ has given me hope enough to understand that no matter WHAT happens with these eyes...God's got me, and will be WITH me at ALL times. Dr. Humayun has given me a hope that says, just in case these eyes DO fail...HE is working on ways to bring them back.
Right after the job of those who lead souls to Christ, I think that THIS man's job is the 2nd most important of all.
So on this "30 Days of THANKFULNESS: Day 17 - I am THANKFUL for Dr.Mark S. Humayun, MD, PhD, and ALL who are doing research in retinal disease. Ways to ultimately halt it, and/or RESTORE vision if the disease has gone too far. May God bless HIM and ALL others who are doing this GREAT (and MUCH NEEDED) work.
Now Let the DIALOGUE begin: Who is YOUR "earthly" hero, and why?
Talk to me!
Til next time...